NYU, Tandon School of Engineering Algorithms — Fall 2023 Homework
Question 1
You are given 2 implementations for a recursive algorithm that calculates the sum of all the elements in a list (of integers):
def sum_lst1(lst):
if len(lst) == 1:
return lst[0]
rest = sum_lst1(lst[1:])
sum = lst[0] + rest
return sum
def sum_lst2(lst, low, high):
if low == high:
return lst[low]
rest = sum_lst2(lst, low + 1, high)
sum = lst[low] + rest
return sum
Note: The implementations differ in the parameters we pass to these functions:
- In the first version we pass only the list (all the elements in the list have to be taken in to account for the result).
- In the second version, in addition to the list, we pass two indices:low and high (low ≤ high), which indicate the range of indices of the elements that should to be considered. The initial values (for the first call) passed to low and high would represent the range of the entire list.
- Makesureyouunderstandtherecursiveideaofeachimplementation.
- Analyze the running time of the implementations above.For each version:
- Draw the recursion tree that represents the execution process of the function, and the local-cost of each call.
- Concludethetotal(asymptotic)runningtimeofthefunction.
- Whichversionisasymptoticallyfaster?
/ | \
a sum([b,c,d])
/ | \
b sum([c,d])
/ | \
c sum([d])
考虑的列表是[a, b, c, d]
sum_lst1([a, b, c, d])
|-- lst[0]: a
+---> sum_lst1([b, c, d])
| |
| |-- lst[0]: b
| |
| +---> sum_lst1([c, d])
| | |
| | |-- lst[0]: c
| | |
| | +---> sum_lst1([d])
| | | |
| | | |-- lst[0]: d
| | | |
| | | +---> return d
| | |
| | +---> return c + d
| |
| +---> return b + (c + d)
+---> return a + (b + (c + d))
sum_lst2([a, b, c, d], 0, 3)
|-- lst[low]: a
+---> sum_lst2([a, b, c, d], 1, 3)
| |
| |-- lst[low]: b
| |
| +---> sum_lst2([a, b, c, d], 2, 3)
| | |
| | |-- lst[low]: c
| | |
| | +---> sum_lst2([a, b, c, d], 3, 3)
| | | |
| | | |-- lst[low]: d
| | | |
| | | +---> return d
| | |
| | +---> return c + d
| |
| +---> return b + (c + d)
+---> return a + (b + (c + d))
Question 2
Analyze the running time of each of the following functions. For each function:
- Draw the recursion tree that represents the execution process, and the cost of each call.
- Conclude the total (asymptotic) running time.
Note: For the simplicity of the analysis of sections (b) and (c), you may assume that n is a power of 2, therefore it can always be divided evenly by 2.
def fun1(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
part1 = fun1(n - 1)
part2 = fun1(n - 1)
res = part1 + part2
return res
def fun2(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
res = fun2(n // 2)
res += n
return res
def fun3(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
res = fun3(n // 2)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
res += i
return res
/ \
fun1(n-1) fun1(n-1)
/ \ / \
fun1(n-2) fun1(n-2) fun1(n-2) fun1(n-2)
... ... ... ...
fun3(n) <= costs O(n)
fun3(n/2) <= costs O(n/2)
fun3(n/4) <= costs O(n/4)
fun3(0) <= costs O(1)
Question 3
Give a recursive implement to the following functions:
a. def print_triangle(n)
This function is given a positive integer n, and prints a textual image of a right triangle (aligned to the left) made of n lines with asterisks.
For example, print_triangle(4)
, should print:
b. def print_oposite_triangles(n)
This function is given a positive integer n, and prints a textual image of a two opposite right triangles (aligned to the left) with asterisks, each containing n lines.
For example, print_oposite_triangles(4)
, should print:
c. def print_ruler(n)
This function is given a positive integer n, and prints a vertical ruler of lines. Each line contains ‘-‘ marks as follows:
- The line in the middle of the ruler contains n ‘-‘ marks
- The lines at the middle of each half and of the ruler contains () ‘-‘ marks
- The lines at the and of the ruler contains ‘-‘ marks
- Andsoon...
- The lines at the of the ruler contains 1 ‘-‘mark
For example, print_ruler(4)
, should print (only the blue marks):

- Take for n=4: when finding
, try to think first whatprint_ruler(3)
does, and how you can use it to print a ruler of size 4.Then, generally identify whatprint_ruler(n-1)
is supposed to print, and use that in order to define how to print the ruler of size n. - You may want to have more than one recursive call
- It looks much scarier than it actually is
def print_triangle(n):
if n == 0:
print_triangle(n - 1)
print('*' * n)
def print_oposite_triangles(n):
if n > 0:
print("*" * n)
print_oposite_triangles(n - 1)
if n < 4:
print("*" * (n + 1))
def print_ruler(n):
if n == 1:
# 递归地打印前一半
# 打印中间的'-'
print('-' * n)
# 递归地打印后一半
# 测试
Question 4
Give a recursive implement to the following function:
def list_min(lst, low, high)
The function is given lst
, a list of integers, and two indices: low
and high
(), which indicate the range of indices that need to be considered.
The function should find and return the minimum value out of all the elements at the position low, low+1, ..., high in lst.
def list_min(lst, low, high):
# 如果 low 等于 high,那么我们只有一个元素需要考虑,直接返回它。
if low == high:
return lst[low]
# 把问题分为两部分:左半部分和右半部分。
mid = (low + high) // 2
# 找出左半部分的最小值和右半部分的最小值。
left_min = list_min(lst, low, mid)
right_min = list_min(lst, mid + 1, high)
# 返回两部分中的较小值。
return min(left_min, right_min)
Question 5
Give a recursive implement to the following functions:
a. def count_lowercase(s, low, high):
The function is given a string s
, and two indices: low
and high
(),which indicate the range of indices that need to be considered.
The function should return the number of lowercase letters at the positions low,low+1,...,high in s
b. def is_number_of_lowercase_even(s, low, high):
The function is given a string s, and two indices: low
and high
(), which indicate the range of indices that need to be considered.
The function should return True
if there are even number of lowercase letters at the positions low, low+1, ..., high in s, or False otherwise.
a. count_lowercase
def count_lowercase(s, low, high):
# 基本情况:如果low和high相同,只检查这一个字符是否为小写字母
if low == high:
return 1 if s[low].islower() else 0
# 分解:将问题分解为两个较小的部分
mid = (low + high) // 2
left_count = count_lowercase(s, low, mid) # 左半部分的小写字母数量
right_count = count_lowercase(s, mid + 1, high) # 右半部分的小写字母数量
# 合并:合并两个部分的结果
return left_count + right_count
b. is_number_of_lowercase_even
def is_number_of_lowercase_even(s, low, high):
# 使用上面的count_lowercase函数来获取小写字母的数量
count = count_lowercase(s, low, high)
# 检查数量是否为偶数
return count % 2 == 0
Question 6
Give a recursive implement to the following function:
def appearances(s, low, high)

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