
Final Project

AI悦创原创Python 一对一教学SCU CSSanta Clara University圣克拉拉大学Python 一对一教学SCU CSSanta Clara University圣克拉拉大学大约 9 分钟...约 2823 字

Problem 2 (5 pts)

Position yourself in /home/OMIS107 before solving this problem. Copy into your directory myexam (example: /home/fakestudent/myexam) all of the files in /home/OMIS107/final/files whose name satisfies both conditions:

在解决这个问题之前,请先定位到/home/OMIS107。将/home/ omis107 /final/files目录下所有满足以下两个条件的文件复制到你的目录myexam(例如:/home/fakestudent/myexam):

  1. The name contains at most 3 characters,


  2. The name ends with “2”.


Use relative pathnames only (i.e., do not use absolute pathnames to solve this problem)


Problem 5 (6 pts):

Show the details of the existing processes, sorted by decreasing priority (field PRI of ps -efl) and, in case of ties, increasing PID. Make sure to exclude the header from your output.

显示现有进程的详细信息,按优先级递减排序(ps -efl的字段PRI),如果并列,则增加PID。确保从输出中排除头信息。

ps -efl --no-headers | sort -k7nr -k4n

Problem 6 (6 pts):

How many files/directories in /usr/lib are regular files? Recall that the lines of ls -l corresponding to regular files start with a hyphen (-). Your code must return just one number.

/usr/lib中有多少个files/ directory 是普通文件?回想一下,ls -l对应于普通文件的每一行都以连字符(-)开头。代码必须只返回一个数字。

Problem 7 (6 pts)

The file /home/OMIS107/final/grouplist reports the name of a few user groups, with a different group in each line. Is the current user’s second group (the one listed second when executing groups) present in that file? Print 0 for no and 1 for yes. Your code must work for any user and even if the content of the directory files is changed.


Scripting (35 pts)

Problem 8 (35 pts)

Count the number of sessions opened (i.e., lines in who) for each user (even for those users with no active connection). The list of all users can be found in the file /etc/passwd (the characters before the first “:”). Format your output differently, depending on whether the user has 0 active sessions (first line below), between 1 and 3 active sessions (second line below), or more than 3 active sessions (third and fourth line below).


At the end, your code must also print how many users have more than 3 active sessions (last line below).


User samo is not connected
User msamorani has between 1 and 3 sessions
User labinstructor has more than 3 sessions
User fakestudent has more than 3 sessions
There are 2 users with more than 3 sessions

declare -A user_sessions

while IFS=: read -r username _; do
    sessions=$(who | grep -c "^$username ")
done </etc/passwd

for user in "${!user_sessions[@]}"; do
    if [[ ${user_sessions[$user]} -eq 0 ]]; then
        echo "User $user is not connected"
    elif [[ ${user_sessions[$user]} -gt 0 && ${user_sessions[$user]} -le 3 ]]; then
        echo "User $user has between 1 and 3 sessions"
        echo "User $user has more than 3 sessions"

echo "There are $over_3_users users with more than 3 sessions"

Memory Management (5 pts)

Problem 9 (5 pts)

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void) {
    int n = 5;
    char s[3] = "no";
    int m = 6;
    printf("The address of n is %p\n", &n);
    printf("The address of s[0] is %p\n", &s[0]);
    printf("The address of s[1] is %p\n", &s[1]);
    printf("The address of s[2] is %p\n", &s[2]);
    printf("The address of m is %p\n", &m);

Which one is a possible output of the code above? (No need to write an explanation)


The address of n is 0x7ffe27591d1c

The address of s[0] is 0x7ffe27591d19

The address of s[1] is 0x7ffe27591d1a

The address of s[2] is 0x7ffe27591d1b

The address of m is 0x7ffe27591d1f


The address of n is 0x7ffe27591d1c

The address of s[0] is 0x7ffe27591d19

The address of s[1] is 0x7ffe27591d1a

The address of s[2] is 0x7ffe27591d1b

The address of m is 0x7ffe27591d14


The address of n is 0x7ffe27591d1c

The address of s[0] is 0x7ffe27591d1b

The address of s[1] is 0x7ffe27591d1a

The address of s[2] is 0x7ffe27591d19

The address of m is 0x7ffe27591d14

Process Management (25 pts)

Using only the function that we have seen in class (fork, wait, waitpid, exit), write a Python program that asks the user for two floats n1 and n2, and then it computes and prints their sum (n1+n2), their product (n1*n2), and their difference (n1-n2). However, the execution order depends on n1 and n2, as follows.


If n1>n2:

  1. Sum and Product must be computed first and in parallel (i.e., so that the two outputs can theoretically be printed in any order),


  1. Afterwards, compute the difference (n1-n2)


Otherwise (n1 <= n2):

  1. Sum and difference must be computed first and in parallel (i.e., so that the two outputs can theoretically be printed in any order),


  1. Afterwards, compute the product


Use the smallest number of processes possible. Your processes must never be in zombie state. Use the code below to get started.



from os import wait,fork
n1=float(input('Give me a n1: '))
n2=float(input('Give me a n2: '))
import os

# input
n1 = float(input('Give me a n1: '))
n2 = float(input('Give me a n2: '))

# Create child processes to handle the parallel tasks
if n1 > n2:
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid == 0:  # Child Process
        print('Sum: ', n1+n2)
    else:  # Parent Process
        pid2 = os.fork()
        if pid2 == 0:  # Child Process
            print('Product: ', n1*n2)
        else:  # Parent Process
            os.waitpid(pid, 0)  # wait for first child process
            os.waitpid(pid2, 0)  # wait for second child process
            print('Difference: ', n1-n2)
    pid = os.fork()

    if pid == 0:  # Child Process
        print('Sum: ', n1+n2)
    else:  # Parent Process
        pid2 = os.fork()
        if pid2 == 0:  # Child Process
            print('Difference: ', n1-n2)
        else:  # Parent Process
            os.waitpid(pid, 0)  # wait for first child process
            os.waitpid(pid2, 0)  # wait for second child process
            print('Product: ', n1*n2)

关于 3 的代码讲解:


  1. 使用了我们在课堂上看到的函数:该程序使用了forkwaitpidos._exit函数。fork用于创建新的进程,waitpid用于等待子进程结束,而os._exit则用于结束当前的子进程。

  2. **计算和打印指定的数学运


  1. 并行计算两个运算:对于需要并行计算的两个运算,程序会为每个运算创建一个子进程,这样它们就可以并行执行,而不需要等待另一个运算完成。

  2. 没有僵尸进程:通过使用os.waitpid函数等待每个子进程结束,程序可以确保没有僵尸进程。此外,子进程在完成其任务后会调用os._exit函数立即结束,这也有助于防止僵尸进程的产生。

  3. 使用了最少的进程:每个需要并行执行的运算都有一个对应的子进程,这是实现并行计算的最小进程数量。总共使用了两个子进程,加上主进程,一共三个进程。



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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AndersonHJB
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 按正序
  • 按倒序
  • 按热度