01-Variables, assignment and operator precedence
Exercise 01.1
Degrees Fahrenheit () are converted to degrees Celsius () using the formula:
Write a program to convert 46 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius and print the result.
Write your program such that you can easily change the temperature in Fahrenheit that you are converting from.
Use the variable name T_c
for the temperature in degrees Celsius.
T_f = 46
## test ##
import math
assert math.isclose(T_c, 7.77777777777777)
编写一个程序,将 46 华氏度转换为摄氏度并打印结果。
摄氏温度使用变量名 T_c
# 定义华氏度温度
T_f = 46
# 使用公式进行转换
T_c = 5 * (T_f - 32) / 9
# 打印结果
print(f"{T_f}华氏度等于{round(T_c, 2)}摄氏度")
def fahrenheit_to_celsius(T_f):
T_c = 5 * (T_f - 32) / 9
return T_c
# Temperature in Fahrenheit to be converted
T_f = 46
T_c = fahrenheit_to_celsius(T_f)
print(f"{T_f} degrees Fahrenheit is {T_c:.2f} degrees Celsius.")
Exercise 01.2
You have been tasked with developing a mortgage affordability test tool. A component is to compute the monthly
interest payments for a range of scenarios.
Interest on a particular mortgage is charged at fixed rate above the Bank of England (BoE) 'official Bank Rate'.
Interest is computed per annum, and interest payments spread equally over each month of the year.
Write a program that computes the interest payable each month, with variables for:
- Loan principal (amount borrowed, fixed)
- Official Bank Rate (percentage, expressed per annum)
- Rate over the official Bank Rate (percentage, expressed per annum)
Test your program with a loan principal of £172,000, BoE rate of 2.25%, and rate over the
BoE rate of 1.49%. Use the variable name interest
for the monthly interest amount.
对于特定的按揭,利息按照高于英国银行 (BoE) 的“官方银行利率”的固定利率收取。利息按年计算,每年的利息支付均分到每个月。
- 贷款本金(借款金额,固定)
- 官方银行利率(百分比,按年表示)
- 高于官方银行利率的利率(百分比,按年表示)
使用贷款本金为£172,000、BoE 利率为 2.25%、以及高于 BoE 利率的 1.49% 的利率来测试你的程序。请使用变量名 interest
def compute_monthly_interest(principal, official_rate, extra_rate):
annual_rate = official_rate + extra_rate
annual_interest = principal * annual_rate
monthly_interest = annual_interest / 12
return monthly_interest
# 贷款本金
principal = 172000
# 官方银行利率
official_rate = 0.0225
# 高于官方银行利率的额外利率
extra_rate = 0.0149
interest = compute_monthly_interest(principal, official_rate, extra_rate)
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