unimelb COMP10001 P1 – Project 1 - Matching Game Answer
原创2023年5月19日大约 10 分钟...约 3037 字
Pretty Print
Sample solution #1
def pretty_print(board):
'''This function takes one argument `board` (a list of lists of chars),
and print the board in a pretty format'''
# print the first line (the header line)
print(' ', end='')
for i in range(len(board[0])):
print(f'{i:<{COL_WIDTH}}', end='')
# print the second line, which consists of "-"
print(' ' + '-' * (len(board[0]) * COL_WIDTH))
# print the rest of lines
for i in range(len(board)):
# print the index
print(f'{i:>{COL_WIDTH - 1}}', end='|')
# print each piece in its corresponding position
for j in board[i]:
print(j, end=' ')
Sample solution #2
def pretty_print(board):
""" Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters) and formats and
prints it in a readable format """
n_cols = len(board[0])
# final blank line
def print_header(n_cols):
""" Takes `n_cols` (int, number of columns) and prints the header lines """
# print column numbers
line = " " * COL_WIDTH
for i in range(n_cols):
line += f"{i:<{COL_WIDTH}d}"
# print dividing line
print(" " * COL_WIDTH + "-" * COL_WIDTH * n_cols)
def print_lines(board):
""" Takes board (list of lists of piece characters) and prints the
formatted pieces of the board """
for i, row in enumerate(board):
# begins with index of the row then follows with the entries
formatted_row_index = f"{str(i) + '|':>{COL_WIDTH}s}"
entries = "".join(f"{letter:<{COL_WIDTH}s}" for letter in row)
print(formatted_row_index + entries)
Overall result for Question 1
Combines function-specific marks, and subdivided overall style marks.
Based on appropriateness of problem-solving approach
No real attempt made | 0.0 |
Very simple approach, an attempt | 0.2 |
Overly simplistic approach | 0.3 |
Overly complicated approach | 0.3 |
Great approach. Not quite perfect though | 0.4 |
Excellent approach- well done! | 0.5 |
Good job here!

# Adherence to style guide (without comments)
Based on testing against [PEP-8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) linter.
No adherence to PEP8 output and variable names require work
Partial adherence to PEP8 output OR variable names require work
Strong adherence to PEP8 output and good contextual variable names
# Commenting
See [PEP-8 comment guidelines](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#id30).
No comments, randomly sprinkled and unhelpful, or too verbose
Some basic comments, an attempt
Somewhat helpful, but sometimes sparse/overly verbose OR docstring is missing
Helpful, insightful and succinct
Great commenting, but there is slightly too much detail involved, try cutting it down a bit for your next project.
(Refer to the sample solution for the appropriate level of detail for commenting)
Also you're missing a docstring!

Validate Input
Sample solution
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
ROW, COL = 0, 1
def validate_input(board, position, direction):
''' Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), and `direction` (string).
Returns a bool indicating whether the input is valid '''
return (valid_board_dimension(board) and position_in_board(board, position)
and valid_direction(direction) and valid_board_value(board))
def valid_board_dimension(board):
''' Takes the `board` and returns a bool indicating if the board
dimension is valid:
1. board is a square
2. board contains at least two rows and two columns '''
# ensure that board has at least two rows and two columns
if len(board) < MIN_DIMENSION:
return False
row_length = len(board[0])
if row_length < MIN_DIMENSION:
return False
# ensure that the board is a "square"
for row in board[1:]:
if len(row) != row_length:
return False
return True
def valid_board_value(board):
''' Takes the `board` and returns a bool indicating if the board:
1. contains upper case value only
2. has multiple-of-four number of pieces for each colour '''
colour_count = {}
# check the validity of the board piece by piece, also record the
# colour of pieces
for row in board:
for piece in row:
# ensure that each piece is upper case
if not piece.isupper():
return False
# record the colour of the piece
if piece in colour_count:
colour_count[piece] += 1
colour_count[piece] = 1
# check whether there are multiple-of-four for each colour
for colour, count in colour_count.items():
if colour != BLANK_PIECE and count % PIECE_MULTIPLE != 0:
return False
return True
def position_in_board(board, position):
''' Takes `board` and `position` (2-tuple of ints) and returns a bool
indicating if the position is on the board '''
return (0 <= position[ROW] < len(board)
and 0 <= position[COL] < len(board[0]))
def valid_direction(direction):
''' Takes `direction` (str) and returns a bool indicating if the direction
is one of the predefined direction values '''
return direction in DIRS

