07-MATLAB Tutorial for Calculus III - Part 1
1. Introduction to MATLAB
MATLAB is a powerful computer algebra system that can perform many mathematical calculations. It can also be used as a programming language. This lab is intended to introduce both of these capabilities. The MATLAB program is available to UCCS students in the computer lab in EAS 136.
MATLAB 是一款强大的计算机代数系统,能够执行许多数学计算。它也可以用作编程语言。本实验室旨在介绍这两种能力。MATLAB程序可在 EAS 136 计算机实验室提供给 UCCS 学生使用。
1.1 Logging into the system
1.1 登录系统
On the log-in screen, you will see a prompt for your username and password. Type in your username first. This will be the first letter of your first name followed by the first seven letters (or less) of your last name. For example, if your name is John Williams, then your username will be JWilliam.
在登录界面上,您将看到输入用户名和密码的提示。首先输入您的用户名。用户名应该是您的名字的第一个字母,后面跟着您姓的前七个字母(或更少)。例如,如果您的名字是John Williams,那么您的用户名将是JWilliam。
If you have not previously logged in, you will need the initial password. The initial password is MmmssssL where:
- M代表您的名字的第一个大写字母(如果您的名字只有一个字母,则使用该字母的小写形式)。
- m代表您的姓氏的前三个小写字母(如果您的姓氏少于三个字母,则使用所有字母的小写形式)。
- s代表您的出生日期的月份和日期,不包括任何前导零(例如,如果您的出生日期是5月3日,则使用Mmm03的形式)。
- L代表您的出生日期的年份的最后一位数字。
Mmm = first 3 letters of your birthmonth
"Mmm = first 3 letters of your birthmonth" 的翻译为:Mmm = 你出生月份的前三个字母。
ssss = last 4 digits of your student ID number
ssss = 您的学生ID号码的最后4位数字
L = first letter of last name
L = 姓氏的第一个字母
(The first and last letters are capitalized.)
After you log in you will be asked to change this password, make sure you remember it!
Note: If for some reason either your username or your password does not work, first check that the DOMAIN is set to UFP. If it still doesn’t work, ask someone for help.
1.2 Starting out with MATLAB
Double click the MATLAB icon on your screen. This will start the MATLAB program, and the MATLAB desktop appears.

The MATLAB desktop is divided into three smaller windows. On the upper left you will see the ”Current Directory” subwindow. We will not be using this, so remove it by clicking the small ”x” in the upper right corner of the subwindow. Now the ”Workspace” subwindow appears; remove this also. Then remove the ”Command History” subwindow. Now the only subwindow that is left is the ”Command” subwindow. You should see a prompt in the Command window that looks like this: ”>>”.
2. MATLAB as scientifific calculator
2.1 Introduction to calculations
The prompt is where you enter commands in MATLAB. Now we will look at a few of the functions MATLAB can perform. First, notice that MATLAB can function as an expensive calculator. Try typing the following:
>> 2+2
ans = 4
If you did this correctly, you should get the answer displayed underneath.
Note: You may end commands in MATLAB with a semicolon. If you end a line with a semicolon, the command will be executed, but the solution will not be displayed. If you don’t end a line with a semicolon (as above), the solution will be displayed below the line.
We can continue with multiplication. The asterisk symbol ”*” is used to indicate multiplication. You cannot leave it out. Try typing the following line:
我们可以继续进行乘法运算。星号符号 "*" 用于表示乘法。你不能忽略它。请尝试输入以下行:
>> 2*2
ans = 4
If you instead typed ”(2)(2)” you would get an error message (try it!).
Subtraction should be written as follows:
>> 5-3
ans = 2
Division is indicated by the ”/” character:
>> 5/3
ans = 1.6667
You can can use several operators in one line and group expressions using parenthesis. For example:
>> (1+7-3)*2
ans = 10
Now try a few of your own calculations!
2.2 Assigning variables in MATLAB
It is often convenient to name a long expression for later use. That way, you don’t have to repeatedly type in the long expression. Assignment in MATLAB is done with the operator ”=”. For example, the following line assigns the letter ”a” to the approximate value of pi:
>> a = 3.14
ans = 3.1400
Now every time the letter ”a” is used in an expression, it will actually refer to the value for pi. Try typing the following:
现在,每次在表达式中使用字母 "a",它实际上将指代圆周率的值。尝试输入以下内容:
>> a
a = 3.1400
>> 2*a
ans = 6.2800
2.3 Help in MATLAB
In the example above, the value for pi was assigned to a variable to save it. Does the value for pi have to be entered everytime it is used? Maybe MATLAB has a better choice.
在上面的例子中,pi 的值被赋值给一个变量来保存它。是否每次使用 pi 时都要输入它的值?也许MATLAB有更好的选择。
To fifind help in MATLAB, click the HELP icon:
The Help window now appears on the MATLAB desktop.

