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  • 2023-06-09 20:26:20:初始化文章
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Step 1

1. 猫🐱

blue sky,White clouds, White clouds in the shape of a Chubby cartoon cat,The rabbit and the cloud merge together,it looks very dreamy and beautiful. close-up close shot ,Photography, 16K --ar 9:16

2. 狮子🦁️

paper quilling style! vector painting,China-Chic tiger head, in the middle,looking at the audience, symmetrical, flat illustrationvery detailed,reasonable design,advanced colormatching,gradient color,Chinese color. oriental elements, clear lines, scattered, details --niji 5

3. 狸猫

Cute, plush, fox, IP design, style reference, Bubble Mart, macaron colors, chibi character design, plush toy design, happy, sleepy, laughing, pitiful expressions, cartoon, 2D, thick outlines, side view, right view, left view, back view, colorful, white background --q 2 --v 5

4. 古装女/金代汉服👩

used face, looking at the camera, wearing yellow apricot blossom branches and a light yellow Jin dynasty Hanfu. The video is in high definition, with high picture quality, --ar 3:4 --v 5

5. 龙🐲

cute chinese dragon,metallic texture,gold white silver,diamond luster. fluorescent,iridescent,crystal,Glitter,extremeiridescent reflection, C4D ,octanerendering,Blender, 8KHD --ar 2:3 --niji 5 --s 180 --style expressive

6. 手办

super cute girl, fluorescent translucent holographic jacket, blind box, pop mart design, full body,diamond luster, metallic texture, exaggerated expressions and movements, bright light, clay material, precision mech parts, close-up intensity, 3d, ultra-detailed, C4D, octane rendering, Blender, 8K, HD --niji 5 --style expressive --niji 5

7. boy

Create a children's poster featuring Pixar - style characters in blue - purple tones, a dark cyberpunk setting, vibrant blue neon, futuristic architecture and advanced technology while maintaining a mysterious and avant - garde vibe. Long shot, super details, --ar 2:3

8. 漫画/女孩/表情包

the various expressions of little girl ,emoji pack,multiple poses and expressions, [happy, sad, angry, expectant,laughing,disappointed ,Surprised, pitiful, aggrieved, despised, embarrassed, unhappy] chalk thick line cartoon style,white background --niji 5 --s 180 --style cute

9. 中国插画/浮雕

chinese illustration on white background, above super wide angle, dreamy, 8K, romantic, trending on Artstation, 3d relief, --s 500 --ar 3:4 --q 0.5 --v 5

10. 美丽中国女孩

Wallpaper with a beautiful chinese girl wearing a dress and jewelry, in the style of shilin huang, photo - realistic techniques, i can't believe how beautiful this is, dark amber and white, exquisite clothing detail, realistic hyper - detail, luminescence --ar 9:16 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

11. 香水

Product shots, a bottle of designer perfume sitting on a piece of wood, clean desert, beautiful weather, bright photos, epic lighting, official product shots,fujifilm Xf f/1.8, 70MM, iso200 absolutely outstanding images. --ar 3:4 --s 750 --q 2 --v 5

12. 日本女学生

japanese female student wearing white dress shirt and blue polo, in the style of graphic novel-inspired, nostalgic charm, poolcore, studyplace, charles schulz, light bronze and dark blue, 32k uhd --ar 3:4 --v 5

13. 小猫咪

A cute, cute little pink cat with a big pink fluffy tail, holding a white and red flower lying on a cloud in the sky, big eyes, peach blossom, stream, coquel, fairy, fluffy, shiny fur, petals, fairy tale, Unreal Engine 5 and Xin Xin value rendering, 8k, HD HD,  --ar 3:2 --v 5 --s 250

14. 绿色糖浆的蛋糕

a slice of cake covered in flowers and green sugar syrup, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, mist, the stars art group (xing xing), high detailed, green, pastoral charm, flowing lines --ar 2:3 --s 250 --v 5

15. 可爱盔甲土耳其梵猫

Cute armored Turkish Van cat, in the style of Baten Kaitos, beautiful 3ds max render, volumetric lighting, global illumination, raytracing, detailed hyperrealism, manga --ar 2:3 --q 2 --s 250 --v 5