Legal Moves
Sample solution #1
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def calc_swap_pos(row, col, direction):
""" Takes the row index, column index of the piece and the direction of
the move, calculates and return the position to be swapped to """
if direction == DIR_UP:
swap_row = row - 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
swap_row = row + 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col + 1
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col - 1
return None
return (swap_row, swap_col)
def adjacent(piece, board, row, col):
""" Takes piece, board, row index and column index, and return a bool
indicating whether any of the positions around board[row][col]
contain piece """
if col + 1 < len(board[row]) and board[row][col + 1] == piece:
return True
if col - 1 >= 0 and board[row][col - 1] == piece:
return True
if row + 1 < len(board) and board[row + 1][col] == piece:
return True
if row - 1 >= 0 and board[row - 1][col] == piece:
return True
return False
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
""" Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), `direction` (string). Returns a bool indicating whether
the move is considered legal in the context of the specified game rules """
row, col = position
# Calculate the position of the token being swapped
swap_row, swap_col = calc_swap_pos(row, col, direction)
# Check if the swap position is legal
if not (0 <= swap_row < len(board) and 0 <= swap_col < len(board[0])):
return False
# Check if either place is a blank
piece = board[row][col]
swap_piece = board[swap_row][swap_col]
if piece == BLANK_PIECE or swap_piece == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Perform the swap
board[row][col] = swap_piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = piece
# Check if the result is legal
is_legal = False
if adjacent(piece, board, swap_row, swap_col):
is_legal = True
if adjacent(swap_piece, board, row, col):
is_legal = True
# Swap back
board[row][col] = piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = swap_piece
return is_legal
Sample solution #2
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
''' Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), `direction` (string). Returns a bool indicating whether
the move is considered legal in the context of the specified game rules '''
next_position = get_next_position(board, position, direction)
# make sure that the next position exists
if not next_position:
return False
colour = board[position[0]][position[1]]
next_colour = board[next_position[0]][next_position[1]]
# blank space can't move
if BLANK_PIECE in (colour, next_colour):
return False
# make sure that one of the adjacent piece has the same colour
adj_swap_positions = adjacent_positions(board, next_position)
adj_ori_positions = adjacent_positions(board, position)
if has_colour(board, adj_swap_positions, colour) or\
has_colour(board, adj_ori_positions, next_colour):
return True
return False
def has_colour(board, positions, colour):
'''Return True if the given list of positions contain the colour given'''
for x, y in positions:
if board[x][y] == colour:
return True
return False
def adjacent_positions(board, position):
'''For the board given, return the valid adjacent positions for the given
position in a list'''
cur_x, cur_y = position
adj_positions = [(cur_x + 1, cur_y), (cur_x - 1, cur_y),
(cur_x, cur_y + 1), (cur_x, cur_y - 1)]
# remove the positions that are out of bound
for adj_pos in adj_positions:
if not position_in_board(board, adj_pos):
return adj_positions
def position_in_board(board, position):
'''Given the board and position, return True if the position
is in the board'''
return 0 <= position[0] < len(board) and 0 <= position[1] < len(board[0])
def get_next_position(board, position, direction):
'''Takes the board, position of the piece and the direction,
return the destination position that the piece moves to'''
next_position = None
cur_x, cur_y = position
if direction == DIR_UP:
next_position = cur_x - 1, cur_y
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
next_position = cur_x + 1, cur_y
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
next_position = cur_x, cur_y - 1
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
next_position = cur_x, cur_y + 1
return None
if not position_in_board(board, next_position):
return None
return next_position

