
05-NYU Tandon School of Engineering「Homework 03答案」

AI悦创原创PythonPython一对一教学Python一对一辅导Python 辅导编程一对一教学少儿编程一对一NYU编程辅导NYU Python辅导PythonPython一对一教学Python一对一辅导Python 辅导编程一对一教学少儿编程一对一NYU编程辅导NYU Python辅导大约 21 分钟...约 6280 字

NYU Tandon School of Engineering


Due: 1159pm, Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

截止日期:2023年2月23日星期四晚上11 ~ 59分

Submission instructions


  1. You should submit your homework on Gradescope.


  1. For this assignment you should turn in 5 separate .py files named according to the following pattern:

    hw3_q1.py, hw3_q2.py, etc.

Hw3_q1.py, hw3_q2.py等。

  1. Each Python file you submit should contain a header comment block as follows:


Author: [Your name here]
Assignment / Part: HW3 - Q1 (etc.)
Date due: 2023-02-23, 11:59pm
I pledge that I have completed this assignment without
collaborating with anyone else, in conformance with the
NYU School of Engineering Policies and Procedures on
Academic Misconduct.

No late submissions will be accepted.


REMINDER: Do not use any Python structures that we have not learned in class.


For this specific assignment, you may use everything we have learned up to, and including, variables, types, mathematical and boolean expressions, user IO (i.e. print() and input()), number systems, and the math / random modules, selection statements (i.e. if, elif, else), and for- and while-loops. Please reach out to us if you're at all unsure about any instruction or whether a Python structure is or is not allowed.

对于这个特定的赋值,你可以使用我们学到的所有东西,包括变量、类型、数学和布尔表达式、用户IO(即print()和input())、数字系统和数学/随机模块、选择语句(即if、elif、else)以及For -和while-循环。如果您不确定任何指令或Python结构是否被允许,请与我们联系。

Do not use, for example, user-defined functions (except for main() if your instructor has covered it during lecture), string methods, file i/o, exception handling, dictionaries, lists, tuples, and/or object-oriented programming.


Failure to abide by any of these instructions will make your submission subject to point deductions.



  1. Why, This Car Could Be Systematic, Programmatic, Quadratic! (hw3_q1.py)

  2. (Odd and Even) Baby Steps (hw3_q2.py)

  3. Box Tattooed On Her Arm (hw3_q3.py)

  4. Mod Culture (hw3_q4.py)

  5. 2ne1 (hw3_q5.py)


  1. 为什么,这辆车可以是系统的,程序化的,二次元的!(hw3_q1.py)

  2. (奇数和偶数)婴儿步(hw3_q2.py)


  1. Mod文化(hw3_q4.py)

  2. 2 ne1 (hw3_q5.py)

Question 1: Why, This Car Could Be Systematic, Programmatic, Quadratic!


Write a program that asks the user to input three floating-point numbers: a, b, and c (just this once, only these three single-letter variables will be permitted). These are the parameters of the quadratic equation. Classify the equation as one of the following:


  • Infinite number of solutions: For example, a = 0, b = 0, c = 0 has an infinite number of solutions.

  • No solution: For example, a = 0, b = 0, c = 4 has no solution.

  • No real solution: For example, a = 1, b = 0, c = 4 has no real solutions.

  • One real solution: In cases there is a solutions, please print the solutions.

  • Two real solutions: In cases there are two real solutions, please print the solutions.

  • 无限个解:例如,a = 0, b = 0, c = 0有无限个解。

  • 无解:例如,a = 0, b = 0, c = 4无解。

  • 无实解:例如,a = 1, b = 0, c = 4没有实解。

  • 一个真正的解决方案:如果有解决方案,请打印解决方案。两种实际解决方案:如果有两种实际解决方案,请打印解决方案。

Hint: If a ≠ 0 and there are real solutions to the equation, you can get these solutions using the following formula:


Figure 4: The quadratic formula.


The number of solutions depends on whether the discriminant (b2 - 4ac) is positive, zero, or negative.

解的数量取决于判别式(b2 - 4ac)是正的、零的还是负的。

For example, an execution could look like:


Please enter value of a: 1
Please enter value of b: 4
Please enter value of c: 4
This equation has 1 solution: x = -2.0
请输入c: 4的值
这个方程只有一个解:x = -2.0

"What is this? A math class?" Yeah, we've heard it a million times before.