16. 母亲节

Mother's Day, mother holding daughter,happy,surrounded by lots of Flowers and green leaves, Center the composition, The background is blue sky and white clouds,Acrylic painting, flat illustrations,fairy tale style,stock illustration style,edge lighting, depth of field,transparent colors, soft colors, high - definition image,studio lighting, ultra - high image quality, 8k --ar 3:4 --niji 5

17. 超可爱的女孩

super cute girl, fluorescent translucent holographic jacket, blind box, pop mart design, full body,diamond luster, metallic texture, exaggerated expressions and movements, bright light, clay material, precision mech parts, close-up intensity, 3d, ultra-detailed, C4D, octane rendering, Blender, 8K, HD --niji 5 --style expressive --niji 5

18. 中国龙

Huge fearful Chinese dragon,on a snowy mountain,noble landscape, artistic landscape,Front view, center.boy in clouds wearing white robe, Stand in front of the dragonheaven.hell, secret, beautiful,magnificent,brilliant, strong size contrast epic. super detail, concept game design,illustration POV view,extreme low angle view.superbatmospheric feel, aperture 50mm lens.film,Wu Guanzhong, Zhang Kechun. --ar 3:4 --niji 5

19. 微小可爱的西瓜实验室

Tiny cute watermelon laboratory, Summer, A group of children to eat watermelon, 3d blender render, soft smooth lighting, 100mm lens, 4k UHD,isometric, tilt-shift, Super Detail, 3D, Depth of Field, Pixar Trend, super realistic, light tracking, complex details, Art background, Super detail, solid color background, fine texture, OC renderer, Ultra HD, fine texture, front body, 3D rendering, 8K --ar 3:4 --s 250

20. 新年巧克力的包装设计

The packaging design of New Year chocolate , China red bakground with gold as the main color and blue ocean as the auxiliary, features a historical reproduction style, dreamlike illustrations, actioncomics, precise surrealism, product shooting, mid panoramic view, deep carving, rich details, andcomplex and ever-changing backgrounds --ar 4:3 --v 5

21. 知名化妆品兰蔻的产品海报

Well - known cosmetics Lancôme product poster, minimalism, indoor, 8k, c4d --ar 2:3 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

22. 一位美人鱼

An underwater scene with a mermaid, surrounded by colorful sea creatures and plants. The water has a dreamy,delicate face,oil painting,by Kawacy,Masterpiece,Sparkling bubbles, pastel colors,union, surreal, painting, rich details,gorgeous light and shadow,8k,best quality,Correct perspective, correct hand structure, perfect human body structure --niji 5 --style expressive --q 2 --v 5

23. 摄影棚照明

icon design, blue and white, frosted glass, transparent technology sense, isometric, centered composition,white background, studio lighting, 3D, C4D, blender, OC render --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

24. 狐狸/男孩

Huge fearful White fox, fluffy,on a snowy mountain,noble landscape, artistic landscape,Front view,center,boy in clouds wearing white robe, Stand in front of the fox,strong size contrast.concept game design,illustration POV view,extreme low angle view,heaven,hell, secret, beautiful,magnificent,brilliant, epic. super detail.superbatmospheric feel, aperture 50mm lens.film,Wu Guanzhong, Zhang Kechun. --ar 3:4 --niji 5

25. 汉堡🍔

Commercial photography, Splatted Cheese, hamburger, white lighting, 8k octane rendering, high resolution photography, insanely detailed, fine details, on Solid wood table, Red background, 8k, commercial photography, stock photo, professional color grading, --ar 9:16 --s 250 --v 5

26. 孔雀

Exquisite Chinese art sculpture, cranes, clouds, flowers, full of golden layers, jade, gold, Cyan, traditional Chinese art, artstation, intricate details, high quality, cinematic, 3D rendering, OCtane, Unreal Engine, 8K, --ar 1:2 --s 750 --v 5

27. 树莓壁纸

very pretty raspberry wallpaper hd,in the style of beijing east village,dark crimson and red,dark magenta and light beige,luminous quality,high resolution, hyper-realistic,li shuxing,focus stacking --ar 3:4 --q 5 --s 250 --v 5.1

28. 可爱的迪士尼卡通公主

A cute cartoon Disney princess in Hanfu, full body,Delicate features, clear facial expressions,beautiful eyes,gorgeous light and shadow, Dindar effect, halo, gorgeous scene, exquisite clothes,livelydancing moves, white background, 3D, C4D,Blender, pop mart --ar 3:4 --niji 5 --s 180 --style expressive

