Lab Participation 5
Answer all questions for each checkpoint. Upload an image (in PDF format) of your paper answers to the Ed workspace for this question and press the Submit button to submit your work. The file must be in PDF format! Your tutor can't see the file if you do not press the Submit button after uploading your work.
IMPORTANT: You must show your answers to the tutor and submit a PDF file of your answer for Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2 to the workspace for marks to be awarded.
Print this handout to write your answers for the following checkpoints:
The Program
This week's participation targets program comprehension. Review the given program below. Do not run the program.
word = "FUN"
def func1(word):
starts_with = "f"
if type(word) != str:
return False
if word[0].lower() == starts_with:
return True
print(f"{word} doesn't start with \"{starts_with}\"!")
return False
#Injection for Checkpoint 2 - print(starts_with)
Checkpoint 1 - Function Basics
- How many parameters does function
have? - What is the output of this program? Defend your answer by tracing the lines in the program that were executed. Please complete the table with the following information:
-Line : the line number in the program that was executed
-Evaluation result : The outcome (e.g. value assignment, boolean expression evaluation result) of executing the respective line

Checkpoint 2 - Function scope
Predict the behaviour of the program if the statement print(starts_with)
is injected into Line 15 of the program. Why?

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