Assignment 2-HTML
In this assignment, you will create a three-page website about yourself. The focus at this stage of the development process is on describing web page content with HTML.
在这项作业中,你将创建一个三页的关于你自己的网站。开发过程的这个阶段的重点是用 HTML 描述网页内容。
Project Setup
Create a new directory (folder) on your computer called “Assignment2”. Place HTML and image files associated with your new website inside of this directory. The home page of your new website should be named “index.html”. Other pages can be named as you like, but should reflect the content of the page. Remember that all file and directory names should be limited to letters, numbers, and dashes and be lowercase, with no spaces.
在您的计算机上创建一个名为“Assignment2”的新目录(文件夹)。将与您的新网站相关的 HTML 和图像文件放在这个目录中。新网站的首页应该命名为“index.html”。其他页面可以根据您的喜好命名,但应该反映页面的内容。请记住,所有文件和目录名都应该限制为字母、数字和破折号,并且要小写,不能有空格。
When your website is finished, you will upload the “Assignment2” directory, along with its contents, to your i6 account. Your new website will then be available at:
Your Website
Three HTML web pages—about you—form the heart of the current assignment. Any combination of your background, interests, or experiences will do as long as it is autobiographical. You are to write these pages using a plain text editor such as Brackets, Visual Studio Code, or Sublime Text. The focus of this assignment is on describing web page content with HTML; refrain from styling the pages until the next assignment, CSS.
三个关于你的 HTML 网页构成了当前作业的核心。只要是自传式的,任何你的背景、兴趣或经历的结合都可以。您将使用纯文本编辑器编写这些页面,如括号, Visual Studio Code,或Sublime text。这个作业的重点是用 HTML 描述网页内容;在下一个任务——CSS 之前,不要对页面进行样式化。
Here is a list of required elements you should include in these pages.
- There should be semantic text elements on each page, including but not limited to paragraph () and heading (, , etc.) text.
- The pages should link to each other with “relative” URLs.
- Each page should also include at least one “absolute” URL linking to an external website.
- You should include at least one image (JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG) on each page. (We’ve not covered image editing yet but feel free to use images from your camera or smartphone as well as images downloaded from the web.)
- You should include an HTML list somewhere on one of your pages; this can be an ordered, unordered, or description list.
- There should be semantic section elements on each page, including but not limited to
, and.
每个页面上都应该有语义节元素,包括但不限于' '、' '和。
Pay close attention to your HTML tags and be sure to test your pages locally in an up-to-date web browser as you code them. You can also check your HTML code using the W3C Markup Validation Service.
密切关注你的HTML标记,并确保在你编写代码时在最新的web浏览器中进行本地测试。您也可以使用W3C标记验证服务检查您的 HTML 代码。
Publishing Your Site
Upload your “me” directory, including the HTML and the image files, to the i6 Unix server with an SFTP client such as Cyberduck, Fetch, WinSCP, or Transmit. Your files should go in the same “public_html” directory that your assignments page is in, but within the subdirectory called “Assignment2”. Test your pages again in the browser once they are live on the web server to make sure they are accessible. Your new website should be available at:
通过SFTP客户端(如Cyberduck、Fetch、WinSCP或Transmit)将“me”目录(包括HTML和图像文件)上传到i6 Unix服务器。你的文件应该和你的作业页面放在同一个“public_html”目录中,但是放在名为“Assignment2”的子目录中。一旦你的页面在web服务器上上线,就在浏览器中再次测试它们,以确保它们是可访问的。您的新网站应该是
Finally, create a link from the “HTML” line of your assignments directory to the home page of your new website.
1. 修改第一次作业的 index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Your name goes here</title>
<p>Your name and any other text you would like goes here.</p>
<p>Student name ZU YAN QU</p>
<h1>This my HomeWork Web link.</h1>
<li><a href="">曲祖延:Assignment2/</a></li>
Submitting Your Assignment
Submit the following via Brightspace.
- The URL to your pages in the general form of
- A compressed archive containing all the files of your new website
Please note that you are required to submit files along with URLs in order to receive credit for your work.
This assignment is worth 10 points.