29. 芍药花盛开壁纸

Flower peonies blooming wallpaper, in the style of vray tracing, fanciful, dreamlike imagery, dreamlike naturaleza, dmitry spiros, uhd image, water drops, realistic yet ethereal --ar 2:3 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

30. 魔法圈

Below there is a magic circle on an address platform, and there is a large square portal in the sky above, 8K, Interstellar mine, space backgrounds planets, planets and stars, in the style of max rive, dark cyan and red, 32k uhd, psychedelic landscapes, ary scheffer, loish, symbolist themes --ar 16:9 --v 5.1

Step 2

1. 商店场景

isometric,Shop Scenarios,tree,road,vehicle,POPMART blind box,Large scene,3D art, C4D, octane rendering, 3D render, ray traction, clay materials, Rich visuals,Pixar trend,depth of field,super details,animated lighting,depth of field,pastel color,mockup,Architectural background, fine luster, Soft focus, oc, blender, IP, best quality, 8k— iw60– chaos 100 --s 250 --v 5

2. 柯基狗

A cute corgi dog wearing a future space suit,,the background is the universe, tide play blind box, Pixar, pastel color, Busts, Natural light, realistic lighting and shading, the best picture quality and ultra-detail,Whole-body perspective, 3D, C4D, Octane render, Ray Tracing, 8K --ar 3:4 --q 2 --niji 5

3. 单朱瑾

A single rose,solid, profile, sleek glass thicknesstransparent, pink and white and blue holographicsmooth color background, cinematic lightingrendering,4K --v 5.1

4. 超级可爱的女孩

super cute girl, fluorescent translucent holographic jacket, blind box, pop mart design, full body,diamond luster, metallic texture, exaggerated expressions and movements, bright light, clay material, precision mech parts, close-up intensity, 3d, ultra-detailed, C4D, octane rendering, Blender, 8K, HD --niji 5 --style expressive --niji 5

5. 一位母亲和一个6岁的女孩拥抱

Multi-dimensionalpaper-cut,3d relief,A mother and a 6 year old girl hugging, looking into the camera,surrounded by lots of Flowers and green leaves, Center the composition, Chinese traditional color matching,zbrush ,hd,3D art --ar 3:4 --niji 5

6. 礼物盒

A gift box with little wings,3d icon,cartoon,clay material,isometric,3D rendering,smooth and shiny!Cute, girly style,Pastel colors,spot light,white background,Best Detail, HD, high resolution,Trending on Nintendo --niji 5

7. 胖乎乎的小熊的白云

blue sky,White clouds, White clouds in the shape of a Chubby bear,blend together,it looks very dreamy and beautiful. close-up close shot ,Photography, 16K --ar 3:4

8. 玩视频游戏

Camera, extremely good quality. A woman is playing a videogame on the couch having a good time. --ar 2:2 --v 5

9. 中国戏曲服装

a woman in a chinese Opera costume holding a fan, Beijing Opera,complex headdress,delicate flowersdelicate headdress,delicate facialfeatures, delicate eyes, extraordinary beauty,gorgeous light and shadow, drama, delicate clothesgorgeous costumes, delicate ornaments by SijaHongvector art.Vector illustration, linear illustration, pixiv contest winner, fantasy art, details and vivid colors --niji 5

10. 动画电影海报

an animated movie poster with colorful animals and trees, in the style of miki asai, sparkling water reflections, intricate, delicate flower and garden paintings, light purple and orange, fish-eye lens, makoto shinkai, digital illustration --ar 9:16

11. 烹饪盘子放在桌子上

a cooking dish on a table, in the style of light white and light orange, konica big mini, warmcore, he jiaying, precise and lifelike, precisionist lines, soft and dreamy atmosphere --ar 3:4 --q 2 --v 5

12. 32岁的女孩

An 32 year old girl, student, white low cut long dress, looks a bit like Anglebaby, smiling face, black hair, standing, in college, spring season, roadside full of romantic light pink cherry blossoms, surreal portrait photography, pale skin, natural light, Nikon Nikkor Z, 85mm f1.8 S ,8K --ar 9:16 --q 2 --v 5

