
Micro Assignment 08

AI悦创原创2023年4月6日1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导大约 5 分钟...约 1431 字

Micro assignment 06 focuses on the following concepts:

This micro assignment contains a series of videos along with a programming challenge, which you should attempt after watching the videos. The challenge is set up with a "Mark" button that will let you immediately see if you solved it correctly. You will get credit for the micro assignment by attempting and solving this challenge, and you are allowed to attempt the challenge as many times as you'd like.

Remember that micro assignments are time sensitive! You should try and complete each micro assignment before class on the day it is set to be due. Micro assignments must be turned in by the end of the day on which they are due in order to be worth full credit. Completing a micro assignment after the due date is possible, but you will be marked late and this can affect your grade in the course. Please refer to the course schedule page for the due date of all micro assignments.

JavaScript Promises

The "fetch" API

Making a Basic Fetch Request in Code

"fetch" convenience function

Here is a convenience function that you can use to fetch data from the server using both 'GET' and 'POST' requests. Note that this function utilizes two "callback" functions that will be called once the promise resolves itself.

Programming Challenge


This micro assignment is not an auto-graded assignment. Instead, you will be writing a program on your computer using MAMP to solve the challenge described below. When you are finished please upload your program to the i6 server so we can run it. We should be able to visit your main landing page (e.g. https://i6.cims.nyu.edu/~NETID/webdev) and find a link to your project.

Please submit a ZIP archive of your work to Brightspace by the due date to get on-time credit for this micro assignment.

In this program you are going to create a "sticky" website that allows a user to add a series of colored boxes to the page. Every time a box is added a 'fetch' request should be made to a PHP script on the server to save the box being created in a text file. In addition, when the page initially loads the program should contact the server and obtain the current text file and "recreate" all previously generated boxes.


All of the HTML, CSS and PHP has been written for this program, along with a SQLite database. Your job is to edit the JavaScript on micro08.html to make these 'fetch' requests and parse the results that you receive.

这个程序的所有HTML、CSS和PHP都已经编写好了,同时还有一个SQLite数据库。你的工作是编辑 micro08.html 文件中的JavaScript代码,以执行这些“fetch”请求并解析接收到的结果。

You can download the starter code here:





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