04-Programming Assignment 2
Programming Assignment 2
This is the Part 2 of your Assignment 2. Together with the Part 1 multiple choice questions on iSpace, it accounts for maximum 10% of the final grade.
- Write your code after you see
- Read the instruction of each question. You have a limited time to submit: May 5, 2023, h. 13:00. Only your last submission counts.
- Copying the solution of other students is forbidden.
- For each exercise example, the symbol
indicates the value the function should return. - After the deadline, submission is only possible by email attachment (.ipynb file) to yujiahu@uic.edu.cn. Late submission will be heavily penalized (up to 100%, if late > 48h ).
- This assignment will be auto-graded. If you fail to submit or if your submission fails the auto-grade, you will get 0 points.**
Question 1
Question 1. Define the function in_dict(dict_arg, value)
that returns a boolean True
if value
exists in dict_arg
and False
if the value
is not in dict_arg
sample_dict = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c': 300}
in_dict(sample_dict, 100) -> True
in_dict(sample_dict, 110) -> False
def in_dict(dict_arg, value):
问题1。定义函数in_dict(dict_arg, value)
sample_dict = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c': 300}
in_dict(sample_dict, 100) -> True
in_dict(sample_dict, 110) -> False
def in_dict(dict_arg, value):
return value in dict_arg.values()
sample_dict = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c': 300}
print(in_dict(sample_dict, 100)) # Output: True
print(in_dict(sample_dict, 110)) # Output: False
Question 2
Question 2. Define the function mean_val(dict_arg)
that returns the average of all the values in dict_arg
dict_arg = {'bad': 1, 'ok': 2, 'good': 3, 'best': 4, 'geek': 5}
mean_val(dict_arg) -> 3.0
dict_arg = {'bad': 1, 'ok': 2, 'good': 3, 'best': 4, 'geek': 5}
mean_val(dict_arg) -> 3.0
def mean_val(dict_arg):
# Calculate the sum of all values in the dictionary
total_sum = sum(dict_arg.values())
# Calculate the number of items in the dictionary
num_items = len(dict_arg)
# Calculate and return the mean value
mean_value = total_sum / num_items
return mean_value
# Example usage
dict_arg = {'bad': 1, 'ok': 2, 'good': 3, 'best': 4, 'geek': 5}
print(mean_val(dict_arg)) # Output: 3.0
Question 3
Question 3. Define the function merge_dict(dict1, dict2)
that returns the two dictionary inputs merged into one dictionary. Assume that if a key appears in both dict1
and dict2
, it has the same value in both dictionaries.
dict1 = {'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30}
dict2 = {'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
Expected output:
{'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
问题 3。定义函数 merge_dict(dict1, dict2)
,该函数 返回 将两个字典输入合并成一个字典的结果。假设如果一个键在 dict1
和 dict2
dict1 = {'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30}
dict2 = {'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
{'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
def merge_dict(dict1, dict2):
merged_dict = dict1.copy()
return merged_dict
# Example usage:
dict1 = {'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30}
dict2 = {'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
result = merge_dict(dict1, dict2)
print(result) # Output: {'Ten': 10, 'Twenty': 20, 'Thirty': 30, 'Fourty': 40, 'Fifty': 50}
Question 4
Question 4. Define the function high_unique_key(dict_arg)
where dict_arg
is a dictionary with key-value pairs that are of type string-list. The function returns the key of dict_arg
associated with the value list that has the most unique elements.
dict_arg = {'key1': [5, 7, 9, 4, 0], 'key2': [6, 7, 4, 3, 3], 'key3': [9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]}
high_unique_key(dict_arg) -> "key1"
def high_unique_key(dict_arg):
问题4. 定义函数high_unique_key(dict_arg)
dict_arg = {'key1': [5, 7, 9, 4, 0], 'key2': [6, 7, 4, 3, 3], 'key3': [9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]}
high_unique_key(dict_arg) -> "key1"
def high_unique_key(dict_arg):
max_unique_elements = 0
high_key = None
for key, value_list in dict_arg.items():
unique_elements = len(set(value_list))
if unique_elements > max_unique_elements:
max_unique_elements = unique_elements
high_key = key
return high_key
def high_unique_key(dict_arg):
# 初始化 max_unique_elements 为 0,用于存储目前为止找到的最大唯一元素数量
max_unique_elements = 0
# 初始化 high_key 为 None,用于存储与最大唯一元素数量相关的键
high_key = None
