Exercise 4 LSE Home MA407
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Exercise 4.1
(a)What is the running time (in asymptotic notation) of the Quicksort version we saw in the lecture for the following input sequences? Explain why.
(b)Devise a different rule to choose the pivot, than the one we used in the lectures, so that the resulting Quicksort only needs many steps for the sorted sequence .
Is there any pivot rule such that Quicksort needs (that is, an asymptoti- cally slower function of n than n log n) steps for ?
(c)Let x be a list with distinct intergers and with length n. Assume the value v is stored as element x[i]
. This value is a median of x if, after sorting x, the value v can be found in the element with index of the array. Describe (in pseudo-code or words) an algorithm for determining the index i of a median x[i]
of x (without changing the entries of x or copying the values of x to a different list). What is the running time of your algorithm?
Solution 4.1
对于,如果每次都选择第一个元素作为基准,那么我们每次都会把数组分成大小为 1 和大小为 的两个子数组。这将导致Quicksort 具有 的时间复杂度。
对于,同样的,如果我们选择第一个元素作为基准,那么 Quicksort 的时间复杂度也是 。
对于第二个问题,没有选择基准的方法可以使 Quicksort 的时间复杂度变得比更差,因为已经是Quicksort在平均情况下的最佳性能。
为了找到中位数的索引,我们可以使用选择算法(例如 Quickselect )来找到第小的元素。这不会修改原始数组或复制其值。
QuickSelect(x, ⌊(n-1)/2⌋)
Exercise 4.2
Suppose your are given a list A of even length, len(A) = n
, and you know that of the entries are equal to x, and the other entries are equal to . You want to find x and y.
A simple deterministic algorithm (not relying on randomisation) for this problem that is guaranteed to find x and y proceeds as follows. First it sets . It then goes through the elements at positions . As soon as , the algorithm sets and outputs x and y.
(a) Implement this algorithm in Python, and analyse its running time using big .
Now consider the following randomised algorithm for this problem. Repeatedly draw a random entry (with replacement, so you may draw the same entry more than once) until you have seen two distinct numbers for the first time.
(b) Implement this algorithm in Python.
(c) What is the expected number of random draws performed by this algorithm?
(d) Use your answer to (c) to analyse the expected running time of this algorithm using notation.
(e) Is this a Monte Carlo or a Las Vegas algorithm?
Hint: For part (c) it may be useful to consider the random variable Y which counts the number of random draws, and compute the probability that .
Solution 4.2
(a) 实现并分析这个算法:
def find_x_and_y(A):
x = A[0]
for i in range(2, len(A)):
if A[i] != x:
y = A[i]
return x, y
raise ValueError("List does not seem to have two distinct values.")
(b) 实现随机化算法:
import random
def randomised_find_x_and_y(A):
seen = set()
while len(seen) < 2:
return tuple(seen)
(c) 设随机变量表示随机抽取的次数。要找到两个不同的数,首先需要考虑第一次抽取后的情况:无论第一次抽到的是 还是 ,第二次抽到不同的数的概率都是。所以。
如果第二次仍然抽到相同的数,那么,然后第三次抽到不同的数的概率还是,所以。这个逻辑可以持续下去,于是我们可以得到期望的抽取次数为: 即期望抽取 3 次。
(d) 基于上述分析,此随机化算法的期望运行时间是,因为期望只需要3次随机抽取。
(e) 这是一个Monte Carlo算法,因为它基于随机选择,每次运行都有一个固定的概率得到正确的结果。不同于Las Vegas算法,后者总是在随机的时间内返回正确的结果。

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