
Exercise 1 LSE Home MA407

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Since the times of the Ancient Greeks, prime numbers have held much fascination for math- ematicians. Although today we know quite a lot about them, many questions remain open and they are still a topic under intensive study. (For example, only in 2004 it was proved by Green and Tao that the primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.)

In the following two exercises we look at computational aspects of the primes. This topic is important, for example because prime numbers play an important role in cryptography. In fact, it has also seen relatively recent breakthroughs: In 2002 Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena developed a particularly efficient algorithm that reliably tests whether a number is prime.

Such advanced algorithms are beyond what we will cover in this exercise and course (it needs a fair amount of mathematics to understand their approach). But how can one generate prime numbers? How can one test whether a number is prime? It is your task to answer these questions (through simple algorithms).



在接下来的两个练习中,我们将探讨质数的计算方面。这一话题非常重要,例如因为质数在密码学中扮演着重要的角色。实际上,它也在相对近期取得了重大突破:2002年,Agrawal, Kayal和Saxena开发了一个特别高效的算法,可以可靠地测试一个数字是否为质数。


Exercise 1.1

(a) Describe (in words or pseudocode) an algorithm to determine for a given integer n the next prime number p after or equal to n, that is, the prime number p ≥ n such that p − n is minimised.

(b) Argue that your algorithm is correct.

(c) Very roughly, estimate how efficient your algorithm is: That is, look at the loops used in your algorithm and estimate roughly how many iterations in each loop your algorithm needs for a given number n.


练习 1.1。

(a) 描述(用文字或伪代码)一个算法,用于确定给定的整数 n 之后或等于 n 的下一个质数 p,即满足 p − n 最小化的质数 p ≥ n。

(b) 证明你的算法是正确的。

(c) 大致估算你的算法的效率:即查看算法中使用的循环,并粗略估计对于给定的数字 n,你的算法在每个循环中需要多少次迭代。

Solution 1

理解题目 a

假设我们要找到大于或等于 10 的下一个质数。


  1. 设置一个变量,比如叫它current,并让它的值为n(在这个例子中,current的初始值为10)。
  2. 检查current是否为质数。
  3. 如果current是质数,则停止,返回current为答案。
  4. 如果current不是质数,增加current的值(例如+1)。
  5. 返回步骤2。


开始时,current = 10。10不是质数(因为它可以被2和5整除),所以我们加1,现在current = 11。



Parts (b) and (c) of the exercise above are demanding at this point, because we did not yet cover this kind of analysis of algorithms in the course (but will do so very shortly). Nevertheless, it is hopefully obvious that these are important questions when designing an algorithm. So see what you can do for now.

Submit this part of this exercise sheet in the Gradescope assignment “Exercise 1.1,” where you can type your answer as text. (You might first want to prepare your answers by writing them down in a file in plain text; you can then paste your answers into Gradescope.)

The next exercise asks you to turn your algorithm into a Python program.

Exercise 1.2

Write a Python function primeAtLeast(n) in a file called Primes.py that expects one argument (the number n from above) and implements your algorithm (thus, returns the next prime after n).

Do not forget to test your program with some small and some large numbers, to see whether it works correctly. (It is easy to find primes tables on the internet.) If your program has some flaw and you cannot fix this, then note this in a comment in your file.

Submit your Python file on Gradescope, under the assignment “Exercise 1.2 (PrimeAtLeast)”.

Solution 2


Q1 为什么:i * i <= n?

使用 i * i <= n 作为循环条件是基于数学上的一个性质和计算上的一个优化。

  1. 数学性质:如果一个数 ( n ) 不是素数,那么它必然可以表示为两个因子的乘积,即 ( n=a×bn = a \times b )。而这两个因子,如果它们都大于 ( n\sqrt{n} ),那么它们的乘积 ( a×ba \times b ) 就会大于 ( n ),这与前提是矛盾的。反之,如果它们都小于 ( n\sqrt{n} ),那么它们的乘积 ( a×ba \times b ) 也会小于 ( n )。因此,对于 ( n=a×bn = a \times b ) 这样的分解,其中一个因子必然小于或等于 ( n\sqrt{n} ),而另一个因子必然大于或等于 ( n\sqrt{n} )。

  2. 计算优化:由上述性质,我们知道,只需检查到 ( n\sqrt{n} ) 就足够了。如果 ( n ) 在 2 到 ( n\sqrt{n} ) 之间没有因子,那么 ( n ) 在 ( n\sqrt{n} ) 到 ( n ) 之间也不会有因子。因此,我们可以大大减少需要检查的因子的数量,从而提高算法的效率。

基于这两点,我们通常在检查素数时使用 i * i <= n 作为循环条件,这样可以在效率上得到优化,同时也确保了正确性。


  1. 返回值问题:当 n == 2 时,你的代码返回了 2。但是,is_prime 函数应当返回布尔值(TrueFalse),而不是数字,以表示输入的数是否为素数。所以,应当返回 True 而不是 2

  2. 循环条件问题:你的 while 循环条件 while i>1 仍然是错误的。这意味着循环条件总是成立,但由于循环内部你有两个返回语句,所以它不会进入无限循环。但是这个循环条件本身是没有意义的。你应该设置循环条件为 while i * i <= n

  3. 循环逻辑问题:你的循环内部的逻辑是:只要 n 不被 i 整除,就返回 n。但是这不是检查一个数是否为素数的正确逻辑。正确的逻辑应当是:只要 n 能被 2 到 (n)\sqrt{(n)} 之间的任何数整除,那么 n 就不是素数。如果在循环结束后仍然没有找到一个可以整除 n 的数,那么 n 就是素数。

  4. 循环内未更新 i:你需要在循环的结尾更新 i 的值,否则它会永远检查相同的 i 值。


def is_prime(n):
    if n < 2:
        return False
    if n == 2:
        return True
    i = 2
    while i * i <= n:
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
        i += 1
    return True




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