
UIC All QUIZ7 类似题目-模拟考

AI悦创原创Python 一对一教学uicUIC Information SpacecodingbatPython 一对一教学uicUIC Information Spacecodingbat大约 3 分钟...约 1032 字

Question 7

Question1 Warm-up . Define a function get_title(movielist) that returns a new list of movies with (year) removed. movielist contains titles of movie as string and year is always written as 4 digits within parathesis at the end of the title. For example 'Transformers (2007)'

问题1热身。定义一个函数get_title(movielist),它返回一个删除了年份的电影列表。movielist以字符串形式包含电影的标题,并且年份总是以4位数字的形式写入标题的末尾。例如Transformers (2007)


get_title(['Transformers (2007)']) -> ['Transformers']

movies1 = ['Transformers (2007)',
 'Star Trek (2009)',
 "Schindler's List (1993)",
 'Ip Man (2008)',
 'Casino Royale (2006)',
 'Back to the Future (1985)',
 'Moon (2009)']
get_title(movies1) -> 
 'Star Trek',
 "Schindler's List",
 'Ip Man',
 'Casino Royale',
 'Back to the Future',

你可以使用 Python 的字符串操作和列表解析来实现这个功能。代码如下:

def get_title(movielist):
    return [title[:-7].strip() for title in movielist]

movies1 = ['Transformers (2007)',
 'Star Trek (2009)',
 "Schindler's List (1993)",
 'Ip Man (2008)',
 'Casino Royale (2006)',
 'Back to the Future (1985)',
 'Moon (2009)']


这段代码中,我们使用了列表解析(list comprehension)来遍历输入的电影列表。对每一个电影名字,我们使用切片操作title[:-7]来去除名字最后的7个字符(包括空格、左右括号和4位年份),然后使用strip()方法去除可能存在的额外空格。最后这个操作会返回一个新的电影名字列表,其中的名字都已经去除了年份。


 'Star Trek',
 "Schindler's List",
 'Ip Man',
 'Casino Royale',
 'Back to the Future',

Question 2

Question2. Write the string "This is new content" as a single line into the file "question2.txt".

with open('question2.txt', 'w') as file:
    file.write("This is new content")

Question 4

Question4. Points 1-3.

The file grades.csv contains the partial grades of about 300 students from a previous course. Answer all the questions below:

  1. Use pandas to read the file as data frame named grade_dataframe.
  2. Convert the each of the columns "assignments", "project", "participation", and "exam" in respective lists named assignments_list, project_list, participation_list, and exam_list
  3. Write each of the list as a pickle file named grades.pkl in the same order above


  • You can use the following syntax to convert a data frame column to list:
list_name = list(data_frame[column_name])
import pandas as pd
import pickle

# 1. 使用 pandas 读取文件,创建 DataFrame
grade_dataframe = pd.read_csv('grades.csv')

# 2. 将每一列转换成相应的列表
assignments_list = list(grade_dataframe['assignments'])
project_list = list(grade_dataframe['project'])
participation_list = list(grade_dataframe['participation'])
exam_list = list(grade_dataframe['exam'])

# 3. 将列表写入 pickle 文件
with open('grades.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(assignments_list, f)
    pickle.dump(project_list, f)
    pickle.dump(participation_list, f)
    pickle.dump(exam_list, f)


  1. 使用 pandas 读取名为 grades.csv 的文件,并将其存储为名为 grade_dataframe 的 DataFrame。

  2. grade_dataframe 中的 "assignments"、"project"、"participation" 和 "exam" 四列分别转换为列表,命名为 assignments_listproject_listparticipation_listexam_list

  3. 将这四个列表按照上述顺序写入一个名为 grades.pkl 的 pickle 文件。

其中,grades.csv 文件包含了约300名学生的部分成绩,而 pickle 是一种常用的 Python 对象序列化方法,可以将对象以二进制形式保存到文件中,方便之后再次加载和使用。



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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AndersonHJB
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