

AI悦创原创大约 7 分钟...约 1959 字


这里有。20 个关于正则表达式(Regex)的Python编程题目,难度从简单到困难逐渐增加:

1. 找到文本中的所有日期


text = "重要日期:2023-12-25, 2024-01-01"
dates = # your code here
assert dates == ["2023-12-25", "2024-01-01"]

2. 验证电子邮件地址


email = "example@test.com"
is_valid = # your code here
assert is_valid is True

3. 分割日志文件


log = "INFO:2023-12-17:This is log 1\nERROR:2023-12-18:This is log 2"
entries = # your code here
assert entries == ["INFO:2023-12-17:This is log 1", "ERROR:2023-12-18:This is log 2"]

4. 匹配电话号码

创建一个正则表达式来匹配不同格式的电话号码,例如“(123) 456-7890”或“123-456-7890”。

phone = "(123) 456-7890"
is_phone = # your code here
assert is_phone is True

5. 提取 URL

从文本中提取所有 URL,并确定它们是 HTTP 还是 HTTPS。

text = "Visit https://example.com and http://test.org"
urls = # your code here
assert urls == ["https://example.com", "http://test.org"]

6. 验证密码强度


password = "Aa1!aa11"
is_strong = # your code here
assert is_strong is True

7. 寻找重复的单词


text = "This is a test test text"
duplicate = # your code here
assert duplicate.group() == "test test"

8. 提取括号内的内容

编写一个正则表达式来提取圆括号 () 中的内容。

text = "This is a (sample) text"
content = # your code here
assert content == ["sample"]

9. 识别货币金额


text = "The price is $100.00 or €50"
amounts = # your code here
assert amounts == ["$100.00", "€50"]

10. 识别时间格式


text = "The current time is 14:30:15 or sometimes 09:45"
times = # your code here
assert times == ["14:30:15", "09:45"]

11. 验证车牌号


plate = "ABC-1234"
is_plate = # your code here
assert is_plate is True

12. 匹配 IPv4 地址

写一个正则表达式来匹配有效的 IPv4 地址。

ip = ""
is_ipv4 = # your code here
assert is_ipv4 is True

13. 提取 HTML 标签内容

从 HTML 文本中提取特定标签的内容。

html = "<div>Hello World!</div>"
content = # your code here
assert content == ["Hello World!"]

14. 匹配 Markdown 链接

识别并提取 Markdown 格式文本中的链接及其文本。

markdown = "This is a [link](http://example.com)"
link_text = # your code here
assert link_text == [("link", "http://example.com")]

15. 识别代码注释


code = "// This is a comment\nint x = 0; /* block comment */"
comments = # your code here
assert comments == ["// This is a comment", "/* block comment */"]

16. 匹配科学计数法数字


number = "1.23e10"
is_scientific = # your code here
assert is_scientific is True

17. 解析复杂日志格式


log = "[2023-12-17 10:00:00, INFO] This is an information."
pattern = # your code here
match = re.search(pattern, log)
assert match.groups() == ("2023-12-17 10:00:00", "INFO", "This is an information.")

18. 匹配嵌套括号内容


text = "This is a (nested (example) text) string"
nested_content = # your code here
assert nested_content == ["(nested (example) text)"]

19. 验证 XML/HTML 标签结构


html = "<tag>content</tag>"
is_valid_html = # your code here
assert is_valid_html is True

20. 提取嵌入式语言元素

例如,从 JavaScript 或 CSS 嵌入在 HTML 中的代码段提取特定的函数或规则。

html = "<style>body { background-color: #fff; }</style>"
style_content = # your code here
assert style_content == ["body { background-color: #fff; }"]

