NYU – Tandon School of Engineering Final Exam – 16 December 2021
Final Exam – 16 December 2021
- (15 Points) Provide the value of the variable “var” (use python form to show the appropriate data type, e.g. “str” , [list], etc). Note: following code snippets will not produce errors.
Value of var after code runs
In [1]: var = 0
In [2]: for i in range (2, 5, 3):
...: for j in range(i, 0, -1):
...: var += j
In [3]: var
Out[3]: 3
In [4]: var = []
In [5]: ls = [1, 2, 3]
In [6]: for ii in ls:
...: ls.pop()
...: var.append(ls[:])
In [7]: var
Out[7]: [[1, 2], [1]]
In [17]: ls=[5, 10, 15, 20]
In [18]: var = ls
In [19]: ls.pop()
Out[19]: 20
In [20]: var[0] += 1
In [21]: var
Out[21]: [6, 10, 15]
In [22]: quote = "a wse man can see the mssng lttrs"
In [23]: message = quote[10:17] + " " + quote[-5:]
In [24]: var = message.split(" ")
In [25]: var
Out[25]: ['can', 'see', 'lttrs']
In [26]: area_codes = {"NY": "212", "NJ": "201", "DC": "202"}
In [27]: del area_codes["DC"]
In [28]: var = area_codes
In [29]: var
Out[29]: {'NY': '212', 'NJ': '201'}
- (10 Points) Evaluate the code below and write its output.
In [30]: def make_alphanum_codes(chars, num_list):
...: i = 10
...: for num in num_list[::-1]:
...: for pos in range(len(chars)):
...: code = chars[pos] + ',' + str(num)
...: print(i, ':', code, sep='') #sep is empty str
...: i - 1
In [31]: n_list = [1, 2, 3]
In [32]: alphas = "abc"
In [33]: make_alphanum_codes(alphas, n_list)
- Given the two data structures, NUMBERS_LIST and VEHICLES_DICT, use list comprehension to construct new_list for each one of the following questions:
You are given, as an example:
# a list of integers
NUMBERS_LIST = [4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 20, 45, 50, 80]
# a dictionary of vehicle names and their weights in Kg
VEHICLES_DICT = {"Sedan": 1500, "SUV": 2000, "Pickup": 2500, "Minivan": 1600, "Van": 2400, "Semi": 13600, "Bicycle": 7, "Motorcycle": 110}
Construct new_list adding 5 to each item of NUMBERS_LIST.
# Type your answer here.
new_list = _
# Construct new_list adding 5 to each item of NUMBERS_LIST.
new_list = [number + 5 for number in NUMBERS_LIST]
Construct new_list from the squares of each element in NUMBERS_LIST, but only if the square is less than 50.
# Type your answer here.
new_list = _
# Construct new_list from the squares of each element in NUMBERS_LIST, but only if the square is less than 50.
new_list = [number**2 for number in NUMBERS_LIST if number**2 < 50]
Construct new_list from the elements of NUMBERS_LIST that are less than 50, and are evenly divisible by 3 and 5.
# Type your answer here.
new_list =
# Construct new_list from the elements of NUMBERS_LIST that are less than 50, and are evenly divisible by 3 and 5.
new_list = [number for number in NUMBERS_LIST if number < 50 and number % 3 == 0 and number % 5 == 0]
Construct new_list from the names of vehicles in VEHICLES_DICT that have weights within the range 2000 - 3000, inclusive on both ends.
# Type your answer here.
new_list = _
# Construct new_list from the names of vehicles in VEHICLES_DICT that have weights within the range 2000 - 3000, inclusive on both ends.
new_list = [vehicle for vehicle, weight in VEHICLES_DICT.items() if 2000 <= weight <= 3000]
4. (15 Points) Write a class named Airplane that represents each airplane in an airport. Each airplane has the following attributes:
- make (make of plain. Example: “Boeing”)
- model (model number. Example: 707)
- capacity (seating capacity. Example: 400)
- pilot (name of pilot)
The Airplane class should have an initializer (constructor) that accepts the airplane’s make, model, capacity, and pilot as arguments. The class should also implement the __str__()
method that returns a string describing airplanes in this format:
Airplane description: Airplane description:
Aircraft: Boeing 707 Aircraft: Airbus A380
Capacity: 400 seats Capacity: 853 seats
Pilot: William Edward Boeing Pilot: Chesley Burnett
a) Airplane class implementation:
b) Write code (you do not need to define any functions) to instantiate two airplane class objects.