13. 母亲节

Mother's Day, mother holding daughter, high - definition image, surrounded by flowers, background sky, clouds, festival, sunny, studio lighting, flat illustrations, ultra - high image quality, 8k, Japanese anime style --ar 2:3

14. 一个超级可爱的中国小女孩和有趣的蔬菜相互凝视

A super cute Chinese girl and funny vegetables staring at each other, Close-up shots of a lot of normal-sized cute anthropomorphic vegetables on the glass partition in the fridge, vegetables with funny face, 3D rendering, Disney trend --ar 3:4 --style expressive --s 250 --niji 5

15. 一箱可爱舒适的浴室

A box of cute comfortable Bathroom, Cute, 2.5D, Isometric style, Light blue and white, Light yellow and light purple, Blender, Octane render, C4D, Natural light, Perfect Details, Ultra HD, Light clean background --ar 3:4 --style expressive --s 400 --niji 5

16. 月亮上的水手服装艺术女孩

Sailor moon art girl on the moon,full-body, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, light violet and gold, lilia alvarado, shang dynasty, andrzej sykut, bold, vibrant colors, close up, vray --niji 5 --ar 3:2 --v 5 --s 250

17. 美丽的全身中国婴儿女孩

fullbody of gorgeous chinese baby girl,porcelain skin,open mouth,natural volumetric, depth of field,Award-winning core photorealistic, dreamy,high definition, detailed intricate,Unreal Engine, 8k, super detail --ar 3:4 --style expressive --s 250 --niji 5

18. 气质出众的东方水手女孩

<https://s.mj.run/TlIUVWhyzB8> Lovely Oriental Sailor Girl, fair skin, to forehead bangs, painted rainbow hair, small braids, big eyes, charming eyes, smiling face, small V face, delicate and complete features, pink lips, thick acrylic painting, CG, thick

19. 中国的爱情诗词

Chinese love poetry, Children's novels and poetry books, in the style of Rhads, delicate flora depictions, cartoonish illustrations, tropical symbolism --ar 3:4 --niji 5

20. 单朝的玫瑰

A single rose,solid, profile, sleek glass thicknesstransparent, pink and white and blue holographic,smooth color background, cinematic lightingrendering,4K --v 5.1

21. 蛇

Snake with dragon horns, no legs, black scales with red and gold patterning, colorful, beautiful eyes, beauty, dynamic full body pose, Cinematic Lighting, Volumetric Lighting, photography, F/ 2. 8, photo - realistic, maximum detail, ultra - realistic, centered, Rembrandt lighting --ar 2:3 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

22. 生成三个视图

three-view drawing, enerate three views, namely the front view, left view, back view, full body, no boundary line, cute little girl wrapped in transparent plastic, chibi, full body!!! fluorescent translucent sports fashion trend clothing, wearing Nike sho

23. 多维度剪纸艺术

Multi-dimensionalpaper-cut,3d relief,A mother and a 6 year old girl hugging, looking into the camera,surrounded by lots of Flowers and green leaves, Center the composition, Chinese traditional color matching,zbrush ,hd,3D art --ar 3:4 --niji 5

24. 穿红色汉服

Cute buy wear with red Hanfu, dynamic pose, Festive atmosphere, quintessence of Chinese style illustration,IP in pixar,clay material --v 5

25. 一个可爱的模特在空中漂浮,被一条中国冰龙环绕着

Victorian style, analog, multiverse, fractal, a lovely model floating in space with a Chinese ice dragon surrounding her. She, star world, milky,ether scene, translucent, shimmering, ethereal, pastel colors, holographic, stylized prismatic super 8K, sharp photography, cinematic, volumetric lighting, intricate detail conceptual art, realistic, HR16, --ar 9:16 --q 2 --v 5

26. 色彩丰富的虎与花卉细节以及丰富的立体派元素

colorful tiger with floral details and colorful cubist elements on a dark background, in the style of paper sculptures, light orange and light maroon, dark violet and light orange, unique and one-of-a-kind pieces, wildlife photography, recycled material murals, eye-catching composition --ar 8:9 --v 5

27. 一个非常可爱的小白猫

A cute cute little white cat with a big fluffy tail, fluffy, chubby, happy, holding a pink rose lying on the clouds of heaven, big eyes, peach blossoms, streams, enchanting, fluffy, petals, fairy tale, Edge Light, Depth of Field, Unreal Engine 5 and octane render --ar 5:3

