
Chess Problem v4

AI悦创原创2023年3月18日墨尔本大学CSPython一对一辅导unimelb墨尔本大学CSPython一对一辅导unimelb大约 4 分钟...约 1164 字

Chess Problem v4


OK, final stop in chess land, extending check_move() again. Previously, your function took two separate arguments: a column and a row value. Now you will rewrite the function to accept the board position as a single str argument. In other words, the input to check_move(position) will now be a single position string such as 'B5', that encodes both the column and the row designator.

好的,象棋世界的最后一站,再次扩展' check_move() '。以前,函数有两个单独的参数:一个列值和一个行值。现在您将重写函数,以接受董事会位置作为单个' str '参数。换句话说,' check_move(position) '的输入现在将是一个单一的位置字符串,例如" B5' ',它对列指示符和行指示符进行了编码。

Note that, irrespective of the casing of the column value, your code should output the value in upper case. Also note that there is no guarantee that the input is made up of exactly two characters.


Your function should work like this:


>>> check_move('B4')
'The piece is moved to B4.'
>>> check_move('b4')
'The piece is moved to B4.'

and like this with an invalid input:


>>> check_move('I4')
'The column value is not in the range a-h or A-H!'
>>> check_move('F9')
'The row value is not in the range 1 to 8!'
>>> check_move('A')
'The position is not valid.'


def check_move(position):
    if len(position) > 2 or len(position) < 2:
        return 'The position is not valid.'
    elif position[0].lower() in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] and 1 <= int(position[1]) <= 8:
        return f'The piece is moved to {position[0].upper()}{position[1]}.'
    elif position[0].lower() not in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] and 1 <= int(position[1]) <= 8:
        return 'The column value is not in the range a-h or A-H!'
    elif position[0].lower() in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] and int(position[1]) not in (1,8):
        return 'The row value is not in the range 1 to 8!'


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