Quiz 2
Which of the following are spreadsheet programs?「A、B、C、D」
A. Apple Numbers
B. Google Sheets
C. LibreOffice Calc
D. Microsoft Excel
E. Visual Studio Code
Which spreadsheet program would be best for a very large data set with a million records?「B」
A. Google Sheets
B. Microsoft Excel
Do spreadsheet applications generally allow users to write custom functions to analyze or modify the data in the spreadsheet?「A」
A. Yes
B. No
Data in a spreadsheet generally has a fixed schema.「B」
A. True
B. False
- Spreadsheets generally support nested values, i.e. values within values.「B」
A. True
B. False
- Can data in a comma-separated values (CSV) format generally be natively imported into a spreadsheet (without any changes to the data in the CSV file)?「A」
A. Yes
B. No
- Can data in a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format generally be natively imported into a spreadsheet (without any changes to the data in the JSON file)?「B」
A. Yes
B. No
- Can data in a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format generally be natively imported into a spreadsheet (without any changes to the data in the HTML file)?「B」
A. Yes
B. No
- In a spreadsheet, data for a single record is usually placed in its own...「B」
A. column
B. row
C. table
- In a spreadsheet, data for a single entity is usually placed in its own...「B」
A. column
B. row
C. table
- Sorting rows in a spreadsheet is most easily accomplished...「B」
A. by calling a built-in function
B. by clicking a menu item
C. by writing a custom program in whatever language the spreadsheet supports.
- Data cells in a spreadsheet may contain...「A、B、C」
A. Numeric values
B. Text values
C. Formulas
Which of the following formulas would always calculate the numeric total of all the data in column B.「B」
A.=SUM( B )
=SUM( B:B )
=SUM( B1:B1000 )
=SUM( B$1:B$1000 )
What is the 'smell test' for data?「B」
A. Check that the data is formatted nicely, with the proper number of decimal places for floating point numbers, proper width of columns that hold text, etc.
B. Look at the data, compare it to what you might expect the result to be, based on your own understanding and estimates of similar data from other authorities.
C. Print the data on a piece of paper, and smell it. Does it smell good?
D. Clean up the data: handle missing values, inconsistent names of things, split up fields containing multiple values into multiple fields, etc.
- Imagine a data set where we have records of university students in a class - their names, email addresses, choice of major, and grades. Assuming a standard use of a spreadsheet, which function would be most useful for finding the average grade of students majoring in "Computer Science"?「B」
D. None of the above
- Building on the previous question, let's imagine that our data includes a column for the choice of minor(s) of each student, where a student who has more than one minor would have a comma-separated list of minors in this field, e.g. "Computer Science,Mathematics". Which function would be able to calculate the average grade of all students minoring in Mathematics (this must include only the exact minor Mathematics and not other similarly-named minors such as Applied Mathematics)?「D」
D. None of the above
- What is the 'autofill' feature of a spreadsheet?「B」
A. The ability of a spreadsheet to color-code data cells based upon the values within them.
B. The ability of a spreadsheet to fill in values in a set of data cells automatically, following a clear pattern.
C. The ability of a spreadsheet to set all numeric values below a threshold to 0 and all values above a particular threshold to some maximum capped number.
Can spreadsheets generally generate visualizations?「A」
A. Yes
B. No
What is a pivot table?「C」
A. A spreadsheet tool that allows us to visibly rotate the data in a spreadsheet by 90 degrees, so that rows become columns and columns become rows.
B. A spreadsheet tool that allows us to change a setting and have that change automatically adjust all formulas we have already used in any data cells within the spreadsheet.
C. A spreadsheet tool that allows us to group records together by one or more common attributes and perform aggregate statistics on each group.
- How informative was this lesson in spreadsheets? (You will get credit for this question regardless of your answer)
A. I was already familiar with everything we were taught.
B. I learned a few new things.
C. I learned a lot

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