class Airplane:
def __init__(self, make, model, capacity, pilot):
self.make = make
self.model = model
self.capacity = capacity
self.pilot = pilot
def __str__(self):
return f"Aircraft: {self.make} {self.model}\nCapacity: {self.capacity} seats\nPilot: {self.pilot}"
# Instantiate two airplane objects
airplane1 = Airplane("Boeing", "707", 400, "William Edward Boeing")
airplane2 = Airplane("Airbus", "A380", 853, "Chesley Burnett")
# Print the airplane objects using their __str__() method
- (25 points) A popular movie site provides a data feed with pairings of movie stars with the movies in which the star has appeared. This data has been processed to create a list of tuples where each tuple contains a movie star's name and the movie in which the star has appeared. An example of the data in this structure is shown below.
pairings = [
("Cate Blanchett", "Babel"),
("Johnny Depp", "Edward Scissorhands"),
("Jack Nicholson", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"),
("Angela Bassett", "Waiting to Exhale"),
("Jack Nicholson", "Batman"),
("Jack Nicholson", "The Departed"),
("Cate Blanchett", "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"),
("Angela Bassett", "Black Panther"),
("Brad Pitt", "Fight Club"),
("Jodie Foster", "The Silence of the Lambs"),
("Edward Norton", "American History X")
You can assume the following about the code that you implement:
the list of movie star/movie title pairings will exist and will not be empty
no main function is needed
a) First, we’d like to be able to search this list of pairings for actors that appear in a given movie (the cast). Define a function named get_cast()
that accepts two parameters: the pairings list as described above, and a string with the name of a movie. The function will return a list of the names (i.e. a list of strings) of the actors that appeared in that movie. If the movie title doesn’t appear in the list of pairings, return an empty list.
Function implementation:
def get_cast(pairings, movie_title):
cast = []
for actor, movie in pairings:
if movie == movie_title:
return cast
b) In order to more easily work with the data, we would like to convert it to a dictionary. Define a function named convert() that accepts a single parameter: a list of pairings as described above (i.e. a list of tuples where each tuple contains a movie star's name and the movie in which the star has appeared). This function will return a dictionary where each movie star name that appears in the list is a key in a dictionary. The value associated with each key is a list of strings of the movie titles in which the star has appeared. (For example, “Angela Bassett” would be associated with “Waiting to Exhale” and “Black Panther”; “Jodie Foster” would be associated with “The Silence of the Lambs”, et cetera)
Function implementation:
def convert(pairings):
star_movies = {}
for actor, movie in pairings:
if actor not in star_movies:
star_movies[actor] = []
return star_movies
c) Define a function named get_average() that accepts one parameter: a dictionary with movie star names (a string) and the movies in which the star has appeared (a list of strings) as produced from the convert() function above . Calculate and return the average number of movies each star appears in. You can calculate this by finding the total number of movies and dividing by the total number of actors. You do not have to worry about duplication of movie titles. In the above example, there are 11 movies and 7 stars so the average would be 11/7.
def get_average(star_movies):
total_movies = 0
total_stars = len(star_movies)
for movies in star_movies.values():
total_movies += len(movies)
return total_movies / total_stars
a) 编写一个名为 get_cast()
b) 编写一个名为 convert()
c) 编写一个名为 get_average()
的函数,该函数接受一个参数:一个字典,其中包含演员名称(字符串)和该演员出现过的电影(字符串列表),该字典是由上面的 convert()
- (27 points) We will be creating a class that simulates a round of mad lib. A mad lib is a word game where you are given a paragraph such as this one:
This is a [N] of a [AJ] [N] that I will complete [AV] now.
Don't [V] it isn't [AJ] ok?
With [N] and [N] to you,
good night, [N]
This paragraph is missing a series of nouns (represented by [N]), verbs (represented by [V]), adjectives (represented by [AJ]), and adverbs (represented by [AV]). Your goal as a player is to fill these missing words in with any random noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.
For example, the mad lib below could be filled-in in the following way:
This is a fence of a delicious chair that I will complete quickly now. Don't slice it isn't benign ok?
With fence and chair to you,
good night, cart
Define a class, MadLib, that accepts one parameter (filepath, a string) when instantiating.