28. 一只手,握着五彩斑斓的花束

One hand, holding a colorful bouquet, oil painting, acrylic painting,clean white background, pastel colors,super detail,16k,best qualitygraphic illustration --niji 5

29. 多维度纸艺刻纸工艺

Multi-dlimensional paper kirigami craft, paper illustration, Chinese traditional painting, jade, landscape, auspicious clouds, Chinese style, Watercolor painting, warm color, light background, best quality, exquisite details, 3d rendering, Octane render, pastel, Soft light

30. 古老,道符,神话中的野兽

ancient, dao talisman, mythical beasts, runic script, cultivator, mountain range, dense forest, courtyard, meditation, closed eyes, unpredictable power --ar 16:9 --v 5.1

Step 3

1. 背景的星光灿烂闪耀,一朵粉色的莲花正在盛开

The background starlight is shining brightly, a pink lotus is in full bloom, crystal clear and picky, the heart of the flower is like a firefly shining, the petals are transparent, extremely beautiful --ar 1:2

2. 星际技术支持

interplanetary Tech Support | by Subterfugitive ::0 A woman wearing bright glowing illuminated hypermaximal cyberpunk goggles is riding a floating hoverbike surrounded by a murmuration of celestial objects, colorful holographic lenses with illuminated HUD::5 Constructivist propaganda poster, bright blue and coral and cream color motif, servos, sprockets, machinery, rockets, factories, flight, dirigibles, enlightenment ::4 urban cybertech epicenter background, industrial ::4 reclining view of head, view from above photorealism, subsurface scattering ::5 --s 250

3. 超级可爱的女孩,手持荷叶

Super cute girl, holding a lotus leaf, light rain, pond, super cute girl IP by pop mart, pastel color, mockup, blind box toy, fine luster, clean background, 3D render, oc render, best quality, 4k, ultra detoiled

4. 超可爱的女孩 IP 设计

a super cute girl IP design,by pop mart,pink-yellow-white clothes,big eyes,small mouth,open the hands,whole body,clean background,high quality,best discribe,8k,C4D,blender --niji 5

5. Popmart 盲盒、3D艺术

popmart blind box,3d art,c4d,octane render, ray tracing,clay material,OC, Blender, best Ouality,8k,pastel color,cinematic edge lighting, soft lightin ganime,fineluster. A little girl is running on the grassland, beautiful eyes,Colorful eyes,Stylish colors,Running towards the camera, skirt fluttering, butterflies flying, there are a lot of flowers in the foreground. waist up portrait,super detail,gradient background, depth of field. --ar 3:4 --niji 5

6. 这是一位可爱的东方美女

<https://s.mj.run/r6O700yXaxc> Lovely Oriental beauty girl, white skin, to forehead bangs, painted rainbow colored hair, small twist braids, big eyes, charming eyes, smiling face, small V face, delicate complete features, pink lips, thick acrylic painting

7. 可爱的小粉猫

A cute, cute little pink cat with a big pink fluffy tail, holding a white and red flower lying on a cloud in the sky, big eyes, peach blossom, stream, coquel, fairy, fluffy, shiny fur, petals, fairy tale, Unreal Engine 5 and Xin Xin value rendering, 8k, HD,  --ar 3:2 --v 5 --s 250

8. 龙女人物图

Chinese painting "Dragon Girl Figure", using Unreal Engine 5 style, light emerald and white, 32k uhd, aesthetics, exquisite costumes, feminine body, close-up, realistic, photo, photography, side backlight, super real, OC renderer --ar 3:5 --q 2 --v 5

9. 戴眼镜的猫头鹰

An owl with glasses sitting at a table, knowledge symbol, on white background, a character portrait, trending on behance, vector icon, archie comic style, colorful! character design, line vector art, icon for an ai app, innocent look, rich vivid colors, icon, minimal

10. 整齐排列的公路自行车摆放

knolling of road cycling, studio lighting, complete parts, HD, REALISTIC, --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750 --v 5

11. 西西里岛的可爱多彩

Draw a set of playful and colorful, watercolor - style illustrations of lemons and kitchen objects from Sicily. --s 250




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