01-CS-UY 1114:Lab 1「Answer」
IO and Types
You must get checked out by your lab CA prior to leaving early. If you leave without being checked out, you will receive 0 credit for the lab.
你必须在离开之前由你的实验室CA 检查。 如果你没有被退房就离开,你将得到0学分的实验室。
The Python structures that you use in this lab should be restricted to those you have learned in lecture so far. Please check with your course assistants in case you are unsure whether something is or is not allowed!
你在本实验中使用的 Python 结构应该仅限于你在课堂上所学到的。如果你不确定某些内容是允许的还是不允许的,请向你的课程助理查询!
If you do not have Python running on your computer please go back to Lab 0 and set it up before moving on
如果您的计算机上没有运行 Python,请返回实验室0并在继续之前设置它
Answer Problem 1 on a piece of paper or on a text editor on your computer.
Problem 1: Variables
Part 1A: Variable Naming Conventions
Which of the following follow the snakecase naming convention? Select all that apply.
1. firstVariable = 3
2. second_variable = "word"
3. Third_var = 4.0
4. var4 = False
5. fifth_Variable = 'b'
Part 1B: Variable Types
State the data type of each variable in Part 1A
Create a new python file for each of the following problems.
1. firstVariable = 3 # 数字型 int
2. second_variable = "word" # 字符串 str
3. Third_var = 4.0 # 浮点型 float
4. var4 = False # 布尔型 bool
5. fifth_Variable = 'b' # 字符串
Problem 2: Baking Scones
You have been wanting to bake scones and have found a recipe, but the recipe is in metric and you only have measuring cups. Let's convert the metric measures to customary measurements.
The following are the metric measures for 10 scones:
75 g salted butter # 75克咸黄油
350 g flour # 350克面粉
150 ml milk # 150毫升牛奶
Here are some conversion factors you can use:
75 grams butter = 1/3 cup of butter # 75克黄油= 1/3杯黄油
150 gram flour = 1 cup flour # 150克面粉= 1杯面粉
100 ml milk = 1/2 cup milk # 100毫升牛奶= 1/2杯牛奶
Your program should take user input for the number of scones they want to make and print the quantity of each ingredient in customary measurements.
Your code should output the following (disregard small floating point differences):
Enter the number of scone you want to make: 25 # 输入你想做的司康饼的数量:25
To make 25 scones use 0.8333333333333334 cups butter, 5.833333333333333 cups # 制作25个司康饼需要0.8333333333333334杯黄油,5.8333333333333333333杯
flour, and 1.875 cups milk # 面粉,1.875杯牛奶
# 10 个
# 75 / 10 = 7.5
# 350 / 10 = 35
# 150 / 10 = 15
# 75 grams butter = 1/3 cup of butter # 75克黄油= 1/3杯黄油 75 * 3 = 225
# 150 gram flour = 1 cup flour # 150克面粉= 1杯面粉
# 100 ml milk = 1/2 cup milk # 100毫升牛奶= 1/2杯牛奶 100 * 2
# 7.5 / 225 = 0.03333333333333333
# 35 / 150 = 0.23333333333333334
# 15 / 200 = 0.075
number = int(input("Enter the number of scone you want to make:"))
grams_butter = 0.03333333333333333 * number
gram_flour = 0.23333333333333334 * number
milk = 0.075 * number
print(f"To make {number} scones use {grams_butter} cups butter, {gram_flour} cups flour, and {milk} cups milk")
Problem 3: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream
The weather is still dreadfully hot and I love ice cream so lets write a program that will:
- Take user input for number of ice cream scoops, radius of the ice cream cone, and height of the ice cream cone
- Calculate and print the total volume of the ice cream cone. Use 3.1416 as an approximation for PI
We will be assuming we have perfectly spherical ice cream scoops and a perfect ice cream cone!
Look at the following image for reference on what we mean by a cone with multiple scoops.
The formula for sphere volume is as follows and will be used for each ice cream scoop:
The formula for cone volume is as follows and will be used for the ice cream cone:
Your code should output the following
Enter the number of ice cream scoops you want: 3
Enter the radius of ice cream cone: 3.5
Enter the height of ice cream cone: 8.9
Your 3 scoop ice cream cone has a total volume of 652.95538
PI = 3.1416
number = int(input("Enter the number of ice cream scoops you want:"))
r = float(input("Enter the radius of ice cream cone:"))
h = float(input("Enter the height of ice cream cone:"))
circle_v = (4 / 3) * PI * (r ** 3)
cone_v = PI * (r ** 2) * (h / 3)
total_v = number * (circle_v + cone_v)
print(f"Your {number} scoop ice cream cone has a total volume of {total_v}")
PI = 3.1416
number = int(input("Enter the number of ice cream scoops you want:"))
r = float(input("Enter the radius of ice cream cone:"))
h = float(input("Enter the height of ice cream cone:"))
circle_v = ((4 / 3) * number) * PI * (r ** 3)
cone_v = PI * (r ** 2) * (h / 3)
total_v = (circle_v + cone_v)
print(f"Your {number} scoop ice cream cone has a total volume of {total_v}")
Problem 4: Time in Seconds
This program will ask the user for four inputs: a number of days, number of hours, number of minutes, and number of seconds. This may look something like:
How many days do you have?
How many hours do you have?
How many minutes do you have?
How many seconds do you have?
You may assume that the user will always input a positive whole number. After getting the four inputs, the function should calculate how many seconds in total are in the given number of days, hours, minutes and seconds, and output the result. The final output of the program should be something like this:
How many days do you have? 3
How many hours do you have? 7
How many minutes do you have? 41
How many seconds do you have? 16
3 Days 7 Hours 41 Minutes and 16 Seconds results in a total of 286876 Seconds.
days = int(input("How many days do you have?"))
hours = int(input("How many hours do you have?"))
minutes = int(input("How many minutes do you have?"))
seconds = int(input("How many seconds do you have?"))
total_s = (days * 24 * 60 * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60) + (minutes * 60) + seconds
print(f"{days} Days {hours} Hours {minutes} Minutes and {seconds} Seconds results in a total of {total_s} Seconds.")
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