Micro Assignment 07
Micro assignment 06 focuses on the following concepts:
- PHP File I/O「PHP 文件输入输出」
- Cookies vs. LocalStorage「Cookies 与 LocalStorage 的比较」
- Using cookies with PHP「使用 PHP 操作 Cookies」
This micro assignment contains a series of videos along with a programming challenge, which you should attempt after watching the videos. The challenge is set up with a "Mark" button that will let you immediately see if you solved it correctly. You will get credit for the micro assignment by attempting and solving this challenge, and you are allowed to attempt the challenge as many times as you'd like.
Remember that micro assignments are time sensitive! You should try and complete each micro assignment before class on the day it is set to be due. Micro assignments must be turned in by the end of the day on which they are due in order to be worth full credit. Completing a micro assignment after the due date is possible, but you will be marked late and this can affect your grade in the course. Please refer to the course schedule page for the due date of all micro assignments.
PHP File I/O
Cookies vs. LocalStorage
PHP Cookies
Programming Challenge
This micro assignment is not an auto-graded assignment. Instead, you will be writing a program on your computer using MAMP to solve the challenge described below. When you are finished please upload your program to the i6 server so we can run it. We should be able to visit your main landing page (e.g. https://i6.cims.nyu.edu/~NETID/webdev) and find a link to your project.
Please submit a ZIP archive of your work to Brightspace by the due date to get on-time credit for this micro assignment.
这个微任务不是自动评分的任务。相反,你将在自己的计算机上使用 MAMP 编写一个程序来解决下面描述的挑战。完成后,请将你的程序上传到 i6 服务器,以便我们可以运行它。我们应该能够访问你的主要登录页面(例如 https://i6.cims.nyu.edu/~NETID/webdev),并找到你的项目链接。
请在截止日期前将你的作品的 ZIP 归档文件提交到 Brightspace,以便按时获得这个微任务的学分。
This micro assignment requires NO JAVASCRIPT. You should ONLY be using HTML, CSS and PHP to solve this problem.
这个微任务不需要使用 JavaScript。你应该仅使用 HTML、CSS 和 PHP 来解决这个问题。
Make a copy of the files you created for Micro Assignment #06 - call them "micro07.php" and "micro07_process.php"
为你创建的微任务#06制作一个文件副本,将它们命名为 "micro07.php" 和 "micro07_process.php"。
Create a 'data' folder to hold some textual data on the server.
Update "micro07_process.php" to save a file on the server to keep track of the following events:
更新 "micro07_process.php",在服务器上保存一个文件,以记录以下事件:
- A record of successful logins「记录成功登录的事件」
- A record of unsuccessful logins「记录登录失败的事件」
- A record of logins that were missing either a username or a password「记录缺少用户名或密码的登录事件」
For example, you could create a file on the server that looks like the following (each line represents an event that you are logging):「记录缺少用户名或密码的登录事件」
If the user successfully logs in you should drop a cookie on their computer to "remember" this. If this cookie is present the user should be shown a special "you are logged in" message when visiting "micro07.php". You should also hide the login form if this cookie is present.
翻译:如果用户成功登录,你应该在他们的计算机上放置一个 Cookie 以“记住”这个状态。如果存在这个 Cookie,当访问 "micro07.php" 时,用户应该看到一个特殊的“您已登录”的信息。如果存在这个 Cookie,你还应该隐藏登录表单。
Use the same username / password combination as you used for micro 06 ("pikachu" / "pokemon")
使用与微任务 06 相同的用户名/密码组合 ("pikachu" / "pokemon")
When publishing this file to the server make sure you either (1) use the getcwd()
function to obtain the absolute file path or (2) update the 'path' manually to point to the 'data' folder on the i6 server. Because the i6 server has a different file structure as compared to your local filesystem this information will be different on the server. You can obtain the absolute file path on the i6 server by logging into the server using a terminal command, navigating to the data folder and running the 'pwd' command. Alternately you can log in using an FTP program and right-click (or command-click on a mac) on the 'data' folder to find the server path of the folder. In addition, ensure that the 'data' folder has full permissions set on it (777). Don't upload your data file - instead, let apache on the server create this file (if you upload your own file you will also need to set its permissions to 777 on the server as well)
函数获取绝对文件路径,要么(2)手动更新路径以指向 i6 服务器上的 'data' 文件夹。由于 i6 服务器与您的本地文件系统具有不同的文件结构,因此服务器上的此信息将不同。您可以通过使用终端命令登录到服务器、导航到数据文件夹并运行 'pwd' 命令来获取 i6 服务器上的绝对文件路径。或者,您可以使用 FTP 程序登录,然后右键单击(或在 Mac 上使用命令单击)'data' 文件夹,以查找文件夹的服务器路径。此外,请确保 'data' 文件夹具有完全权限设置(777)。不要上传您的数据文件,而是让服务器上的 Apache 创建这个文件(如果您上传自己的文件,您还需要将其权限设置为 777 服务器上)
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (isset($_COOKIE['loggedin']) && $_COOKIE['loggedin'] == 'yes') {
echo "<p style='color:green;'>You are logged in. Welcome, Pikachu! Secret text: PHP is awesome!</p>";
} else {
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
$error = $_GET['error'];
if ($error == 'username_missing') {
echo "<p style='color:red;'>Error: Username is missing.</p>";
} elseif ($error == 'password_missing') {
echo "<p style='color:red;'>Error: Password is missing.</p>";
} elseif ($error == 'incorrect_credentials') {
echo "<p style='color:red;'>Error: Incorrect username/password combination.</p>";
<form action="micro07_process.php" method="post">
<label for="username">Username:</label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username">
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<?php } ?>
$data_path = 'data/login_attempts.txt';
function log_event($event, $data_path) {
file_put_contents($data_path, $event . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : '';
if (empty($username)) {
log_event('missing', $data_path);
header('Location: micro07.php?error=username_missing');
} elseif (empty($password)) {
log_event('missing', $data_path);
header('Location: micro07.php?error=password_missing');
} elseif ($username != 'pikachu' || $password != 'pokemon') {
log_event('unsuccessful', $data_path);
header('Location: micro07.php?error=incorrect_credentials');
} else {
log_event('successful', $data_path);
setcookie('loggedin', 'yes', time() + 86400, '/'); // 86400 seconds = 1 day
header('Location: micro07.php');
} else {
header('Location: micro07.php');
- 在
文件中,我添加了一个判断来检查是否存在名为 "loggedin" 的 cookie,并且其值为 "yes"。如果满足条件,它将显示 "You are logged in" 的信息,同时隐藏登录表单。这部分代码是新添加的。 - 在
的函数,它用于将登录事件记录到服务器上的 "data/login_attempts.txt
" 文件中。这个函数是新添加的。 - 在处理表单提交的逻辑中,我为成功登录、登录失败以及缺少用户名或密码的情况分别调用了
函数,以记录相应的事件。这部分代码是修改过的。 - 当用户成功登录时,我设置了一个名为 "loggedin" 的 cookie。这部分代码是新添加的。

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