Homework 6 SQL
SQL SELECT practice in MySQL
This assignment gives you an opportunity to hone your skills as an SQL programmer. Please download the self-contained exported database schema and import the schema into a database named musiclastnamefirstinitial, where lastname is your last name and firstinitial is the first letter of your first name. Please submit one hwk5musicdblastnamefirstinitial.sql file to canvas that contains the queries that you wrote for the assignment.
The database schema represents the data associated with a music library. The database tracks artists, albums, songs, genres of songs, moods of songs, users, recording labels and users following artists. An artist represents a musician. A musician can release albums as well as perform on songs on an album.
The database limits each song to one mood as well as one genre.
An artist creates zero to many albums and an album is associated with 1 artist. An album has 0 to many songs. A song is associated with 1 album. A song can be associated with 1 to many artists and an artist is associated with 1 to many songs. As you can see, this many to many relationship is represented via a separate table, the artist_performs_song table.
A song is associated with 1 genre and a genre is associated with 0 to many songs. A song is associated with 1 mood and a mood is associated with 0 to many songs. An artist is associated with 1 recording label and a recording label is associated with 0 to many artists.
A user can follow 0 to many artists. An artist can be followed by 0 to many users. As you can see this many to many relationship is represented via the table user_follows_artist. When a user follows an artist, they follow the albums and the songs produced by that artist. Here is the logical database design for the database:
Within your solution file please provide the question number in comments before the solution.
Write SQL queries that answer the following questions. Make sure you compose a query that does not use literal values determined by perusing the tuples. The SQL queries that you compose must work against any instance of this database and not just the instance provided to you. Also, remember some queries may generate an empty result.
(5 points) For each artist, return the artist name and their recording label name.
(5 points) Determine the number of artists associated with each record label. Rename the count signed_artists. Sort the results in descending order using count signed_artists. Make sure all labels are in the result.
(5 points) Determine the number of users who have followed artists. Rename the count num_followers.
(5 points) Make a separate table from the song table – where the records are for the songs with the Rock genre. Name the new table rock_songs. Remember, a table can only be created once. If you attempt to create the same table multiple times it will generate an error.
(5 points) For each song return the song id, song title, album name, recording label and the artist’s name who produced the album.
(5 points) For each song, create an aggregated field that contains a list of the artists who performed the song. The result set should contain the song title, the album name, the recording label (found from the artist that produced the album the song is on) and the grouped list of artists. Order the results in ascending order by the song name.
(5 points) Which song has the most number of artists who appear on it? Return the song name.
(5 points) How many users follow each of the different artists? The result should contain the artist’s name and the count of the number of followers. Rename the count to num_followers. All artists must appear in the result. Order the results in descending order by num_followers.
(5 points) For each recording label, determine the number of albums they have released. Rename the number of albums to num_albums. Sort the results in descending order using the num_albums field.
(5 points) For each genre in the genre table, determine the number of songs associated with that genre. The result should contain the genre name and the count. Rename the count to
. Order the results bynum_songs
in descending order. Make sure all genres appear in the result. If a genre is not associated with any songs, then the count for the number of songs should be 0.(5 points) For each song on an album, return the song title, the album name, the producing artist, the genre, the mood, and the number of followers for the producing artist.
(5 points) Return the artist name(s), which are followed by all users.
(5 points) Return the user id, user name and user email for members who follow all artists in the database.
(5 points) Return all albums which are associated with record labels containing the keyword
. The results should contain all fields from the albums table.(10 points) Find users that follow the same artist. Each returned tuple should contain the user name for the 2 users as well as the artist that is followed by the two users. Order the results in ascending order by the artist’s name. Make sure you do not match a member with themselves. Also, only report the same member pair once.