- A new website of at least three pages about the student. (3 points)
- Website should be in its own subdirectory called “Assignment2” and the home page should be an “index.html” file. (1 point)
- Each page should include semantic text elements, including both paragraph and heading text. (1 point)
- Pages should link to each other with relative URLs; each page should also include an absolute URL linking to an external website; and the assignments directory should link to the home page of the “Assignment2” website. (2 points)
- Each page should include at least one image in JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG format. (1 point)
- At least one of the new pages should include an ordered, unordered, or description list (1 point)
- There should be semantic section elements on each page, including , , and .(1 point)
Points may be deducted for improperly formed HTML elements.
Start Date
- Sep 22, 2022 7:02 AM
Due Date
- Sep 29, 2022 8:00 AM
Submit Assignment
- Files to submit
- (0) file(s) to submit After uploading, you must click Submit to complete the submission.
代码 index.html
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>This is my Assignment 2!</title>
<meta name="description" content="This is a website about about delicious snacks that you can eat really late at night.">
<meta name="keywords" content="snacks,pizza,pasta,cereal,web design,nyu,so amazing">
<meta name="author" content="AndersonHJB Cleland">
<meta> 标签提供了 HTML 文档的元数据。元数据不会显示在客户端,但是会被浏览器解析。
元数据可以被使用浏览器(如何显示内容或重新加载页面),搜索引擎(关键词),或其他 Web 服务调用。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>This is my Assignment 2!</title>
<meta name="description" content="This is a website about about delicious snacks that you can eat really late at night.">
<meta name="keywords" content="snacks,pizza,pasta,cereal,web design,nyu,so amazing">
<meta name="author" content="AndersonHJB Cleland">
<meta> 标签提供了 HTML 文档的元数据。元数据不会显示在客户端,但是会被浏览器解析。
元数据可以被使用浏览器(如何显示内容或重新加载页面),搜索引擎(关键词),或其他 Web 服务调用。
<h1>Welcome to My Love!</h1>
HTML <a> 标签
<a> 标签定义超链接,用于从一个页面链接到另一个页面
<a> 元素最重要的属性是 href 属性,它指的我们点击后访问的链接
<!-- <a href="index.html">访问主页</a>-->
<a href="index.html"><img src="static/img/logo.png" height="350" width="350" alt="主页 logo"></a>
<nav> 标签定义导航链接部分
并不是所有的 HTML 文档都要使用到 <nav> 元素,只作为导航链接的区域
<li><a href="pizza.html">Pizza</a></li>
<li><a href="pasta.html">Pasta</a></li>
<li><a href="cereal.html">Cereal</a></li>
<!-- <ul>-->
<!-- <li><a href="pizza.html">Pizza</a></li>-->
<!-- <li><a href="pasta.html">Pasta</a></li>-->
<!-- <li><a href="cereal.html">Cereal</a></li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <ul>-->
<!-- <a href="pizza.html">Pizza</a> |-->
<!-- <a href="pasta.html">Pasta</a> |-->
<!-- <a href="cereal.html">Cereal</a> |-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<img src="static/img/hug.jpeg" alt="要抱抱❤️">
<img src="static/img/kiss.jpeg" alt="要亲亲❤️">
<img src="static/img/snap-back.jpeg" alt="扑倒你❤️">
<p>Thanks ©<a href="" target="_blank">Thanks AndersonHJB</a></p>
_blank: 在新窗口中打开被链接的文档
_self: 默认,在相同的浏览器框中打开链接的网站
<p><a href="./index.html" target="_self">Go Back</a> to my website home.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="description" content="This is a xxxx">
<meta name="keywords" content="xxxxxxx">
<meta name="author" content="AndersonHJB">
<!-- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">-->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="static/img/hug.jpeg" type="image/x-icon">
<a href="index.html"><img src="static/img/logo.png" height="350" width="350" alt="主页 logo"></a>
<li><a href="pizza.html">Pizza</a></li>
<li><a href="pasta.html">Pasta</a></li>
<li><a href="cereal.html">Cereal</a></li>
<img src="static/img/cereal.jpg" alt="lxlsslslsl">
<p>Thanks ©<a href="" target="_blank">Thanks AndersonHJB</a></p>
_blank: 在新窗口中打开被链接的文档
_self: 默认,在相同的浏览器框中打开链接的网站
<p><a href="./index.html" target="_self">Go Back</a> to my website home.</p>
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