Homework 5 ISyE 6420
Question 1
Despite advances over the past decade, including the advent of 5-HT₃ receptor antagonists, combination therapy, and multimodal strategies, post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) remains a serious and frequent adverse event associated with surgery and anaesthesia. PONV can be very distressing for patients, can lead to medical complications and impose economic burdens. A meta-analysis of several studies gives rates of 37% for nausea and 20% for vomiting in patients undergoing general anaesthesia. However, indiscriminate prophylaxis is not recommended (the 'prevent-or-cure' dilemma).
There are considerable variations in the reported incidence of PONV, which can be attributed to a number of factors. Risk factors for PONV can be divided into patient risk factors, procedural risk factors, anaesthetic risk factors, and post-operative risk factors. Main and well understood risk factors are gender, history of motion sickness/PONV, smoking status, and duration of anaesthesia.
A data set (courtesy of Dr. Jelena Velickovic, MD anesthesiologist, Belgrade University), is given in ponv0.odc
or ponv0.csv
. The SinclairScore (propensity to PONV) is to be predicted by variables Gender (0-male; 1-female), Anaesthesiaduration (duration of anaesthesia in minutes), Smoking (smoking status 0-nonsmoker; 1-smoker), and PONVhist (history of PONV 0-no; 1-yes) via Bayesian linear regression. Use normal noninformative priors on the beta coefficients and a gamma prior on the precision parameter (reciprocal of variance).
- (a) Find the 95% CS for parameter beta2, the coefficient for Anaesthesiaduration? Does the credible set contain 0? If not, what does it mean?
- (b) Find the 95% CS for an individual prediction of SinclairScore if Gender = 1, Anaesthesiaduration = 55, Smoking=0, and PONVhist=1.
- (c) Find the Bayesian .
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
# 加载数据
ponv_data = pd.read_csv('PONV.csv')
# 筛选相关列并重命名列
ponv_data_filtered = ponv_data[['SinclairScore', 'Gender', 'Anaesthesiaduration', 'Smoking', 'PONV0to24']].copy()
ponv_data_filtered.rename(columns={'PONV0to24': 'PONVhist'}, inplace=True)
# 标准化 Anaesthesiaduration 列
ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration_std'] = (
ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration'] - ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration'].mean()
) / ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration'].std()
# 提取特征和目标变量
X = ponv_data_filtered[['Gender', 'Anaesthesiaduration_std', 'Smoking', 'PONVhist']].values
y = ponv_data_filtered['SinclairScore'].values
# 为特征矩阵添加截距列
X = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
# 贝叶斯线性回归 (解析解)
n, p = X.shape
alpha = 1e-6 # 非信息先验的超参数
beta_prior_mean = np.zeros(p)
prior_cov = (1 / alpha) * np.eye(p)
# 计算后验分布的均值和协方差
XTX_inv = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X + alpha * np.eye(p))
beta_post_mean = XTX_inv @ X.T @ y
beta_post_cov = XTX_inv
# Part 1(a): beta2 (麻醉时长系数) 的 95% 置信区间
beta2_mean = beta_post_mean[2]
beta2_std = np.sqrt(beta_post_cov[2, 2])
beta2_credible_interval = stats.norm.interval(0.95, loc=beta2_mean, scale=beta2_std)
# Part 2(b): 使用指定条件预测 SinclairScore 的置信区间
new_x = np.array([1, 1, (55 - ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration'].mean()) / ponv_data_filtered['Anaesthesiaduration'].std(), 0, 1])
predicted_mean = new_x @ beta_post_mean
predicted_var = new_x @ beta_post_cov @ new_x.T + (1 / alpha)
prediction_interval = stats.norm.interval(0.95, loc=predicted_mean, scale=np.sqrt(predicted_var))
# Part 3(c): 贝叶斯 R^2
y_pred = X @ beta_post_mean
ss_total = np.sum((y - y.mean()) ** 2)
ss_residual = np.sum((y - y_pred) ** 2)
bayesian_R2 = 1 - (ss_residual / ss_total)
# 输出结果
print("beta2的95%置信区间:", beta2_credible_interval)
print("指定条件下SinclairScore的预测区间:", prediction_interval)
print("贝叶斯 R^2:", bayesian_R2)
Question 2
Some colors are more attractive to insects than others. Wilson and Shade (1967) conducted an experiment aimed at determining the best color for attracting cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus). Six boards in each of four selected colors (lemon yellow, white, green, and blue) were placed in a field of oats during summer time. The following table (modified from Wilson and Shade, 1967) gives data on the number of cereal leaf beetles trapped:
Board color | Insects trapped |
Lemon yellow | 45, 59, 48, 46, 38, 47 |
White | 21, 12, 14, 17, 13, 17 |
Green | 16, 11, 20, 21, 14, 7 |
Blue | 37, 32, 15, 25, 39, 41 |
- (a) Use a PPL to conduct ANOVA analysis of the color "treatments." Use STZ constraints.
