Spreadsheet Analysis
A little assignment to practice finding data, munging it, and analyzing it in a spreadsheet program.
Replace the contents of this file with a report, as described in the instructions.
A little assignment to practice finding data, munging it, and analyzing it in a spreadsheet program.
The goals of this assignment are to:
- "scrub", "munge", or "clean" a datafile using Python 3
- import the text data file into an Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, or Libre Office spreadsheet
- produce statistical results based on the data using the database-like functions in the spreadsheet program of your choice
- save the spreadsheet as a proper spreadsheet file (e.g.
Part 1: Data selection and retrieval
Select a data source
First, you will need to select a datafile to work from. For this assignment, please select any reputable data source that is of interest to you. Download the data in a plain text data format, not a spreadsheet-specific file format.
Where to find data
There are many data sources available via NYU Libraries data portal. Note that you are encouraged to visit Data Services on the 5th Floor of Bobst Library for help finding data. A few recommended to our class by the librarians:
Librarian Vicky Rampin has shared an excellent set of helpful slides about finding data.
Librarian Andrew Battista has shared specific links to data portals that may be the first step of your journey towards the data of your dreams:
- Data Sources by Topic (especially NYC data sources)
- NYC Department of City Planning's Bytes of the Big Apple
- NYC Open Data project
- Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) (in particular, data on crime).
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) eLibrary Data
Other sample data sets that might interest you:
Additional resources
You might also consider consulting with a Subject Librarian at the library if you prefer for additional data sources or data sources in your specific field of study.
Save the data
Save the original raw data file of your choice into the data
What not to do
Please do NOT use average surface temperature data from NASA. You will NOT get credit for a project retrieving data from this or another data set we have discussed as an example.
Also, do not choose a data file already selected by another student in the course. Check the #data-dibs
Discord channel for claims on any data set. If there are none, then you are welcome to use that data set and claim it as yours in that Discord channel.
Part 2: Data scrubbing
Use Python to do something
In almost all cases, you will need to "clean up", "scrub", or "munge" the data before you can use it in a spreadsheet. If you are lucky enough to pick data that are already in usable format, use Python to modify the data in some major and discernible ways such as removing unnecessary columns or adding computed columns.
Save the modified data
Write a Python program in the file named munge.py
to read in the data file which you have downloaded or copied from the Internet; and then the Python program should write out a new file that is ready for data analysis, named clean_data.csv
, into the data
directory .
Your program should be written to work consistently and repeatedly with the dataset of your choice regardless of how many lines of data are in the file. In other words, the program should be scalable and not based on idiosyncratic strategies such as, "for the third row do this... for the fourth row do that... " etc.
Other scrubbing tools
If there are some scrubbing tasks that you simply cannot complete in Python, you are welcome to use a text editor or spreadsheet program to complete the scrubbing. But any such work must be relatively minor and documented thoroughly in the report you will write so that someone else can repeat the process without difficulty.
Part 2: Data analysis in a spreadsheet
Import data into a spreadsheet
Import your newly-scrubbed data file into a sheet in the spreadsheet program of your choice, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, or Libre Office. If it doesn't import correctly, keep working on the scrubbing of your data until it does!
Calculate aggregate statistics
Use formulas to calculate four different aggregate statistics based on your data, such as mean, maximum, minimum, etc of one or more entire columns in the data. Place a clear label for each statistic in a neighboring cell.
Calculate aggregate statistics with conditions
Use formulas to calculate four different aggregate statistics based on specific criteria you define, such as mean, maximum, minimum, etc of only those rows that match the given criterion or multiple criteria. Place a clear label for each statistic in a neighboring cell so that someone viewing your spreadsheet can easily understand exactly what each statistic represents.
Be sure to use the database-like functions appropriate to your spreadsheet program (e.g. AVERAGEIF
, etc for most spreadsheet programs; Microsoft Excel also has DAVERAGE
, etc ).
Do some further analysis
Perform further, more complex analysis that shows some interesting insights into your data set by using one or more of the following techniques:
- pivot table
- chart
Save the spreadsheet
Save the spreadsheet as a proper spreadsheet file (e.g. .xslx
, .numbers
, .ods
) into your data
directory. So you now have at least 3 files in the data
directory: the original data file, the munged data file, and the spreadsheet file.
What to do for very large data files
Note: When submitting the exercise, if the data files are too large to upload to GitHub, you may upload them to a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Box and then provide a clearly-labeled link to the files in the report you will write in the README.md
file (more on that below). In that case, also edit the [].gitignore](./.gitignore) file to exclude the data files from being uploaded to GitHub by adding the following line:
Write a report
Write a report which displays the data and the results in the file named README.md.
This report should be well-written and well-formatted using Markdown code - refer to this guide to using Markdown.
The report must include:
Data set details:
- The origin of your data set - what is it and where does it come from. Include a link to the URL of the source.
- What format the original data file was in (CSV, JSON, or other).
- Display some of the raw data from the original data file (the first 20 rows is enough). Use Markdown's ability to display tables - see the examples in the Markdown guide linked above.
- Describe the problems that were present in the data and the scrubbing tasks that were necessary to prepare your data set for import into a spreadsheet - include scrubbing done in Python, a text editor, or any other tool. Be specific with examples of the problems in the original data and the way in which those were solved. Feel free to show small snippets of relevant code - see the examples of code "syntax highlighting" in the Markdown guide linked above.
- Links to your data files (the original raw data, the munged data, and the spreadsheet file including the formulas and charts). These can be links to files in your own repository or links to the files stored in a cloud storage service if your files are too large to be included in your own repository.
- Describe each of the aggregate statistic you have calculated - include a description of each and describe any insights the statistic shows that may not be obvious to someone just viewing the raw data.
