
MSCI 641 Assignment 3

AI悦创原创Python 一对一教学Python 一对一教学大约 11 分钟...约 3195 字

Assignment 3 (code + short report, 7%). Due date: June 22

  1. Write a python script using genism library to train a Word2Vec model on the Amazon corpus.
  2. Use genism library to get the most similar words to a given word. Find 20 most similar words to “good” and “bad”. Are the words most similar to “good” positive, and words most similar to “bad” negative? Why this is or isn’t the case? Explain your intuition briefly (in 5-6 sentences).


  1. 使用genism库编写Python脚本,在Amazon语料库上训练Word2Vec模型。
  2. 使用genism库获取给定单词的最相似单词。找到与“good”和“bad”最相似的20个单词。与“good”最相似的单词是积极的,而与“bad”最相似的单词是消极的吗?为什么会这样或者不会这样?简要解释一下你的直觉(5-6句话)。


输出结果: w2v.model


创建一个 inference.pyopen in new window 文件,根据给出的词语生成 20 个近义词,使用 command line argument(路径到一个.txt文件,其中包含一些用于评估模型的词语,每行一个单词。)


1. Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2023/6/23 08:06
# @Author  : AI悦创
# @FileName: hw3.py
# @Software: PyCharm
# @Blog    :https://bornforthis.cn/
# 导入必要的库
from gensim.models import Word2Vec  # Gensim中的Word2Vec模型
from gensim.models.word2vec import LineSentence  # Gensim中用于处理文本数据的工具
import time

start_time = time.time()

# 定义训练模型的函数,需要三个参数:正面评论的文件路径、负面评论的文件路径、保存模型的文件路径
def train_model(pos_file_path, neg_file_path, model_file_path):
    # 使用 with open 来打开文件,这样可以保证文件在用完后会被正确关闭
    with open(pos_file_path, 'r') as pos_file, open(neg_file_path, 'r') as neg_file:
        # 使用 LineSentence 处理文件中的每一行文本,并将处理结果转为列表,然后将正面和负面评论的列表连接起来
        sentences = list(LineSentence(pos_file)) + list(LineSentence(neg_file))
        # 使用连接起来的句子列表创建Word2Vec模型,设置向量大小为100,窗口大小为5,最小词频为1,使用4个工作线程进行训练
        model = Word2Vec(sentences=sentences, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
        # 保存训练好的模型到指定的文件路径

# Python的入口点,只有直接运行这个脚本时,下面的代码才会被执行
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 正面评论的文件路径
    pos_file_path = 'data/pos.txt'
    # 负面评论的文件路径
    neg_file_path = 'data/neg.txt'
    # 保存模型的文件路径
    model_file_path = 'w2v.model'
    # 调用上面定义的函数进行模型训练
    train_model(pos_file_path, neg_file_path, model_file_path)
    print("time:>>>", time.time() - start_time)

2. model = Word2Vec(sentences=sentences, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)

  1. sentences: 这是一个可迭代的句子列表,每个句子都是单词的列表。在这种情况下,它是我们要在其上训练模型的数据。

  2. vector_size: 这是特征向量的维数。它决定了模型生成的词向量的大小。较大的 vector_size 可能会导致模型捕获更多的单词特征,但也会导致模型更大,训练时间更长,而且可能会过拟合。

  3. window: 这是在为每个单词生成训练样本时要考虑的上下文窗口的大小。例如,如果 window=5,那么在训练模型时,将为每个单词选择其前五个和后五个单词作为上下文。

  4. min_count: 这是单词在训练语料库中出现的最小次数,低于这个次数的单词将被忽略。这有助于限制模型大小,因为不常见的单词通常无法提供足够的上下文来学习有用的表示。

  5. workers: 这是训练模型时使用的线程数量。这可以加速模型训练,尤其是在大型数据集上。

以上参数的设定值可以根据具体任务和数据进行调整。更详细的参数信息可以查阅 gensim 的官方文档。

3. 结果剖析



  1. 对于"good",我们可以看到,大部分最相似的词都有积极的含义,如"decent"、"great"和"fantastic"等,但也有一些中性词汇,如"fair",甚至有负面词汇,如"terrible"。这可能是因为在训练数据中,“good”可能同时出现在正面和负面的环境中。比如,有些评论可能说,“这个产品在某些方面是好的,但在其他方面是糟糕的”。