The MadLib class will have a single instance attribute, contents, which will store the lines in the file pointed to by filepath as elements of a list (i.e. each line will be an element). No further processing is necessary.
To do this, the MadLib class must attempt to safely open the file to extract its contents. If anything goes wrong while attempting to open the file, contents will remain an empty string.
MadLib objects will have a single method associated with them: populate_madlib(). populate_madlib() will accept a single parameter, word_bank, a WordBank object.
You can assume that the WordBank class is already defined and imported into your file, and will have the following methods:
- get_verb(): Returns a string containing a random verb.
- get_noun(): Returns a string containing a random adjective.
- get_adjv(): Returns a string containing a random adjective.
- get_advb(): Returns a string containing a random adverb.
WordBank objects don't require any arguments in order to be properly instantiated.
populate_madlib() must use these methods to replace the four word tokens ([N], [V], [AV], and [AJ]) with words from the WordBank object that was passed into it. After populate_madlib() is called, the contents attribute will contain the completed mad lib (i.e. the tokens are replaced by the appropriate words) instead of the version with the tokens.
You may assume that all tokens ([N], [V], [AV], and [AJ]) will always be uppercase, and that they will always have a space character before and after them..
Add functionality to your MadLib class so that, when passed into the print() function, it will print the current contents of the MadLib object's contents attribute as they would appear in the txt file.
To finish your file, define a main() function to show the MadLib class in action.
The main() function must extract the name of the txt file that will be used to create the MadLib object from the following command line/Terminal command:
Mac / Linux:
python3 madlib.py madlib.txt
py madlib.py madlib.txt
The main() must then create a MadLib object, make a call to populate_madlib(), and pass the MadLib object into a print() function call. You can assume that the user will always enter a valid command into the Terminal (i.e. the correct number of arguments, no typos, etc.).
The output on your console, provided everything was properly implemented and went well, could look like this:
This is a chair of a benign fence that I will complete slovenly now. Don't dry it isn't ostentatious ok?
With cart and chair to you,
good night, chair
Problem 5 Implementation:
from wordbank import WordBank
- get_verb():返回一个包含随机动词的字符串。
- get_noun():返回一个包含随机名词的字符串。
- get_adjv():返回一个包含随机形容词的字符串。
- get_advb():返回一个包含随机副词的字符串。
populate_madlib()必须使用这些方法将word_bank对象中的单词替换为四个单词标记([N]、[V]、[AV]和[AJ])。在调用populate_madlib()之后,contents属性将包含已完成的mad lib(即用适当的单词替换了标记),而不是带有标记的版本。
Mac / Linux:
python3 madlib.py madlib.txt
py madlib.py madlib.txt
然后,main()函数必须创建一个 MadLib对象,调用populate_madlib(),并将MadLib对象传递给print()函数调用。你可以假设用户总是在终端中输入有效的命令(即参数数量正确,没有拼写错误等)。
import sys # 导入sys模块以访问命令行参数
from wordbank import WordBank # 导入WordBank类
class MadLib:
def __init__(self, filepath):
self.contents = [] # 初始化实例属性contents为空列表
with open(filepath, 'r') as file: # 尝试安全地打开文件
self.contents = file.readlines() # 读取文件的每一行并将其作为列表元素存储在contents中
self.contents = "" # 如果在尝试打开文件时出错,将contents设置为空字符串
def populate_madlib(self, word_bank):
for idx, line in enumerate(self.contents): # 遍历contents中的每一行
# 使用WordBank对象中的方法替换对应的词汇标记
line = line.replace("[N]", word_bank.get_noun())
line = line.replace("[V]", word_bank.get_verb())
line = line.replace("[AJ]", word_bank.get_adjv())
line = line.replace("[AV]", word_bank.get_advb())
self.contents[idx] = line # 更新contents列表中的当前行
def __str__(self):
return ''.join(self.contents) # 当将MadLib对象传递给print()函数时,将contents属性中的元素连接为一个字符串并返回
def main():
filepath = sys.argv[1] # 从命令行参数中提取文件路径
madlib = MadLib(filepath) # 创建MadLib对象
word_bank = WordBank() # 创建WordBank对象
madlib.populate_madlib(word_bank) # 使用WordBank对象填充MadLib对象的contents
print(madlib) # 打印填充后的MadLib对象
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # 如果是作为脚本运行,则调用main()函数
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