
Canner can and Canner can v2

AI悦创原创2023年3月14日墨尔本大学CSPython一对一辅导unimelb墨尔本大学CSPython一对一辅导unimelb大约 5 分钟...约 1549 字

Canner can


Time to write our first basic function.


Write a function canner_can that takes a single argument item in the form of a string, and returns the string 'Can you can a [STRING] as a canner can can a can?', where '[STRING]' takes the value of item.

写一个函数' canner_can ',它以字符串的形式接受一个参数' item ',并返回字符串“Can you Can a [string] as a canner Can Can a Can ?”[STRING]' '取item的值。

The following are example calls to the function (displaying the output with print in each case), to illustrate its functionality:

下面是对函数的示例调用(在每种情况下都以' print '显示输出),以说明其功能:

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
>>> print(canner_can("apricot"))
Can you can a apricot as a canner can can a can?
>>> print(canner_can("juicy tomato"))
Can you can a juicy tomato as a canner can can a can?

Interacting with Functions


Next to the Run button in the right window, you may have noticed a Terminal button. The terminal button executes your code, and then provides you with a terminal window that allows you to call any functions (or other items) defined in your code. This is handy for running your own test cases (as function calls), for debugging purposes, or just to double-check the correctness of your code before submission.



def canner_can(item):
    """" canner_can takes a string item (assumed to be an animal) and returns a string containing an important question about the animal """
    # write your code here
    return f"Can you can a {item} as a canner can can a can?"

Canner can v2

Having got the basics down pat, let's beef things up a bit more, building on our first function. You might have noticed in our first example that we produced strings such as "a apricot" rather than "an apricot". Let's fix this, based on the simple definition that the indefinite article should be an if it precedes a vowel, and a for all other inputs (remember the empty string input!).

掌握了基本知识之后,让我们在第一个函数的基础上进一步完善它。您可能已经注意到,在我们的第一个示例中,我们生成了' "a杏" '而不是' "an杏" '这样的字符串。让我们根据一个简单的定义来解决这个问题,即如果不定冠词位于元音之前,那么它应该是“an”,而对于所有其他输入,则应该是“a”**(记住,输入是空字符串!)

Write a function canner_can2 that takes a single argument item in the form of a string, and returns the string "Can you can an [STRING] as a canner can can a can?" (where [STRING] takes the value of item) if item starts with a vowel, and "Can you can a [STRING] as a canner can can a can?" otherwise. Note that the set of vowels in English is a, e, i, o and u, and that your function should be able to deal with both upper and lower-case letters.

写一个函数' canner_can2 ',它以字符串的形式接受一个参数' item ',并返回字符串' "Can you Can an [string] as a canner Can Can a Can ?"'(其中' [STRING] '取' item '的值),如果' item '以元音开头,并且' '你能把[STRING]做成罐头吗?否则。请注意,英语中的元音集合是' a ', ' e ', ' i ', ' o '和' u ',并且您的函数应该能够处理大写字母和小写字母。

The following are example calls to the function (displaying the output with a print statement in each case), to illustrate its functionality:

下面是对函数的示例调用(在每种情况下使用' print '语句显示输出),以说明其功能:

>>> print(canner_can2("can"))
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
>>> print(canner_can2("apricot"))
Can you can an apricot as a canner can can a can?
>>> print(canner_can2("AARGH"))
Can you can an AARGH as a canner can can a can?
>>> print(canner_can2(""))
Can you can a  as a canner can can a can?

Seems Familiar?


You may recall that there was an earlier problem relating to the a/an distinction. You are welcome to reuse that code as part of your solution to this problem. Also note the method is an oversimplification — e.g. a unicorn, an heiress, and for some speakers an historical event — but it will suffice for the purposes of this question.



def canner_can2(item):
    """" canner_can takes a string item (assumed to be an animal) and returns a string containing an important question about the animal """
    # write your code here
    word = item.lower()
    if word =='':
        return f'Can you can a {item} as a canner can can a can?'
    elif word[0] =='a' or word[0] =='e' or word[0]=='i' or word[0]=='o' or word[0]=='u':
        return f'Can you can an {item} as a canner can can a can?'
    else :
        return f'Can you can a {item} as a canner can can a can?'
def canner_can2(item):
    """" canner_can takes a string item (assumed to be an animal) and returns a string containing an important question about the animal """
    # write your code here
    vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
    # vowels = "aeiou"
    if not item:
        result = "a"
    elif item[0].lower() in vowels:
        result = "an"
        result = "a"

    return f'Can you can {result} {item} as a canner can can a can?'


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