- If using a pivot table for analysis, include a Markdown table showing a sample of the results of the pivot table (no more than 20 rows, please), along with a short description of what the results show and any insights they offer.
- If using a chart for visualization, include the chart image in the report, with a short description of what the image shows and any insights it offers. See the Markdown guide linked above for details of showing an image.
Part 3: Extra credit
You may do one, two, or neither of these extra credit options as you prefer:
Option 1: Scraping data
There is an extra credit option to use Python to retrieve the data directly from a webpage using urllib.request. If you do "scrape" data off the web in this way, feel free to use the Beautiful Soup library, or another parser module in python to assist in removing the HTML from the page and parsing the document, if necessary.
Option 2: Big or complex data
Extra Credit is available for examples which tackle large and/or complex data tables. A large data set, for our purposes, being defined as thousands of rows.
Requesting extra credit
If you believe you deserve extra credit, include a sub-heading at the bottom of your README.md
document explaining why you believe you deserve it.
## Extra-credit
This assignment deserves extra credit because iste numquam eos et repudiandae sint enim. Rerum enim voluptas voluptatem consequuntur. Sed atque deserunt nihil eius neque et provident aspernatur. Incidunt iusto beatae illo minus vel. Quis sint sunt et facilis doloribus eligendi error est. Ipsum similique.
Submit your work
Each student must submit this assignment individually. Use Visual Studio Code to perform git stage
, commit
and push
actions to submit. These actions are all available as menu items in Visual Studio Code's Source Control panel.
- Type a short note about what you have done to the files in the
area, and then typeCommand-Enter
(Mac) orControl-Enter
(Windows) to perform gitstage
actions. - Click the
icon next to the words, "Source Control" and select "Push" to perform the gitpush
action. This will upload your work to your repository on GitHub.com.
Be sure to include the following:
- The original plain text data file which you downloaded from the Internet before it was modified by your Python program. Place this within the
directory. - Your Python program which you wrote to "scrub" the data in the file named
. - The Excel or other formatted spreadsheet file containing the "clean" data and the formulas with the analysis you performed.
- 使用 Python 3 "清洗"、"整理"或"处理"数据文件
- 将文本数据文件导入到 Microsoft Excel、Google Sheets、Apple Numbers 或 Libre Office 电子表格中
- 使用您选择的电子表格程序中的数据库功能基于数据产生统计结果
- 保存电子表格为适当的文件格式(如
通过 NYU 图书馆数据门户可以获得许多数据源。注意,鼓励您访问 Bobst 图书馆 5 楼的 Data Services 以帮助找到数据。以下是图书馆员推荐给我们班的一些推荐:
图书馆员 Vicky Rampin 分享了一个关于如何找到数据的出色幻灯片集。
图书馆员 Andrew Battista 分享了可能是您寻找心仪数据的第一步的数据门户的具体链接:
- 按主题的数据源(特别是 NYC 数据源)
- NYC 城市规划部的 Bytes of the Big Apple
- NYC 开放数据 项目
- 政治与社会研究跨大学协作(尤其是关于犯罪的数据)。
- 国际货币基金组织 (IMF) eLibrary 数据
将您选择的原始原始数据文件保存到 data
请不要使用 NASA 的平均地表温度数据。对于从这个或我们作为例子讨论过的另一个数据集检索数据的项目,您将不会得到学分。
另外,不要选择已经被本课程中的另一个学生选择的数据文件。查看 #data-dibs
Discord 频道,看看是否有任何数据集的声明。如果没有,则欢迎您使用该数据集,并在 Discord 频道中声明它是您的。
使用 Python 来做些什么
在几乎所有情况下,您都需要在电子表格中使用数据之前"清理"、"清洗"或"整理"数据。如果您足够幸运,选择了已经是可用格式的数据,请使用 Python 以某种主要和可辨认的方式修改数据,例如删除不必要的列或添加计算的列。
在名为 munge.py
的文件中编写一个 Python 程序,读入您从互联网下载或复制的数据文件;然后 Python 程序应该写出一个准备好的用于数据分析的新文件,命名为 clean_data.csv
,放入 data
您的程序应该编写为与您选择的数据集一致且重复无论文件中有多少行数据。换句话说,程序应该是可扩展的,不基于特殊的策略,例如"对于第三行这样做... 对于第四行那样做..."等等。
如果有一些您在 Python 中无法完成的清洗任务,您可以使用文本编辑器或电子表格程序完成清洗。但这样的工作必须相对较小,并在您将编写的报告中进行详尽的记录,这样其他人可以轻松重复该过程。
将您新清洗的数据文件导入到您选择的电子表格程序的一个工作表中,如 Microsoft Excel、Google Sheets、Apple Numbers 或 Libre Office。如果它没有正确导入,请继续清洗您的数据直到可以!
保存工作表为适当的文件格式(如 .xslx
- 您选择了哪些数据源,以及为什么选择了它。
- 您在 Python 中对数据进行了哪些更改或清洗。
- 您在电子表格中做了哪些分析。
- 您得出了什么结论或观察。
- 任何您认为有助于理解您的工作的其他信息。
- 数据选择的合理性和可靠性。
- Python 程序的正确性和可读性。
- 数据清洗和处理的正确性和复杂性。
- 在电子表格中的数据分析的准确性、复杂性和相关性。
- 报告的清晰度、简洁性和专业性。
- 工作的总体完成度和高质量。
- 您选择的原始数据文件
- 您的 Python 清洗程序
- 您清洗过的数据文件
- 您的电子表格文件(如
) - 您的报告文件(可以是 Word、PDF 或其他常见文档格式)

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