Author: [aiyuechuang]
Assignment / Part: HW3 - Q1 (etc.)
Date due: 2023-02-23, 11:59pm
I pledge that I have completed this assignment without
collaborating with anyone else, in conformance with the
NYU School of Engineering Policies and Procedures on
Academic Misconduct.
import math

a = float(input("Please enter value of a:"))
b = float(input("Please enter value of b:"))
c = float(input("Please enter value of c:"))

if (b ** 2) - 4 * a * c > 0:
    x1 = (-b + math.sqrt((b ** 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
    x2 = (-b - math.sqrt((b ** 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
    print("This equation has 2 solution: x1={},x2={}".format(x1, x2))
elif (b ** 2) - 4 * a * c == 0:
    x1 = (-b + math.sqrt((b ** 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
    print("This equation has 1 solution: x={}".format(x1))

    print("This equation has no real  solution:")

Problem 2: (Odd and Even) Baby Steps


Write a program that reads a positive integer (say, n), and prints the first n odd numbers (don't use n as a variable name). Write two versions in the file, one using a for-loop, and one using a while-loop. For example, one execution could look like this:


Please enter a positive integer: 5
Executing while-loop...
Executing for-loop...

Both of these implementations must be included in the same file.



Author: [aiyuechuang]
Assignment / Part: HW3 - Q1 (etc.)
Date due: 2023-02-23, 11:59pm
I pledge that I have completed this assignment without
collaborating with anyone else, in conformance with the
NYU School of Engineering Policies and Procedures on
Academic Misconduct.

number = int(input("Enter a positive integer: "))
for i in range(0, number):
    print(2 * i + 1)

number = int(input("Enter a positive integer: "))
i = 0
while number > 0:
    print(2 * i + 1)
    i += 1
    number -= 1

Problem 3: Box Tattooed On Her Arm


Write a program that asks the user to input a positive integer, and print a triangle of numbers aligned to the left, where the first line contains the number 1. The second line contains the numbers 2, 1. The third line contains 3, 2, 1. And so on. Surrounding your triangle should be a "frame" composed of the plus '+', minus '-', and pipe '|' characters. For example:


Please enter a positive integer: 5
|1    |
|21   |
|321  |
|4321 |
Please enter a positive integer: 7
|1      |
|21     |
|321    |
|4321   |
|54321  |
|654321 |

You may not use the end parameter of the print() function in this problem. Also, note that for input values higher than 9, it will start looking not-so-nice. That's perfectly okay; as long as your output looks good for numbers between 0 and 9, you're all set.



n = int(input("Please enter a positive integer: "))

# frame_length = len(str(n)) + 2

print("+" + "-" * n + "+")

current_row = ""
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    current_row = str(i) + current_row

    print("|" + current_row + " " * (n - i) + "|")

print("+" + "-" * n + "+")

Problem 4: Mod Culture


Ask the user to input a positive integer, say, n, and print all the numbers from 1 to n that have more even digits than odd digits. For example, the number 134 has two odd digits (1 and 3) and one even digit (4), therefore it should not be printed.


Printing should occur all on one line, separated by spaces. For example, if n = 30, the program should print:

打印应全部在一行上进行,用空格分隔。例如,如果 n = 30,程序应该输出:

2 4 6 8 20 22 24 26 28

You may not use string casting (i.e. convert integers to strings).


Hint: The title of this problem.



def count_event_digits(n):
    count = 0
    while n > 0:
        if (n % 10) % 2 == 0:
            count += 1
        n //= 10
    return count

n = int(input("Please enter a positive integer: "))

for i in range(1, n + 1):
    num_event_digits = count_event_digits(i)
    num_odd_digits = len(str(i)) - num_event_digits

    if num_event_digits > num_odd_digits:
        print(i, end=" ")

Problem 5: 2ne1


For this last problem, we will be programming a simple version of the card banking game twenty-one (or vingt- un in a superior language). According to Wikipedia:

对于这最后一个问题,我们将编程一个简单版本的卡银行游戏21(或vingt- un在高级语言)。根据维基百科:


The game has a banker (the person who deals the cards) and a variable number of punters (the people who receive cards from the banker).


  • The banker deals two cards, face down, to each punter.

  • 庄家给每个下注的人发两张正面朝下的牌。

  • The punters, having picked up and examined both cards, announce whether they will stay with the cards they have or receive another card from the banker.

  • 下注者拿起并检查了两张卡,然后宣布他们是继续持有现有的卡,还是从银行家那里收到另一张卡。

  • The aim is to score exactly twenty-one points or to come as close to twenty-one as possible, based on the card values dealt.