You can browse the table of contents by clicking on the ”Contents” tab in the ”Help Navigator” window. This is very similar to the help used in other programs. Simply use the mouse to click on the topic of your choice.
You can also select the ”Index” tab and then search the index for a given word or phrase by typing it in the ”search index for” text box. Try searching the index for ”pi”. You will fifind three entries for ”pi” in the index, labeled [1], [2], and [3]. Click on ”[3]” and you will see a list of special values you can use in expressions, one of which is ”pi”. So you have learned that there is no need to type the value of pi everytime it is used. Instead, substitute the constant, ”pi”. For example:
>> pi/2
ans = 1.5708
2.4 Exponents in MATLAB
If you wish to fifind, for example, 13 to the fififth power, then you can easily do so in MATLAB. The caret ”^” (or ”hat”) is used in exponentiation. Try typing:
>> 13^5
ans = 371293
Remember that you can also use the exponent operator to compute the roots of numbers. If you want to fifind the cube root of 876, simply type:
>> 876^(1/3)
ans = 9.5683
2.5 Built-in MATLAB functions
MATLAB has the same built in functions that you see in scientifific calculators. A few examples are, sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), log(x), sqrt(x), and exp(x). Try typing the following:
>> log(10)
ans = 2.3026
This answer tells you that log(x) does not mean the base 10 logarithm, but the natural logarithm. If you need the base 10 logarithm, use the log10(x) function.
The trigonometric functions should be entered in the same way, for example, sin(pi/2) should be as below:
三角函数应以相同的方式输入,例如,sin(pi/2) 应输入如下:
>> sin(pi/2)
ans = 1
Now try typing sinpi/2, omitting the parentheses. What is the result?
MATLAB also recognizes the inverse trigonometric functions. For instance, the inverse tangent is ”atan”. Recalling that the inverse tangent of 1 is pi/4, we can enter it as below to see that the arctan function works as expected:
>> 4*atan(1)
ans = 3.1416
Notice that by default MATLAB displays numeric results to 4 decimal places. For example:
>> 4/3
ans = 1.3333
You can get 14 decimal places by typing ”format long”:
你可以通过输入“format long”来获得14位小数。
>> format long
>> 4/3
ans = 1.33333333333333
To change back to 4 decimal places, type ”format short”:
要将小数位数更改为四位小数,请输入"format short"。
>> format short
>> 4/3
ans = 1.3333
Now, let’s look at e. Try computing e to the tenth power by typing ”e^10”
Well, that doesn’t work. In MATLAB, e^x is not a valid command. MATLAB is treating the letter ”e” as an undefifined variable, just like it would ”x”. To fifind e^x, use the function, exp(x):
>> exp(10)
ans = 2.2026e+004
2.6 Exercises
- Compare and explain the following expressions:
(a) 2+4/2
(b) (2+4)/2
(c) 2+(4/2)
(d) 2(3+5)
Graph the function:
How many zeros of this function exist between x = -4 and x = 4?
% 定义 x 的范围
x = linspace(-4, 4, 1000);
% 定义函数
y = cos(x) + 1 ./ (1 + exp(-2 * x));
% 绘制函数图像
plot(x, y)
title('Graph of y = cos(x) + 1/(1 + e^{-2x})')
% 寻找零点
tol = 1e-5; % 设定容差
zero_indices = find(abs(y) < tol); % 寻找y值接近零的索引
zero_x_values = x(zero_indices); % 获取对应的x值
% 显示零点的数量
disp(['Number of zeros between x = -4 and x = 4: ', num2str(length(zero_x_values))])

