  1. Modify the condition in the outer loop so the turtle drawing has two “peaks” as shown, instead of one. No other change to the code needs to be made.
#   a114_nested_loops_4.py
import time
import turtle as trtl

painter = trtl.Turtle()
painter.goto(-200, 0)

x = -200
y = 0
move_x = 1
move_y = 1
while x < 200:
    while y < 100:
        x = x + move_x
        y = y + move_y
        painter.goto(x, y)
    move_y = -1

    while y > 0:
        x = x + move_x
        y = y + move_y
        painter.goto(x, y)
    move_y = 1
# print("dd")
# time.sleep(10)
x = -200
y = 0
move_x = 1
move_y = -1  # 初始y方向改为向下
painter.goto(-200, 0)
while x < 200:
    while y > -100:  # 变为负值
        x = x + move_x
        y = y + move_y
        print("上:", x, y)
        painter.goto(x, y)
    move_y = 1  # 现在向上移动

    while y < 0:
        x = x + move_x
        y = y + move_y
        print("下:", x, y)
        painter.goto(x, y)
    move_y = -1  # 恢复向下的方向

wn = trtl.Screen()

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7.6.1 Basic Data Structures Quiz

Question: 1

What kind of data structure is user_data in the following declaration?

user_data = ("TJ", 24, "artLover123")

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Problem 1




Create a list of your favorite 4 movies. Print out the 0th element in the list. Now set the 0th element to be “Star Wars” and try printing it out again.


# 创建一个包含4部电影的列表
favorite_movies = ["Movie1", "Movie2", "Movie3", "Movie4"]

# 打印列表中的第0个元素

# 将第0个元素设置为“星球大战”
favorite_movies[0] = "星球大战"

# 再次打印列表中的第0个元素

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5.10.1 Functions and Parameters Quiz

Question: 1

In the following code:「D」

size = 20
x = 100
y = 200
ball = Circle(size)
circle.set_position(x, y)

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Question 1

Write a function that takes one parameter - a float which represents a temperature in Celsius - and returns a float which represents that temperature in Fahrenheit.

Then, write a function that does the opposite conversion.

Here are the formulas for temperature conversion:

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