
Lab Participation 7

AI悦创原创2024年4月12日大约 7 分钟...约 2214 字

Checkpoint 1: Implement Simplified Battleship Game (2pt)

Let's do some more coding! Your task is to create a simplified version of the Battleship game (What is Battleship Game?) using object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. In this game, you'll work with a 5x5 2D list representing the game board and 3 ships placed on the board. The objective is for the player to guess the ships' locations correctly within 10 attempts.

Here's what you need to do:

Example outputs of the programs are as follows:

The following keywords and functions are banned from this task, any use of them will lead to a zero mark.

Keywords: for, in, import, global, lambda, nonlocal

Builtin functions: any, all, filter, eval, locals, exec, globals, map, open, __import__, __contains__. enumerate, sum, min, max

template code:

Checkpoint 2: Classes and Instances (1pt)

  1. Which tutorial exercise demonstrates the varied usage of methods, including those that are independent of the instance and those that depend on specific instances? Give some examples.
  2. What are the notable issues when modifying the value of an instance's attribute directly?
  3. In the Battleship game, Which methods are independent of the instance, and which ones are dependent on a specific instance?


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