# 遍历字典中的每个键值对
for key, value_list in dict_arg.items():
# 使用 set 函数计算 value_list 中唯一元素的数量
unique_elements = len(set(value_list))
# 如果当前唯一元素数量大于当前最大值
if unique_elements > max_unique_elements:
# 更新 max_unique_elements 和 high_key
max_unique_elements = unique_elements
high_key = key
# 返回具有最大唯一元素数量的 value_list 的键
return high_key
Question 5
Question 5. A website requires a user to input a username and a password to register. Define a function check_password(string_arg)
to check the validity of the passwords input by the users. It should return a boolean value True
if the password is valid and False
if it is not valid. Following are the criteria for checking the password validity:
- At least 1 letter between
- At least 1 letter between
- At least 1 number between
- At least 1 character from
[*, #]
- Minimum length of characters: 4 (included)
- Maximum length of characters: 8 (included)
check_password("AbraCad") -> False
check_password("AbraCadabra*123") -> False
check_password("Abra#123") -> True
check_password("Ab*1") -> True
check_password("Abr1@1") -> False
A string of a single element (a character) has a method isupper(), islower() and isnumeric(), that returns True
if it is, respectively, a capital letter, a small letter, or a numeric letter
"B".isupper() -> True
"b".islower() -> True
"2".isnumeric() -> True
问题 5。一个网站要求用户输入用户名和密码进行注册。请定义一个名为 check_password(string_arg)
的函数,来检查用户输入的密码是否有效。如果密码有效,则函数应该返回布尔值 True
,否则返回布尔值 False
- 至少有一个小写字母
- 至少有一个大写字母
- 至少有一个数字
- 至少有一个字符
- 字符的最小长度为 4(包括 4)
- 字符的最大长度为 8(包括 8)
check_password("AbraCad") -> False
check_password("AbraCadabra*123") -> False
check_password("Abra#123") -> True
check_password("Ab*1") -> True
check_password("Abr1@1") -> False
一个由单个元素(一个字符)组成的字符串,具有方法 isupper()
和 isnumeric()
,它们分别返回 True
,如果它是一个大写字母、一个小写字母或一个数字,则返回 True
"B".isupper() -> True
"b".islower() -> True
"2".isnumeric() -> True
def check_password(string_arg):
if len(string_arg) < 4 or len(string_arg) > 8:
return False
has_lower = False
has_upper = False
has_numeric = False
has_special = False
for char in string_arg:
if char.islower():
has_lower = True
elif char.isupper():
has_upper = True
elif char.isnumeric():
has_numeric = True
elif char in ['*', '#']:
has_special = True
return has_lower and has_upper and has_numeric and has_special
# Test cases
print(check_password("AbraCad")) # -> False
print(check_password("AbraCadabra*123")) # -> False
print(check_password("Abra#123")) # -> True
print(check_password("Ab*1")) # -> True
print(check_password("Abr1@1")) # -> False
def check_password(string_arg):
# 检查密码长度是否在4到8个字符之间(含)
if len(string_arg) < 4 or len(string_arg) > 8:
return False
# 初始化四个布尔变量,分别用于检查各条件是否满足
has_lower = False
has_upper = False
has_numeric = False
has_special = False
# 遍历字符串中的每个字符
for char in string_arg:
# 如果字符是小写字母
if char.islower():
has_lower = True
# 如果字符是大写字母
elif char.isupper():
has_upper = True
# 如果字符是数字
elif char.isnumeric():
has_numeric = True
# 如果字符是特殊字符(* 或 #)
elif char in ['*', '#']:
has_special = True
# 如果所有条件都满足,则返回 True,否则返回 False
return has_lower and has_upper and has_numeric and has_special
# 测试用例
print(check_password("AbraCad")) # -> False
print(check_password("AbraCadabra*123")) # -> False
print(check_password("Abra#123")) # -> True
print(check_password("Ab*1")) # -> True
print(check_password("Abr1@1")) # -> False
def min_value(lst):
min_value = lst[0]
for i in lst:
if i < lst[0]:
min_value = i
return min_value
print(min_value([4, 2, 6, 1, 3]))
def min_value(lst):
min_value = lst[0]
for i in lst:
if i < min_value: # 使用 min_value 而不是 lst[0]
min_value = i
return min_value
sample_list = [4, 2, 6, 1, 3]
将返回 4,因为它错误地将所有元素与lst[0]
(即 4)进行了比较。修复后的程序将正确地返回 1。
def min_value(lst):
min_value = lst[0]
for i in lst:
if i < lst[0]:
min_value = i
return min_value
sample_list = [4, 2, 6, 1, 3]
print(min_value(sample_list)) # 错误的程序输出
错误的程序返回了 4,而不是列表中的最小值 1。这是因为在循环中,代码比较了元素 i
和 lst[0]
而不是当前最小值。所以,当遇到元素 2 时,虽然它比 4 小,但程序并没有更新 min_value
。然后,当遇到元素 1 时,由于 1 也比 4 小,min_value
被更新为 1。但接下来,由于元素 6 和 3 都大于 4,程序在遇到它们时并不会更新 min_value
。因此,错误的程序最终返回了 4。
def min_value(lst):
min_value = lst[0]
for i in lst:
if i < min_value:
min_value = i
return min_value
sample_list = [4, 2, 6, 1, 3]
print(min_value(sample_list)) # 修复后的程序输出
修复后的程序正确地返回了列表中的最小值 1,这是因为它在循环中将元素 i
与当前最小值 min_value
进行了比较。这样一来,当遇到更小的元素时,程序会正确地更新 min_value

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