每个题目都可以用来练习和提高使用 Python 中的正则表达式的技能。随着题目的进行,问题将变得更复杂,涉及更多高级的正则表达式概念和技巧。


  1. 找到文本中的所有日期

    text = "重要日期:2023-12-25, 2024-01-01"
    dates = re.findall(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}', text)
    assert dates == ["2023-12-25", "2024-01-01"]
  2. 验证电子邮件地址

    email = "example@test.com"
    is_valid = bool(re.match(r'^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$', email))
    assert is_valid is True
  3. 分割日志文件

    log = "INFO:2023-12-17:This is log 1\nERROR:2023-12-18:This is log 2"
    entries = re.split(r'\n', log)
    assert entries == ["INFO:2023-12-17:This is log 1", "ERROR:2023-12-18:This is log 2"]
  4. 匹配电话号码

    phone = "(123) 456-7890"
    is_phone = bool(re.match(r'\(\d{3}\)\s\d{3}-\d{4}', phone))
    assert is_phone is True
  5. 提取URL

    text = "Visit https://example.com and http://test.org"
    urls = re.findall(r'https?://\S+', text)
    assert urls == ["https://example.com", "http://test.org"]
  6. 验证密码强度

    password = "Aa1!aa11"
    is_strong = bool(re.match(r'(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]{8,}', password))
    assert is_strong is True
  7. 寻找重复的单词

    text = "This is a test test text"
    duplicate = re.search(r'\b(\w+)\s+\1\b', text)
    assert duplicate.group() == "test test"
  8. 提取括号内的内容

    text = "This is a (sample) text"
    content = re.findall(r'\((.*?)\)', text)
    assert content == ["sample"]
  9. 识别货币金额

    text = "The price is $100.00 or €50"
    amounts = re.findall(r'[$€]\d+(?:\.\d{2})?', text)
    assert amounts == ["$100.00", "€50"]
  10. 识别时间格式

    text = "The current time is 14:30:15 or sometimes 09:45"
    times = re.findall(r'\b\d{1,2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2})?\b', text)
    assert times == ["14:30:15", "09:45"]
  11. 验证车牌号

    plate = "ABC-1234"
    is_plate = bool(re.match(r'^[A-Z]{3}-\d{4}$', plate))
    assert is_plate is True
  12. 匹配IPv4地址

    ip = ""
    is_ipv4 = bool(re.match(r'^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$', ip))
    assert is_ipv4 is True
  13. 提取HTML标签内容

    html = "<div>Hello World!</div>"
    content = re.findall(r'<div>(.*?)</div>', html)
    assert content == ["Hello World!"]
  14. 匹配Markdown链接

    markdown = "This is a [link](http://example.com)"
    link_text = re.findall(r'\[([^\]]+)\]\((http[s]?://\S+)\)', markdown)
    assert link_text == [("link", "http://example.com")]
  15. 识别代码注释

    code = "// This is a comment\nint x = 0; /* block comment */"
    comments = re.findall

(r'//.?$|/*.?*/', code, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
assert comments == ["// This is a comment", "/* block comment */"]

  1. 匹配科学计数法数字

    number = "1.23e10"
    is_scientific = bool(re.match(r'^-?\d+(\.\d+)?e[-+]?\d+$', number))
    assert is_scientific is True
  2. 解析复杂日志格式

    log = "[2023-12-17 10:00:00, INFO] This is an information."
    pattern = r'\[(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}), (\w+)\] (.+)'
    match = re.search(pattern, log)
    assert match.groups() == ("2023-12-17 10:00:00", "INFO", "This is an information.")
  3. 匹配嵌套括号内容

    text = "This is a (nested (example) text) string"
    nested_content = re.findall(r'\(([^()]|\([^()]*\))*\)', text)
    assert nested_content == ["(nested (example) text)"]
  4. 验证XML/HTML标签结构

    html = "<tag>content</tag>"
    is_valid_html = bool(re.match(r'<([a-z]+)>(.*?)</\1>', html))
    assert is_valid_html is True
  5. 提取嵌入式语言元素

    html = "<style>body { background-color: #fff; }</style>"
    style_content = re.findall(r'<style>(.*?)</style>', html, re.DOTALL)
    assert style_content == ["body { background-color: #fff; }"]




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贡献者: AndersonHJB
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