Vector Graphics
In this assignment, you will create a logo for your i6 home page in SVG format.
在本作业中,您将以 SVG 格式为您的 i6 主页创建一个标志。
Scalable Vector Graphic
Using a text editor, code a scalable vector graphic into your assignments page on i6.
使用文本编辑器,在 i6 的作业页面上编写一个可伸缩的矢量图形。
This could be a logo, a symbol, or an icon for the page. Your image should include at least three drawing elements, such as <circle>
, <rect>
, <polygon>
, <line>
, or <path>
or . You should also include your initials in the graphic using the element.
, or<path>
Next, embed at least two links into your SVG code. The links should originate from different parts of the image. The destination of these links is up to you.
接下来,在 SVG 代码中嵌入至少两个链接。链接应该来自图像的不同部分。这些链接的目的地由您决定。
Finally, style the image with CSS. Your CSS should be coded into the stylesheet of your assignments page and include hover and active link states. Your vector graphic should have a level of complexity that demonstrates thoughtful exploration of SVG capability.
最后,用 CSS 样式化图像。CSS 应该被编码到作业页面的样式表中,并包含悬停和活动链接状态。您的矢量图形应该具有一定的复杂性,能够充分展示 SVG 的功能。
Publishing Your Image
Code the image directly into the HTML of your i6 home page (assignments directory). Use the element to display your vector graphic on the page. For accessibility, add a
Publish the web page along with your image to the i6 server. Your project should be available at: i6.cims.nyu.edu/~netid/. Update the code of your assignments directory to link to the (same) page.
Submitting Your Assignment
Submit the following via BrightSpace.
通过 BrightSpace 提交以下内容。
- The URL to your new web page that displays the SVG image on i6
指向在 i6 上显示 SVG 图像的新网页的 URL
- A compressed archive of your website files (including the HTML with SVG and CSS)
压缩存档的网站文件(包括 HTML 与 SVG 和 CSS)
Please note that you are required to submit files along with the URL in order to receive credit for your work.
请注意,您需要提交文件连同 URL,以便为您的工作获得学分。
This assignment is worth 10 points.
- An original vector graphic with at least three SVG drawing elements (3 points)
- There should be an SVG element with the student's initials (1 point)
应该有一个带有学生姓名首字母的 SVG 元素(1分)
- There should be at least two links embedded in the SVG, from different parts of the image (2 points)
SVG 中应该至少有两个链接,分别来自图像的不同部分(2个点)。
- The SVG should be styled with CSS in the web page's stylesheet; styles should include hover and active link states (3 points)
SVG 应该在网页的样式表中使用 CSS 进行样式化;样式应该包括悬停和活动链接状态(3点)
- The SVG logo should be coded into the home page of the student's i6 account with the element and, for accessibility, the
应该将 SVG 标志编码到学生的i6帐户的主页中,其中包含元素和
Start Date
Oct 28, 2022 4:11 PM
Due Date
Nov 4, 2022 11:59 PM

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