  • 游戏的目标是根据所发纸牌的价值,获得准确的21分或尽可能接近21分。

    • If a punter exceeds twenty-one, they lose.

    • 如果下注者超过21,他们就输了。

    • Anyone who achieves twenty-one is also a win

    • 任何达到21的人也是一场胜利

You will simulate this exact process as if the banker were a random number generator and the only two punters were you and the computer. Your program should:


  1. Ask the user whether they want to play twenty-one. They may only enter the characters 'y' for "yes" and 'n' for "no". If the player chooses "no", then the game simply ends. Your program must continue asking the player for input until the user enters either 'y' or 'n'.


  1. If the player chooses to play, your program must "give them" two random cards of values [1, 11].


  1. The program must then show the player the value of these two cards.


  1. The program will then ask the player whether they want a third card or not to put their score closer to 21.


Again the program must continue asking the user for input until they enter 'y' for "yes" or 'n' for "no".


  • If the user entered 'y', generate another random card of value [1, 11]. The user's total score in this case will be the value of all three cards added together


  • If the user entered 'n', the user's total score in this case will be the value of the first two cards added together


  1. Generate the user's opponent's score by generating a random number in the range of [0, 100]. Your program should re-generate another random number until this number falls between 3 and 33. Of course we could simply generate number between 0 and 33 instead, but this adds a bit more entropy to the process.


  1. Print a message letting the user know who won.


  • The user automatically wins if they score a 21 and the computer doesn't.


  • The computer automatically wins if they score a 21 and the user doesn't.


  • The user also wins if their score is closer to (but not higher than) 21 than the computer's score.


  • The computer wins if their score is closer to (but not higher than) 21 than the user's score.


  • There is a draw/tie if both players scored the same score and/or if both of their scores are above 21.


Check out the following sample executions. Your wording doesn't need to be the same, but the program must interact with the user in the same basic way:


Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'? [y/n] n
Thank you for playing!
Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'? [y/n] y
Your cards are worth 7 and 10.
Would you like another card? [y/n] n
Your score is 17!
Your opponent's score is 14!
You win! Your score was 17.
Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'? [y/n] y
Your cards are worth 9 and 11.
Would you like another card? [y/n] yes
Would you like another card? [y/n] y
Your score is 26!
Your opponent's score is 22!
It's a draw!
Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'? [y/n] y
Your cards are worth 4 and 6.
Would you like another card? [y/n] y
Your score is 15!
Your opponent's score is 8!
You win! Your score was 15.
Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'? [y/n] y
Your cards are worth 5 and 11.
Would you like another card? [y/n] y
Your score is 23!
Your opponent's score is 9!
Your opponent wins! Their score was 9.

Answer 5

import random  # 导入 random 模块,用于生成随机数

while True:
    choice = input("Would you like to play 'Twenty-One'?[y/n] ").lower()
    if choice == "n":
        print("Thank you for playing!")
    elif choice == "y":
        user_cards = [random.randint(1, 11), random.randint(1, 11)]  # 给玩家发两张牌, bug 如果两次 11
        print(f"Your cards are worth {user_cards[0]} and {user_cards[1]}.")
        user_score = sum(user_cards)  # 计算玩家当前的得分
        while user_score < 21:
            choice = input("Would you like another card? [y/n] ").lower()
            if choice == "y":
                new_card = random.randint(1, 11)
                user_score += new_card
                print(f"Your new card is worth {new_card}. Your score is {user_score}!")
            elif choice == "n":
        # if user_score > 21:
        #     print("Your opponent was wins! ")
        #     break
        computer_score = random.randint(3, 33)
        while 3 < computer_score < 33:
            computer_score = random.randint(3, 33)
        print(f"Your opponent's score is {computer_score}")

        if user_cards == 21 and computer_score != 21:
            print("You win! Your score was 21.")
        elif computer_score == 21 and user_score != 21:
            print("Your opponent was wins! Their score was 21.")
        elif user_score > 21:
            print("Your opponent was wins! ")
        elif computer_score > 21:
            print("You win!")
        elif user_score > 21 and computer_score > 21:
            print("It's a draw!")
        elif abs(21 - user_score) < abs(21 - computer_score):
            print("You win! Your score was", user_score)
        elif abs(21 - user_score) > abs(21 - computer_score):
            print("Your opponent wins! Their score was", computer_score)
            print("It's a draw!")


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贡献者: AndersonHJB,AndersonHJB
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