Computer Systems Organization CSCI-UA.0201 Fall 2023

Programming Assignment 1

Due Tuesday, October 10 at 11:55pm

This assignment gives you practice working with pointers, trees, and dynamic allocation. The program will be to implement the “Animal Guessing Game”. This game is a version of “20 Questions” where the only category is animals. You think of an animal and your program will try to guess the animal by asking you a series of “yes or no” questions.

AI悦创原创2023年10月7日...大约 7 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导

Spreadsheet Analysis

A little assignment to practice finding data, munging it, and analyzing it in a spreadsheet program.

Replace the contents of this file with a report, as described in the instructions.


A little assignment to practice finding data, munging it, and analyzing it in a spreadsheet program.

AI悦创原创2023年10月4日...大约 13 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1

Quiz 2

  1. Which of the following are spreadsheet programs?「A、B、C、D」

    A. Apple Numbers

    B. Google Sheets

    C. LibreOffice Calc

    D. Microsoft Excel

    E. Visual Studio Code

  2. Which spreadsheet program would be best for a very large data set with a million records?「B」

    A. Google Sheets

    B. Microsoft Excel

  3. Do spreadsheet applications generally allow users to write custom functions to analyze or modify the data in the spreadsheet?「A」

    A. Yes

    B. No

  4. Data in a spreadsheet generally has a fixed schema.「B」

AI悦创原创2023年9月27日...大约 4 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Raw Data Munging


在这次作业中,你将尝试使用一个真实的数据源:NASA 的地球表面温度的历史测量数据。为了分析这些数据,一些预备工作是必要的。特别是,你将:

  1. 下载原始数据。
  2. 编写一个 Python 程序清洗(即处理)数据,并将其保存为标准的逗号分隔值(CSV)格式文本文件。
  3. 编写第二个 Python 程序对 CSV 文件中的数据进行一些简单的分析。


第 0 部分:确定工作流


AI悦创原创2023年9月24日...大约 11 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导



  1. 在相对较新的报纸或期刊中找到两篇关于特定数据库或与数据相关问题的不同观点的文章。
  2. 对每篇文章写至少两段的回应。





AI悦创原创2023年9月24日...大约 10 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Database Design & Implementation

Department of Computer Science

New York University


Date Class Topics Notes Helpful resources Quiz due Exercise due
9/5 1 Welcome Course intro Syllabus
9/7 2 Python - Discord for Education - Python Videos: - Python crash course - Set up Visual Studio Code for Python programming Python for Everyone (py4e): - Variables - Conditionals - Functions - Iterations - Strings - Lists - Dictionaries - Tuples Intake - Complete consent form - Join Discord - Create GitHub account
9/12 3 Plain text data formats Plain text data formats - Video: Plain-text data formats - py4e: - Files - Text files code examples Python - Set up Python - Contemporary issues exercise
9/14 4 Data munging - Text files in Python - Example Python code Accessing O’Reilly Safari e-books Big Data Handbook (bdh): - Does This Data Smell Funny? - Data Lurking in Plain Sight Text files
9/19 5 Workshop - raw data munging Workshop - raw data munging Data munging
9/21 6 Spreadsheets Spreadsheets
9/26 7 Workshop - spreadsheets Workshop - spreadsheets Vicky Rampin’s slides Workshop - raw data munging
9/28 8 SQL CRUD SQLite intro Using SQLite: - What is SQLite? - Uses of SQLite - Building and Installing SQLite (only Precompiled Distributions and An sqlite3 Primer) - The SQL Language - The SELECT Command Spreadsheets
10/3 9 SQL joins - SQL joins - SQL inner joins - SQL left, right, and reflexive joins SQL joins example code SQL CRUD Workshop - spreadsheets
10/5 10 Workshop - SQL Workshop - SQL SQL joins
10/10 n/a no class (Legislative Day)
10/12 11 Normalization Normalization - A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory - Database Design, Chapter 12
10/17 12 Entity-relationship diagrams Entity-Relationship Diagrams Relational Database Design and Implementation: - Chapter 3 - Why Good Design Matters - Chapter 4 - Entities and Relationships - Chapter 5 - The Relational Data Model Normalization Workshop - SQL
10/19 n/a no class (Prof. out)
10/24 13 Workshop - database design Workshop - database design Entity-Relationship Diagrams
10/26 14 Review Exam 1 review Exam Practice: - Quiz - GitHub Repository
10/31 15 Exam 1 Workshop - database design
11/2 16 MongoDB CRUD - MongoDB setup - MongoDB CRUD Video: MongoDB setup NYU CIMS documentation: - MongoDB Database Management on CIMS - Accessing MongoDB on CIMS MongoDB documentation: - MongoDB CRUD Operations - MongoDB db.collection.find()
11/7 17 MongoDB CRUD MongoDB aggregation MongoDB documentation: - MongoDB Data Model Design - MongoDB Data Model Examples and Patterns
11/9 18 Workshop - MongoDB Workshop - MongoDB MongoDB CRUD
11/14 19 Web apps - The Web - Intro to HTML
11/16 20 Web apps Pymongo & flask Flask & pymongo documentation: - Flask Quickstart - Pymongo tutorial Workshop - MongoDB
11/21 21 Workshop - web apps Workshop - Web app Web apps
11/23 n/a no class (Thanksgiving)
11/28 22 Jupyter notebooks Jupyter Notebooks
11/30 23 Pandas - Pandas - 10 minutes to Pandas - Example Jupyter notebooks
12/5 24 Data visualization Workshop - web app
12/7 25 Workshop - pandas Workshop - pandas Pandas
12/12 26 Review Exam 2 review Workshop - pandas (No late work accepted beyond this date.)
12/14 n/a no class (Prof out)
TBD 27 Exam 2

AI悦创原创2023年9月23日...大约 4 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1
Assignment 10 Node.js

For our last macro assignment you will be building a custom Node.js website using the express framework. The actual content and design for this site are very flexible, so be creative! Your site should incorporate the following technical features:


AI悦创原创2023年5月8日...大约 15 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Assignment 09:Let's Chat

AI悦创原创2023年4月30日...大约 20 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Assignment 08 Interactive Database

In class code (ZIP)

In class code (ZIP)

Note: The majority of this assignment uses only HTML, CSS and PHP - very little (if any) JavaScript is necessary to solve this problem. I've outlined the technologies needed for each feature below.

AI悦创原创2023年4月23日...大约 7 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Micro Assignment 08

Micro assignment 06 focuses on the following concepts:

  • JavaScript Promises
  • The "fetch" API for making asynchronous network calls in client-side JavaScript to the server

This micro assignment contains a series of videos along with a programming challenge, which you should attempt after watching the videos. The challenge is set up with a "Mark" button that will let you immediately see if you solved it correctly. You will get credit for the micro assignment by attempting and solving this challenge, and you are allowed to attempt the challenge as many times as you'd like.

AI悦创原创2023年4月6日...大约 5 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导
Micro Assignment 07

Micro assignment 06 focuses on the following concepts:


  • PHP File I/O「PHP 文件输入输出」
  • Cookies vs. LocalStorage「Cookies 与 LocalStorage 的比较」
  • Using cookies with PHP「使用 PHP 操作 Cookies」

This micro assignment contains a series of videos along with a programming challenge, which you should attempt after watching the videos. The challenge is set up with a "Mark" button that will let you immediately see if you solved it correctly. You will get credit for the micro assignment by attempting and solving this challenge, and you are allowed to attempt the challenge as many times as you'd like.

AI悦创原创2023年4月6日...大约 8 分钟1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导