Assignment 6 Website Layout
In this assignment, you will design and code a new website about a topic of academic interest.
Begin by writing or repurposing an original text of at least 400 words—this will be the main content of your new website. Whereas your first website was about you, this one should be about a topic of academic interest, related to your major, minor, or another area of specialized knowledge. Try not to be too broad; the more specific the topic the better. Some examples include a historical figure, a subculture you're familiar with, a book or film you were influenced by, or a place that you have specific knowledge about. You are welcome to work with a text you've already written but it should be your own and it should be at least 400 words.
首先写一篇至少 400 字的原文,这将是你新网站的主要内容。虽然你的第一个网站是关于你自己的,但这个网站应该是关于学术兴趣的话题,与你的专业、辅修或其他专业知识领域有关。尽量不要太宽泛;主题越具体越好。一些例子包括一个历史人物,一个你熟悉的亚文化,一本影响你的书或电影,或者一个你有特定知识的地方。欢迎你使用你已经写过的文本,但它应该是你自己的,至少400字。
Design and Layout
Allow the content of your website to guide the decisions you make about its design and layout. Your site should include at least three web pages with a multi-column layout on each page. Include properly-formatted images and appropriately-marked up text and continue to define sections of content with HTML semantic elements. Create one external stylesheet for all pages of your site. Add a web font to your pages with the CSS @font-face
rule or Google Fonts.
让网站的内容来指导你的设计和布局。你的网站应该包括至少三个网页,每个页面上都有多列布局。包括适当格式的图像和适当标记的文本,并继续用HTML语义元素定义内容的各个部分。为站点的所有页面创建一个外部样式表。使用CSS @font-face规则或谷歌Fonts为您的页面添加web字体。
Use the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module (Flexbox) for arranging items along one axis—such as menu bars, paragraphs of text, or images. Use the CSS Grid Layout Module for the overall page structure. You can feel free to use the same general layout for every page of the site but you don't need to.
It's important to keep in mind that people access the web in many different ways. Build your pages in a way that creates as few barriers as possible to experiencing your site, regardless of the user's ability or the device used to access the web. One way to test the accessibility of your site is with a web browser's accessibility inspector. These tools do not necessarily catch all accessibility issues but an audit of your site should not indicate any serious issues. If it does, try to resolve them before submitting your assignment.
重要的是要记住,人们通过许多不同的方式访问网络。无论用户的能力或使用的设备如何,都要尽可能少地为用户体验网站创建障碍。测试站点可访问性的一种方法是使用 web 浏览器的可访问性检查器。这些工具不一定能捕捉到所有的可访问性问题,但是对站点的审计不应该发现任何严重的问题。如果是,在提交作业之前尝试解决它们。
Publishing Your Page
Create a new subdirectory on i6 within which to publish your pages. Upload your files (including the HTML, CSS, and image files) to the i6 Unix server with an FTP client. Test your files again in the web browser once they are live on the server.
在i6上创建一个新的子目录,在其中发布页面。通过FTP客户端将文件(包括HTML、CSS和图像文件)上传到i6 Unix服务器。一旦文件在服务器上运行,就在web浏览器中再次测试它们。
Create a link from the "Website Layout" line of your assignments directory to the home page of your new website.
Submitting Your Assignment
Submit the following via NYU Classes. More information on submitting files with NYU Classes is also available [here] .
通过NYU Classes提交以下内容。更多关于使用NYU Classes提交文件的信息也在这里。
- The URL to the home page of your new website on i6
- The text content of your website—copied and pasted beneath the URL in the assignment text box
- A compressed archive containing all the files of your new website
This assignment is worth 10 points.
- An original text of at least 400 words about a topic of specialized knowledge (1 point)
- A new website in its own subdirectory; the website should consist of at least three pages with properly-formatted images, appropriately-marked up text, and semantic section elements (3 points)
- One external stylesheet for all pages of the site; each page is styled with two or more columns of text and/or images (1 point)
- CSS Flexbox is applied to arrange items along one axis (2 points)
CSS Flexbox应用于沿一个轴(2点)排列物品
- CSS Grid is applied for the overall page structure (2 points)
整体页面结构采用CSS Grid(2分)
- A web font or Google Font is incorporated into the site with the CSS (1 point)
Points may be deducted for improperly formed HTML elements or CSS style rules.
Start Date
Nov 10, 2022 8:01 AM
Due Date
Nov 22, 2022 8:00 AM
Submit Assignment
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