
Assignment 10 Node.js

AI悦创原创2023年5月8日1v1java 1v1纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一数据结构一对一留学生辅导php留学生作业辅导1v1java 1v1php纽约大学一对一NYU 1v1web 一对一留学生辅导留学生作业辅导大约 15 分钟...约 4357 字

For our last macro assignment you will be building a custom Node.js website using the express framework. The actual content and design for this site are very flexible, so be creative! Your site should incorporate the following technical features:


OPTION #1: An Express-based Content Management System


Build an express based Node.js system that includes the following features:

构建一个基于 express 的 Node.js 系统,该系统包含以下特性:







OPTION #2: An Express-based Real-time Collaboration Site

选项 #2:基于 Express 的实时协作网站

Build an express based Node.js system that uses the socket.io library for real-time collaboration. Your site should includes the following features:

构建一个基于 express 的 Node.js 系统,使用 socket.io 库实现实时协作。你的网站应包括以下功能:




创建某种创意活动,允许用户表达他们的喜好(例如添加页面元素、更新元素、在画布上绘画等)。用户的喜好应该使用 socket.io 库传输到服务器,服务器应该实时将这些喜好传达给其他已登录的客户端。编写客户端和服务器端代码以促进这些交互。


永久性文件存储(包括读写)用于站点某处(例如跟踪玩家统计信息等)- 确保仔细选择放置文件I/O逻辑的位置,因为在socket处理程序内部执行此操作可能会导致服务器尝试快速连续地访问硬盘,从而导致应用程序失败。提示:在服务器关闭时执行此操作,并在服务器运行时在内存中跟踪数据。

The quickest way to get started with this project is to visit the Node.js Examples Ed Stem lessons page. These lessons contain a large number of examples Node.js projects that you can use to get started. In addition, the lessons contains a "Node.js Sandbox" section that you can use to begin writing your code. This sandbox has the following node packages installed for you:

最快入门此项目的方法是访问 Node.js Examples Ed Stem lessons page。这些课程包含大量的Node.js项目示例,可以帮助您入门。此外,这些课程还包含一个名为“Node.js Sandbox”的部分,您可以在其中开始编写代码。这个沙盒为您安装了以下的Node.js包:

express body-parser fs hogan.js socket.io (only day 25)

express:一个流行的 Node.js web 应用框架,用于简化 web 应用的开发和管理。

body-parser:一个 Node.js 中间件,用于解析来自 HTTP POST 请求的请求体,常用于处理表单数据。

fs:一个 Node.js 核心模块,提供了访问文件系统的 API,例如读取、写入、重命名和删除文件等。

hogan.js:一个快速、简单且具有可扩展性的 JavaScript 模板引擎,用于将数据渲染到 HTML 页面上。

socket.io (仅第 25 天):一个基于事件的实时通信库,用于在服务器和客户端之间建立双向通信。

When you are finished working on your site you will need to publish it to i6 so that others can use it. You can do this by following the steps listed in this lesson slide.


Post a hyperlink to your live server (e.g. http://i6.cims.nyu.edu:1000) to Brightspace under the 'Macro Assignment 10' category. Also create a ZIP archive of your work and submit it to Brightspace under the 'Macro Assignment 10' category.

请在Brightspace的“Macro Assignment 10”类别下发布指向您的实时服务器(例如 http://i6.cims.nyu.edu:1000)的超链接。同时,创建一个ZIP归档文件并在“Macro Assignment 10”类别下提交。

Answer 1


  1. 安装必要的依赖项:在你的项目文件夹中,使用npm init创建一个package.json文件。然后安装必要的依赖项,例如expressbody-parserfshogan.js。可以使用以下命令进行安装:

    npm install express body-parser fs hogan.js
    npm install hjs
    npm install express-handlebars
  2. 设置Express应用程序:创建一个app.js文件,并在其中设置你的Express应用程序。引入所需的依赖项并初始化一个Express实例:

    const express = require('express');
    const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const hogan = require('hogan.js');
    const app = express();


    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
  3. 创建欢迎用户的着陆路由:定义一个GET路由,用于向访问主页的用户显示欢迎消息:

    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
      res.send('Welcome to my custom Node.js website!');
  4. 添加四个额外的GET路由:为其他页面(如关于、联系、博客和图库)创建四个GET路由。例如:

  5. 在至少一个路由上使用图片:在/gallery路由中,可以使用<img>标签插入图片。例如:

    app.get('/gallery', (req, res) => {
      res.send('<h1>Image Gallery</h1><img src="/path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Sample image">');
  6. 创建一个发送POST数据的表单:在/contact路由中,添加一个表单,用于收集用户的姓名和电子邮件。表单应当通过POST方法提交数据:

  7. 使用模板创建可重用的表示逻辑:首先,将页面布局、导航等公共部分提取到一个单独的模板文件(例如layout.hjs)。然后,为每个路由创建一个模板文件(例如about.hjscontact.hjs等),并使用layout.hjs作为基本布局。


app.get('/about', (req, res) => {
  res.render('about', { title: 'About this site', content: 'This is a custom Node.js website using the Express framework.' });
  1. 启动服务器:设置一个端口并启动服务器:
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);


图片路径貌似无法正常加载,图片我已经放在 static/images/img.png 里面了


app.use('/static', express.static('static'));



app.get('/gallery', (req, res) => {
  res.send('<h1>Image Gallery</h1><img src="/static/images/img.png" alt="Sample image">');


Hosting your Node.js application the i6 server will involve more than just SFTPing your files and relying on Apache to fetch and execute them for you. The following steps can be used to deploy your application:

npm init

As soon as you log out of your terminal connection to the server your app will quit. In order to fix this we need to tell the i6 server to bring up our server on our behalf even if we aren't logged in. We can do this using a cronjob. A cronjob is a time-based scheduler in Unix-like operating systems which executes a command or script at a specific time and frequency. They are often used for recurring tasks. We are going to use a cronjob to check to see whether our Node.js app is running and, if not, to start it up on our behalf.

To do this begin by creating a file named keepalive.sh inside of your mynodeapp directory. Add the following data to this file:

Replace the bold text with your own values. For example:


Next, give yourself full permission to run this file:

chmod 700 keepalive.sh

Run the file by issuing this command:


Be sure to substitute your own information into this command. You should see that the program will run and start up your application. Try running the program a second time, and you should see that the program is already running.

Finally, we need to schedule the keepalive.sh program to run periodically to handle situations where your app crashes or the server goes down and kills your app. You can do this by setting up a cronjob to run this file on a regular basis. Begin by creating a new file named crontab.text and paste in the following information. Make sure the command at the end of the line matches the one you ran in the previous step.

*/5 * * * * /home/NETID/mynodeapp/keepalive.sh

A crontab file describes when a certain command should be run. This particular line says "every 5th minute, of every hour, of every day, of every month, of every year, run this program". You can learn more about crontab syntax on this site.

Save your file. Finally, we need to set up our cronjob. You can do this by issuing this command:

crontab crontab.text

You can check to see that your cronjob has been loaded by issuing this command:

crontab -l

You should now be able to wait until the time hits a multiple of 5 (12:00, 12:05, 12:10, etc.) -- after that your server should be brought online automatically. The crontab system will check every 5 minutes after that to ensure that your server stays up and running.

Important note: If you need to make changes to your site (updating templates, changing application logic, etc.) you won't be able to just upload new code to the server and have it work right away. This is because your application is a server that is constantly running in the background, and the code it is using is based on the last time it was started. You can force your server to shut down by doing the following:

node   13401 cmk380  18u IPv6 133776461 0t0 TCP *:ndmp (LISTEN)




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