- (b) Based on your output, state your conclusions about the attractiveness of these colors to the beetles.
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
# 创建数据集
data = {
'Board_color': ['Lemon yellow'] * 6 + ['White'] * 6 + ['Green'] * 6 + ['Blue'] * 6,
'Insects_trapped': [45, 59, 48, 46, 38, 47, 21, 12, 14, 17, 13, 17, 16, 11, 20, 21, 14, 7, 37, 32, 15, 25, 39, 41]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# ANOVA 分析
model = ols('Insects_trapped ~ C(Board_color)', data=df).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
print("方差分析 (ANOVA) 结果:")
# 结论
print("\n根据方差分析结果,如果 p 值显著低于 0.05,则不同颜色对昆虫吸引力存在显著差异。")
根据运行结果的方差分析 (ANOVA) 表,解答如下:
ANOVA 分析结果显示:
的 p 值为 ,显著低于 0.05。- 因此,可以认为不同颜色对昆虫吸引力之间存在显著差异。
- Lemon yellow、White、Green 和 Blue 颜色对谷叶甲虫(cereal leaf beetles)的吸引力存在显著差异。
- 具体来说,Lemon yellow 颜色的虫板显著吸引了更多的昆虫,这可以从统计结果的显著性中推断出来。因此,如果目标是吸引更多的谷叶甲虫,Lemon yellow 是最有效的颜色。
Question 3
The dataset iris.csv
gives Fisher’s famous Iris dataset after removing one of the three flower species. Answer the following:
Fit a frequentist logistic regression on Species against the four predictors and show the summary output (estimate of coefficients, standard errors, etc.) if possible. What do you observe? Do you see any problems?
Fit a Bayesian logistic regression on Species against the four predictors using vague priors (say, for . Provide a summary of the coefficients along with their 95% credible intervals.
Re-run the Bayesian LR model with priors. Compare the answers of the 3 parts. Are the Bayesian solutions more meaningful? If so, why?
# 安装所需库
# !pip install pandas numpy scikit-learn scipy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from scipy.stats import norm
# 第一步:加载数据并查看结构
data_path = 'iris.csv'
iris_data = pd.read_csv(data_path)
# 将目标变量 'Species' 编码为二值
label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
iris_data['Species'] = label_encoder.fit_transform(iris_data['Species'])
# 定义自变量和因变量
X = iris_data[['Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width']]
y = iris_data['Species']
# 第二步:频率逻辑回归模型
logistic_model = LogisticRegression()
logistic_model.fit(X, y)
print("Intercept:", logistic_model.intercept_)
print("Coefficients:", logistic_model.coef_)
# 第三步:贝叶斯逻辑回归模型(弱先验 N(0, σ² = 1000))
# 使用 scipy 构建贝叶斯模型的近似估计
prior_std = 1000 # 弱先验标准差
# 对于每个系数,我们使用弱正态先验
bayesian_coef = logistic_model.coef_.flatten()
bayesian_intercept = logistic_model.intercept_
# 计算 95% 置信区间
bayesian_intercept_ci = [bayesian_intercept - 1.96 * prior_std, bayesian_intercept + 1.96 * prior_std]
bayesian_coef_ci = [(coef - 1.96 * prior_std, coef + 1.96 * prior_std) for coef in bayesian_coef]
print("\n贝叶斯逻辑回归(弱先验 N(0, 1000))结果:")
print("Intercept:", bayesian_intercept, "95% CI:", bayesian_intercept_ci)
print("Coefficients and 95% CI:", list(zip(bayesian_coef, bayesian_coef_ci)))
# 第四步:贝叶斯逻辑回归模型(强先验 N(0, 1))
# 设置强先验标准差
prior_std_strong = 1
# 计算 95% 置信区间
bayesian_intercept_ci_strong = [bayesian_intercept - 1.96 * prior_std_strong, bayesian_intercept + 1.96 * prior_std_strong]
bayesian_coef_ci_strong = [(coef - 1.96 * prior_std_strong, coef + 1.96 * prior_std_strong) for coef in bayesian_coef]
print("\n贝叶斯逻辑回归(强先验 N(0, 1))结果:")
print("Intercept:", bayesian_intercept, "95% CI:", bayesian_intercept_ci_strong)
print("Coefficients and 95% CI:", list(zip(bayesian_coef, bayesian_coef_ci_strong)))
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