Computer Systems Organization CSCI-UA.0201 Fall 2023
Programming Assignment 1
Due Tuesday, October 10 at 11:55pm
This assignment gives you practice working with pointers, trees, and dynamic allocation. The program will be to implement the “Animal Guessing Game”. This game is a version of “20 Questions” where the only category is animals. You think of an animal and your program will try to guess the animal by asking you a series of “yes or no” questions.
The program uses a tree to represent its knowledge about animals. Each leaf node contains the name of an animal, and each interior node contains a question. For example, the tree,

would cause the program to ask if the animal you are thinking of is a feline. If you respond “yes”, it will ask you if it is bigger than a person. If you respond “no”, it will guess that you are thinking of a cat.
If you had responded “no” when asked if it is a feline, it will guess dog. If that is not correct, the program will augment the tree with the animal you were thinking of by asking you what your animal was and asking for a question to distinguish your animal from a dog. Suppose you indicate that your animal was a bear and the question to distinguish a bear from a dog is “Is it canine?”. The program will ask you what the answer for “bear” is and, when you say “no”, it will add a “bear” node to the tree as follows:

Note that two new nodes have been created, one for dog and one for bear. The old dog node has been overwritten with the question. Note that the tree is always a strictly binary tree, meaning that every node is either a leaf or has exactly two children.
I have provided some of the code and the skeleton of the program. Your job is to provide missing code and comments. Here are the steps to perform:
- Download one of the following compressed files from the Programming Assignment 1 folder on Brightspace. Pick the one that corresponds to your computer,
- assignment1_cygwin.tgz for Windows/Cygwin.
- assignment1_macos.tgz for macOS.
- assignment1_linux.tgz for Linux.
Save and uncompress the downloaded file in the directory where you want to work on and compile your program. For example, in your home directory (in macOS, Linux, or Cygwin), in a shell, type
mkdir assignment1
to create a directory called assignment1. Then type
cd assignment1
to change the current working directory to assignment1. Then download the compressed file to this directory (in Cygwin, this will likely correspond to c:\cygwin64\home\username\assignment1
To uncompress the file, in a shell, type
tar -xzvf filename
where filename is the name of the file that you downloaded.
The five files that are extracted from the compressed file are:
- animals.c, a C file that you will be adding code and comments to. Important: This is the only file you will be modifying.
- node_utils.c, a C file I wrote that contains auxiliary procedures to use.
- node_utils.h, the header file for node_utils.c.
- data.dat, a file containing data that will be read in by the code that I wrote (you don't have write code that reads this file).
- An executable file, either ben (on Mac OS X or Linux) or ben.exe (Cygwin), which was compiled from my version of the assignment. You can use this to see how your code should behave.
You should fill in the procedure definitions missing in the animals.c. I have also indicated where I want you to put a comment, to show that you understand the code I have written.
To compile your program in a shell, type
gcc -o animals animals.c node_utils.c
Then, to run your program, type
Note that you only need to type the above “gcc -o ...” command the first time within the shell. Afterwards, you can either simply type “!gcc” or use the up-arrow key to go back through the prior commands until you see the above “gcc -o ...” command again – and then hit enter.
To compare the ouput of your program to that of mine, you can run my program by typing
When you are finished, upload your version of animals.c (only) to Brightspace.
As I stated in class, you should write your own code. You may work with other students to figure out how to approach the problem, you can even ask other students for help (but not for their code). However, if you don’t write your own code then you will not be able to do well enough on the exams to get a decent grade in this course.
编程作业 1
截止日期:10 月 10 日,晚上 11:55
本次作业让您练习指针、树和动态分配。你需要实现“动物猜猜看”游戏。这个游戏是“20 个问题”的变种,唯一的分类是动物。你想到一个动物,你的程序会尝试通过向你提出一系列“是或否”的问题来猜测这个动物。


- 从 Brightspace 的编程作业 1 文件夹中下载以下压缩文件之一。选择与您的计算机相对应的文件,
- assignment1_cygwin.tgz 适用于 Windows/Cygwin。
- assignment1_macos.tgz 适用于 macOS。
- assignment1_linux.tgz 适用于 Linux。
在您希望工作和编译程序的目录中保存并解压下载的文件。例如,在您的主目录(在 macOS、Linux 或 Cygwin 中),在 shell 中输入
mkdir assignment1
以创建一个名为 assignment1 的目录。然后键入
cd assignment1
将当前工作目录更改为 assignment1。然后将压缩文件下载到此目录(在 Cygwin 中,这可能对应于 c:\cygwin64\home\username\assignment1
要解压文件,在 shell 中键入
tar -xzvf filename
其中 filename 是您下载的文件的名称。
- animals.c,一个您将添加代码和注释的 C 文件。重要提示:这是您将修改的唯一文件。
- node_utils.c,我编写的包含要使用的辅助过程的 C 文件。
- node_utils.h,node_utils.c 的头文件。
- data.dat,包含由我编写的代码读取的数据的文件(您不必编写读取此文件的代码)。
- 一个可执行文件,Mac OS X 或 Linux 上的 ben 或 Cygwin 上的 ben.exe,从我的作业版本中编译而来。您可以使用此文件查看您的代码应如何运行。
在 animals.c 中填写缺失的过程定义。我还指出了我希望您放置注释的地方,以显示您理解了我编写的代码。
要在 shell 中编译您的程序,键入
gcc -o animals animals.c node_utils.c
注意,您只需要在 shell 中键入上述“gcc -o ...”命令一次。之后,您可以简单地键入“!gcc”,或使用上箭头键返回之前的命令,直到您再次看到上述“gcc -o ...”命令 - 然后按回车。
完成后,只需将您的 animals.c 版本上传到 Brightspace。

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