(5 points) For each artist, determine the number of albums they have released. The result should contain the artist’s name and the count of albums. Rename the count of albums to
. Order the results in descending order bynum_albums
.(5 Points) Return the maximum number of songs associated with any one of the artists. An artist can be associated with a song by producing it or by performing on it. The result should be the maximum song count for the artist. Rename the maximum value to
.(5 Points) Return the name of the artist who performed the most number of songs. The result should contain the artist name and the count of songs, renamed to
SELECT artists.artist_name, record_label.label_name
FROM artists
JOIN record_label ON artists.record_label_id = record_label.rid;
SELECT record_label.label_name, COUNT(artists.aid) AS signed_artists
FROM record_label
LEFT JOIN artists ON record_label.rid = artists.record_label_id
GROUP BY record_label.label_name
ORDER BY signed_artists DESC;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_follows_artist.user_id) AS num_followers
FROM user_follows_artist;
来存储 Rock 类型的歌曲CREATE TABLE rock_songs AS
WHERE genre_id = (SELECT gid FROM genres WHERE genre_name = 'Rock');
SELECT songs.sid, songs.song_name, albums.album_name, record_label.label_name, artists.artist_name
FROM songs
JOIN albums ON songs.album_id = albums.alid
JOIN artists ON albums.artist = artists.artist_name
JOIN record_label ON artists.record_label_id = record_label.rid;
SELECT songs.song_name, albums.album_name, record_label.label_name, GROUP_CONCAT(artists.artist_name ORDER BY artists.artist_name) AS artists_list
FROM songs
JOIN albums ON songs.album_id = albums.alid
JOIN artist_performs_song ON songs.sid = artist_performs_song.sid
JOIN artists ON artist_performs_song.aid = artists.aid
JOIN record_label ON artists.record_label_id = record_label.rid
GROUP BY songs.sid
ORDER BY songs.song_name;
MAX(record_label.label_name) AS label_name, -- 使用 MAX 来聚合 label_name
GROUP_CONCAT(artists.artist_name ORDER BY artists.artist_name) AS artists_list
FROM songs
JOIN albums ON songs.album_id = albums.alid
JOIN artist_performs_song ON songs.sid = artist_performs_song.sid
JOIN artists ON artist_performs_song.aid = artists.aid
JOIN record_label ON artists.record_label_id = record_label.rid
GROUP BY songs.sid, albums.album_name -- 确保 GROUP BY 中包含所有非聚合字段
ORDER BY songs.song_name;
SELECT songs.song_name
FROM artist_performs_song
JOIN songs ON artist_performs_song.sid = songs.sid
GROUP BY songs.sid
ORDER BY COUNT(artist_performs_song.aid) DESC
SELECT artists.artist_name, COUNT(user_follows_artist.user_id) AS num_followers
FROM artists
LEFT JOIN user_follows_artist ON artists.aid = user_follows_artist.aid
GROUP BY artists.artist_name
ORDER BY num_followers DESC;
SELECT record_label.label_name, COUNT(albums.alid) AS num_albums
FROM record_label
LEFT JOIN artists ON record_label.rid = artists.record_label_id
LEFT JOIN albums ON artists.artist_name = albums.artist
GROUP BY record_label.label_name
ORDER BY num_albums DESC;
SELECT genres.genre_name, COUNT(songs.sid) AS num_songs
FROM genres
LEFT JOIN songs ON genres.gid = songs.genre_id
GROUP BY genres.genre_name
ORDER BY num_songs DESC;
SELECT songs.song_name, albums.album_name, artists.artist_name, genres.genre_name, moods.mood_name, COUNT(user_follows_artist.user_id) AS num_followers
FROM songs
JOIN albums ON songs.album_id = albums.alid
JOIN artists ON albums.artist = artists.artist_name
JOIN genres ON songs.genre_id = genres.gid
JOIN moods ON songs.mood_id = moods.mid
LEFT JOIN user_follows_artist ON artists.aid = user_follows_artist.aid
GROUP BY songs.sid, albums.album_name, artists.artist_name, genres.genre_name, moods.mood_name;
SELECT artists.artist_name
FROM artists
JOIN user_follows_artist ON artists.aid - user_follows_artist.ard
GROUP BY artists.aid
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT user_follows_artist.user_id) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user);
SELECT user.user_id, user.user_name, user.user_email
FROM user
FROM artists
LEFT JOIN user_follows_artist ufa ON artists.aid = ufa.aid AND ufa.user_id = user.user_id
WHERE ufa.user_id IS NULL
关键词相关的所有专辑SELECT *
FROM albums
JOIN artists ON albums.artist = artists.artist_name
JOIN record_label ON artists.record_label_id = record_label.rid
WHERE record_label.label_name LIKE '%Music%';
SELECT u1.user_name AS user1, u2.user_name AS user2, artists.artist_name
FROM user_follows_artist ufa1
JOIN user_follows_artist ufa2 ON ufa1.aid = ufa2.aid AND ufa1.user_id < ufa2.user_id
JOIN user u1 ON ufa1.user_id = u1.user_id
JOIN user u2 ON ufa2.user_id = u2.user_id
JOIN artists ON ufa1.aid = artists.aid
ORDER BY artists.artist_name, user1, user2;
SELECT artists.artist_name, COUNT(albums.alid) AS num_albums
FROM artists
LEFT JOIN albums ON artists.artist_name = albums.artist
GROUP BY artists.artist_name
ORDER BY num_albums DESC;
SELECT MAX(song_count) AS most_songs
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT songs.sid) AS song_count
FROM artists
LEFT JOIN albums ON artists.artist_name = albums.artist
LEFT JOIN songs ON albums.alid = songs.album_id OR artists.aid IN (SELECT aid FROM artist_performs_song WHERE sid = songs.sid)
GROUP BY artists.aid
) AS song_counts;
SELECT artists.artist_name, COUNT(DISTINCT songs.sid) AS num_songs
FROM artists
LEFT JOIN artist_performs_song aps ON artists.aid = aps.aid
LEFT JOIN songs ON aps.sid = songs.sid
GROUP BY artists.artist_name
ORDER BY num_songs DESC
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