Question 1
Which of the following Python statements will result in the value 3 stored in the variable x?
A. x = 16.0% 3.5
B. x=16%4
C. X=16 /2
D. x=16 // 5
E. x=16 // 3
Question 2
What does the following piece of Python code print to the terminal?
x = 2
y = 4
if x < 10:
x = x * y
elif x < 10:
x = x - 4
if x == y:
y = y - x
print(x, "and", y)
Question 3
Which of the following Python statements successfully initializes a list of 3 integers?

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Breaking a sentence into word elements is called tokenization. We would like to write a simple program that prompts the user for a sentence, breaks the sentence into individual words, and then prints out 2-tuples (pairs) for each word whose first element is the word’s index in the sentence and whose second element is itself a 2-tuple (pair) containing the word in all lowercase letters and an integer representing the word’s length. For example, if the user inputs the sentence "The bird sat on the branch" at the prompt, as shown below, the resulting output will be displayed as shown:
Read the code below carefully, then select the best description of what will be printed to the console when this script is run with 100 as a command-line argument.

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