% 定义 x 的范围
x = linspace(-4, 4, 1000);
% 定义函数
y = cos(x) + 1 ./ (1 + exp(-2 * x));
% 绘制函数图像
plot(x, y)
hold on % 保持当前图像
title('Graph of y = cos(x) + 1/(1 + e^{-2x})')
% 寻找零点
f = @(x) cos(x) + 1 ./ (1 + exp(-2 * x));
options = optimset('Display','off'); % 不显示迭代信息
zeros_x = []; % 保存零点的x值
for i = 1 : length(x) - 1
% 检查相邻两点的函数值是否异号
if f(x(i)) * f(x(i+1)) < 0
% 使用 fzero 寻找零点
zero_x = fzero(f, [x(i), x(i+1)], options);
zeros_x = [zeros_x, zero_x]; % 添加到零点数组中
% 在图上标记零点
plot(zero_x, 0, 'ro')
hold off % 释放当前图像
% 显示零点的数量
disp(['Number of zeros between x = -4 and x = 4: ', num2str(length(zeros_x))])
Make a graph of the function:
From x = -16 to x = 10. On the same plot, draw the tangent line to y(x) at x=-6.
syms x;
y = (2 + 2*x) / (5 * sin(x) - 6);
dy = diff(y, x);
slope = double(subs(dy, x, -6));
y_at_minus6 = double(subs(y, x, -6))
syms x_tangent y_tangent;
eqn = y_tangent == slope * (x_tangent + 6) + y_at_minus6
fplot(y, [-16, 10])
hold on
syms x;
y = (2 + 2*x)/(5*sin(x) - 6);
dy = diff(y, x); % 求导数
slope = double(subs(dy, x, -6)); % 在x=-6处求斜率
% 求得在x=-6处的y的值
y_at_minus6 = double(subs(y, x, -6));
% 利用斜率和点(-6, y_at_minus6)求得切线方程
syms x_tangent;
y_tangent = slope * (x_tangent + 6) + y_at_minus6;
% 绘图
fplot(y, [-16, 10]) % 绘制y(x)函数图像
hold on % 保持当前图像,以便在同一图像上绘制更多内容
fplot(y_tangent, [-16, 10]) % 在同一图像上绘制切线
hold off % 不再保持当前图像
legend('y(x)', 'tangent at x=-6') % 添加图例
On the same plot, graph and the first there Taylor approximations to sin(x) at
For the question 3, you cannot use the function taylor from MATLAB.
% 设定x的取值范围
x = linspace(-10,10,1000);
% 计算y的值
y = x - x.^3/factorial(3) + x.^5/factorial(5);
% 画图
title('Plot of the function y = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5!')
grid on
% 设定x的取值范围
x = linspace(-10,10,1000);
% 计算y的值
y1 = x - x.^3/factorial(3) + x.^5/factorial(5);
y2 = sin(x);
% 画图
hold on
title('Plot of the functions y = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! and y = sin(x)')
legend('y = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5!', 'y = sin(x)')
grid on
hold off
Advanced problems (25 points, 1 question, 25 points per each)
- Make a graph of the sphere
Move the sphere along its normal direction to increase the sphere volume. Repeat it three times with different moving distances.Make sure that the sphere is represented by some 3D points, so you only need to move these 3D points along their normal direction.
For each question, your lab reports should contain three parts:
- Introduction to the basic concepts of the question from the knowledge of our course.
- Displaying and explaining your code.
- Showing the graph results.
- 绘制球体的图形
- 从我们课程的知识中介绍问题的基本概念。
- 显示和解释您的代码。
- 展示图形结果。
% Part 1: 生成球体的3D点
[phi,theta] = meshgrid(linspace(0,2*pi,50),linspace(0,pi,50));
x = sin(theta).*cos(phi);
y = sin(theta).*sin(phi);
z = cos(theta);
% Part 2: 计算每个点的法线方向并移动这些点
moving_distances = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]; % 设置移动距离
for i = 1:3
% 沿法线方向移动点
x_moved = x + moving_distances(i).*x;
y_moved = y + moving_distances(i).*y;
z_moved = z + moving_distances(i).*z;
% 绘制移动后的球体
subplot(1, 3, i);
surf(x_moved, y_moved, z_moved);
title(['Moving Distance: ', num2str(moving_distances(i))]);
axis equal;
% Part 1: 生成球体的3D点
[phi,theta] = meshgrid(linspace(0,2*pi,50),linspace(0,pi,50));
% Part 2: 计算每个点的法线方向并移动这些点
moving_distances = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]; % 设置半径
for i = 1:4
% 沿法线方向移动点,即增大半径
r = 1 + moving_distances(i);
x = r * sin(theta).*cos(phi);
y = r * sin(theta).*sin(phi);
z = r * cos(theta);
% 绘制移动后的球体
subplot(2, 2, i);
surf(x, y, z);
title(['Radius: ', num2str(r)]);
axis equal;

syms x;
y = x - x.^3/factorial(3) + x.^5/factorial(5);
dy = diff(y, x);
slope = double(subs(dy, x, -6)); % 在x=-6处求斜率
y_at_minus6 = double(subs(y, x, -6));
syms x_tangent;
y_tangent = sin(x);
% 绘图
fplot(y, [-5, 5])
hold on
fplot(y_tangent, [-5, 5])
hold off
legend('y(x)', 'tangent at x=-6')

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