  2. 对于"bad",结果也有类似的情况。其中有一些负面词汇,如"terrible"和"horrible",但也有一些积极或中性的词汇,如"good"。

  3. 对于"book",最相似的词主要与书籍或阅读相关,如"booklet"、"instruction"和"recipe"等。这符合我们的期待,因为这些词在语义上与“book”接近。



你的理解是正确的,Word2Vec 模型主要是用来理解和比较单个词语的,而不是用来理解整个文本或者句子的。这个模型主要关注的是词汇层面的语义和语境,它并不能理解更高级别的语言结构,例如句子、段落或文档的含义。如果你想对整个文本或句子进行分析,你可能需要使用其他类型的模型,例如Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN),Long Short Term Memory (LSTM),或者更复杂的模型如BERT等。

1. Write a python script using genism library to train a Word2Vec model on the Amazon corpus.
2. Use genism library to get the most similar words to a given word. Find 20 most similar words to “good” and “bad”. Are the words most similar to “good” positive, and words most similar to “bad” negative? Why this **is** or **isn’t** the case? Explain your intuition briefly (in 5-6 sentences).
用于训练的文件为`'pos.txt'` 和 `'neg.txt'`

输出结果: `w2v.model`


创建一个 inference.py 文件,根据给出的词语生成 20 个近义词,使用 command line argument(路径到一个`.txt`文件,其中包含一些用于评估模型的词语,每行一个单词。)
My daughter wanted this book and the price on Amazon was the best.
She has already tried one recipe a day after receiving the book.
I bought this zoku quick pop for my daughterr with her zoku quick maker.
She loves it and have fun to make her own ice cream.
I was hoping there were more where those came from.
This book emphasizes very sweet dessert pops, however.
There are 41 recipes in total, only 13 of which are fruit pops.
There is a "Fresh and Fruity" chapter, followed by three chapters of dessert pops entitled "I Scream for Quick Pops!", "Bake Shop", and  "Coco Loco".
As you might guess from the last one, there are 15 pop recipes that contain chocolate.Chapters on "Tips" and "Techniques" are useful.
There is more detailed information about ingredients that don't freeze well in the Zoku than is found in the instruction manual.
The pages about core pops are especially helpful, as they include recipes for pink, purple, and orange outer layers for brightly-colored core pops.
Many, including the recipe for a vanilla base, call for vanilla pudding, where vanilla Greek yogurt would do just as well.
On the bright side, many of these recipes may appeal to children, whereas most pop books that I have seen are geared more to adults.
There are flavors like "Cookie Dough", "That's a S'more", chocolate peanut butter, and peanut butter and jelly.
Most of the fruit recipes are gimmicky and contain too many ingredients.

I bought this when I bought the pop maker.
As for "pop embellishing" well, that wasn't too hard to figure out, either.
I'd save the money and spend it instead on extra pop sticks, which seem to disappear the way socks do.
didn't really care many of the cakes at all.
not up to normal standing for wilton yearbooks of the past.
Buy a Wilton magazine for less money and get more ideas and instructions for your investment.
Bag tore with almost nothing in it - Just caught the corner of a small cracker box and that was that.
This machine is exactly what the name says it is - a speller.
I wanted definitions, OH, that would be a dictionary! I ordered a dictionary an I am happy - except the voice is scratchy.
If you type the wrong word in, it "might" produce the correct word.
It doesn't give any explanation of the meaning or how it can be used.
I should have sent it bk., but I factored in the cost of return shipping - wasn't worth the return.
It's basically just a coat hanger with two plastic guides.
The only thing it has going for it is portability.
It can only hold regular sized hard covered books.
Forget about any size paperback, it will not work.
Even hard cover books are nearly impossible to align correctly and they slip and slump in all kinds of odd positions.
I tried with over 10 textbooks and it didn't do well with any of them.


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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AndersonHJB
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