Dodgy Brothers Price List
Dodgy Brothers Price List
Dodgy Brothers价目表
The Dodgy Brothers sell a remarkable array of objects, all of dubious nature, and all at outlandish prices. To help them stay on top of their inventory, write a function to help them format item information more clearly.
The function dodgy_inventorise(item)
should take a single tuple argument item
(containing an item volume, description and price, respectively). You will need to use an f-string to present the item as a fixed-width column according to the following specification:
- Volume is up to 6 characters and left-justified. You can assume that all volumes are integers under 100,000
- Name is up to 20 characters (with any additional characters ignored) and right-justified
- Price is up to 10 characters (in dollars and cents) and right-justified. You can assume that all prices are under $10,000,000
>>> dodgy_inventorise((1, "rust bucket car", 150000))
'1 rust bucket car 150000.00'
>>> dodgy_inventorise((10000, "chunky, chunky, chunky custard", 4.5))
'10000 chunky, chunky, chun 4.50'
为了帮助他们更好地管理库存,请编写一个函数来帮助他们更清晰地格式化物品信息。这个函数名为 dodgy_inventorise(item)
,它接受一个元组参数 item(分别包含物品的体积、描述和价格)。你需要使用 f-string
def dodgy_inventorise(item):
volume, description, price = item
formatted_volume = f"{volume:<6}"
formatted_description = f"{description[:20]:>20}"
formatted_price = f"{price:10.2f}"
return f"{formatted_volume}{formatted_description}{formatted_price}"
def dodgy_inventorise(a, b, c):
if a < 100000:
return f'{a:<.6s}{b}{c}'
print(dodgy_inventorise((1, "rust bucket car", 150000)))

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