Make a Move
Sample solution #1
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def destroy(board):
""" Finds a square of four identical pieces and removes them """
# Find a square
for i in range(len(board) - 1):
for j in range(len(board[i]) - 1):
if board[i][j] != BLANK_PIECE and board[i][j] == \
board[i][j + 1] == board[i + 1][j] == board[i + 1][j + 1]:
# Eliminate the pieces
board[i][j] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i][j + 1] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i + 1][j] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i + 1][j + 1] = BLANK_PIECE
return True
return False
def fix(board):
""" Fills the gaps caused by eliminating pieces """
# Move pieces up
for j in range(len(board[0])):
for i in range(len(board)):
if board[i][j] == BLANK_PIECE:
k = 1
while i + k < len(board):
if board[i + k][j] != BLANK_PIECE:
board[i][j] = board[i + k][j]
board[i + k][j] = BLANK_PIECE
k = k + 1
# Move pieces to the left
for i in range(len(board)):
for j in range(len(board[i])):
if board[i][j] == BLANK_PIECE:
k = 1
while j + k < len(board[i]):
if board[i][j + k] != BLANK_PIECE:
board[i][j] = board[i][j + k]
board[i][j + k] = BLANK_PIECE
k = k + 1
def make_move(board, position, direction):
""" Makes a move in accordance with the Task 4 rules """
row = position[0]
col = position[1]
# Calculate position of piece to be swapped
if direction == DIR_UP:
swap_row = row - 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
swap_row = row + 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col + 1
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col - 1
return False
piece = board[row][col]
swap_piece = board[swap_row][swap_col]
# Perform the swap
board[row][col] = swap_piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = piece
# Continue to remove pieces and fill gaps until no more removals possible
return board
Sample solution #2
import copy
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
FILL_SORT_KEY = lambda x: x == BLANK_PIECE
ROW, COL = 0, 1
DELTA_MOVE = {DIR_UP: (-1, 0), DIR_DOWN: (1, 0),
DIR_LEFT: (0, -1), DIR_RIGHT: (0, 1)}
def clear_square(board):
Takes a 2D list board.
Replaces a 2x2 equal piece square with a BLANK_PIECE square.
Returns True if such square is found. Also mutates board.
for j in range(len(board) - 1):
for i in range(len(board[0]) - 1):
if board[j][i] == BLANK_PIECE:
# Check if this is an equal piece square
if board[j][i] == board[j][i + 1] \
== board[j + 1][i] \
== board[j + 1][i + 1]:
# Replace the pieces with blank pieces
board[j][i] = board[j][i + 1] \
= board[j + 1][i] \
= board[j + 1][i + 1] \
return True
return False
def refresh_board(board):
Takes a 2D board list.
"Refreshes" the board by clearing equal piece squares,
and fills the gap produced.
Mutates board.
nrows, ncols = len(board), len(board[0])
# Keep clearing squares until there is no more left
while clear_square(board):
# Shift up
for i in range(ncols):
col = sorted([board[j][i] for j in range(nrows)],
for j in range(nrows):
board[j][i] = col[j]
# Shift left
[row.sort(key=FILL_SORT_KEY) for row in board]
def make_move(board, position, direction):
Takes a 2D board list, initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
Performs the move and refreshes the board.
Returns the resulting board.
board = copy.deepcopy(board)
advance(board, position, direction)
return board
def advance(board, old_pos, direction):
Takes a 2D board list, initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
*Mutates* the board if the two relevant pieces can be swapped.
Returns the new position if the swap is successful, otherwise None.
new_pos = new_position(old_pos, direction)
j_old, i_old = old_pos
j_new, i_new = new_pos
# Check if the two pieces to be swapped are valid
if not within_bounds(board, new_pos) or \
board[j_old][i_old] == BLANK_PIECE or \
board[j_new][i_new] == BLANK_PIECE:
return None
# Swap the pieces
board[j_old][i_old], board[j_new][i_new] = \
board[j_new][i_new], board[j_old][i_old]
return new_pos
def new_position(old_pos, direction):
Takes an initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
Returns the new position.
return add_2_tuple(old_pos, DELTA_MOVE[direction])
def within_bounds(board, pos):
Takes a 2D board list, and a position (j, i) tuple.
Returns True if the position is within the board.
nrows, ncols = len(board), len(board[0])
return 0 <= pos[ROW] < nrows and 0 <= pos[COL] < ncols
def add_2_tuple(tup0, tup1):
Takes two 2-tuples, and returns an element-wise sum of the two.
return tup0[ROW] + tup1[ROW], tup0[COL] + tup1[COL]

AI Player
Sample solution #1
from hidden import legal_move, make_move
from copy import deepcopy
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def all_moves(board):
" Generates all moves (even illegal ones) "
moves = []
for row in range(len(board)):
for col in range(len(board[row])):
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_UP))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_DOWN))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_LEFT))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_RIGHT))
return moves
def all_legal_moves(board, all_moves):
""" Generates all legal moves from a list of moves """
moves = []
for position, direction in all_moves:
if legal_move(board, position, direction):
moves.append((position, direction))
return moves
def has_won(board):
""" Checks if the current board state is winning """
for row in board:
for val in row:
if val != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
def serialize(board):
""" Converts the board to a single sequence of characters to
make comparing boards more efficient """
board_ser = ""
for row in board:
board_ser = board_ser + ''.join(row)
return board_ser
def ai_player(board):
""" Returns the sequence of moves needed to win the game, or None
if winning is not possible from the current board. """
open_nodes = [(board, [])]
closed_nodes = []
# Perform Breadth First Search on the board
while len(open_nodes) > 0:
next_board, path = open_nodes.pop(0)
# Return the winning solution
if has_won(next_board):
return path
# Generate possible next moves for the current board position
moves = all_moves(next_board)
moves = all_legal_moves(next_board, moves)
for move in moves:
board2 = deepcopy(next_board)
board2 = make_move(board2, move[0], move[1])
board_ser = serialize(board2)
# Check to see if we have encountered this board position
# via another series of moves.
if board_ser not in closed_nodes:
open_nodes.append((board2, path + [move]))
# Current board is unwinnable
return None
Sample solution #2
from copy import deepcopy
from hidden import legal_move, make_move
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def ai_player(board):
""" Takes the board of the initial game state and runs breadth-first
search to find a solution (sequence of moves that result in the board
ending in winning state of all blank pieces). Returns None if no such
winning board is found. """
# queue is a list of tuples containing the board state and the moves
# that lead to that state
queue = [(board, [])]
visited = set()
while queue:
# get the next board state to visit
board, moves = queue.pop(0)
if has_won(board):
return moves
# add the string of the board to visited set so we don't go in circles
# loop over each move for the current board and add it to the queue
for move in generate_moves(board):
next_board = make_move(deepcopy(board), *move)
if str(next_board) not in visited:
queue.append((next_board, moves + [move]))
def has_won(board):
""" Returns a bool indicating if the board only has empty pieces """
for row in board:
for elem in row:
if elem != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
def generate_moves(board):
""" Generates a list of possible moves for the current board.
By symmetry we only need to generate for two perpendicular directions """
return [((r, c), d) for r in range(len(board))
for c in range(len(board[0])) for d in [DIR_LEFT, DIR_UP]
if legal_move(board, (r, c), d)]


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