Java Assignments
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See assignments policy and the Syllabus for more information.
We have an excellent tutors and graders for this course:
Tutoring information (Online and in Person- follow information to signup):
- Tutoring will start on Sept 13 and end December 14th.
- The schedule a tutoring in person appointment and view the tutoring schedule for online and in person tutoring please visit this link (you need this password "tutoring" to access this PDF file):
Graders for this section:
- Riley Neher
- Sihan Chen <>
Due Date (Always due by midnight on Brightspace) | Description |
Assignment # 0 due by 9/11 (No submission required) | Install Java version 1.8, download/Use a textEditor such as Sublime, and learn how to use a command line console to compile and execute Java programs. |
Assignment # 1 Due by 9/25 by Midnight (postponed) | Basic Java Programming using Data types, Variables, and Control Structure |
Assignment # 2 Due by 10/4 by Midnight (postponed) | Using loops, and nested loops (Methods not needed for this assignment) |
Grading Policy:
- Homework must be submitted by the due date for full credit.
- Programs should be tested and should run with NO syntax errors- programs with syntax errors will receive a zero on the assignment.
- You will get one-week extension for free regardless of reason during the entire semester. Just email the grader about the extension before the due date and also email the grader the assignment by the following week. No need to email me about the extension.
- 5% will be deducted for every day late. Late homework will not be accepted after 3 days from the due date.
- You should save all of your programs and keep backups for the entire semester.
- You should follow good programming style for all your assignments: You are expected to use meaningful names for your variables, and files names, sufficient comments in the body of the programs, and provide proper indentation.
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