
Assignment 5

AI悦创原创Python 一对一教学SCU CSSanta Clara University圣克拉拉大学Python 一对一教学SCU CSSanta Clara University圣克拉拉大学大约 5 分钟...约 1419 字

Problem 1 (1 point)

Find the number of existing processes. Your output should be formatted as follows:

On xxx, there were yyy processes

xxx is the current timestamp (which you can retrieve with the command date)

yyy is the number of processes

For example: On Thu Feb 9 15:28:48 PST 2023, there were 264 processes

Problem 2 (1 point)

The file /home/OMIS107/HW5/name contains one line of text. How much RAM is used in total by processes whose names contain that text? Your code should return just a decimal number from 0.0 to 100.0. For instance, if /home/OMIS107/HW5/name contains the text ps, then your code should total the % of RAM of any process that contain "ps" in the COMMAND column, and return the result (a decimal number from 0.0 to 100.0). Your code must work correctly even if the content of /home/OMIS107/HW5/name is changed.

在 UNIX 或者 Linux 系统中,ps是一个显示系统进程信息的命令。auxps命令的选项,它们的含义如下:

  • a:显示所有终端机下的所有进程,包括其他用户的进程。
  • u:以用户为主的格式来显示进程状态。
  • x:显示没有控制终端的进程。


举个例子,ps aux命令的输出中,你可能会看到一行如下的内容:

root     27164  0.0  0.0  14756  960 pts/0    S+   10:15   0:00 grep --color=auto bash


  • root是用户(USER)名。
  • 27164是进程ID(PID)。
  • 0.0是CPU使用率(%CPU)。
  • 0.0是内存使用率(%MEM)。
  • 14756是虚拟内存使用量(VSZ)。
  • 960是物理内存使用量(RSS)。
  • pts/0是控制终端(TTY)。
  • S+是进程状态(STAT)。
  • 10:15是启动时间(START)。
  • 0:00是运行时间(TIME)。
  • grep --color=auto bash是命令(COMMAND)。

Problem 3 (1 point)

Position yourself in /home. Print only the file/directory name, followed by a colon, followed by the “group” permissions (the middle three permission bits) for all of the files/directory owned by the current user (whomever the user may be).

Example: the output of the command executed by msamorani is this:


  1. ls -lls是Linux中列出目录内容的命令,-l选项表示使用长格式显示,这种格式会包含文件的详细信息,如权限、所有者、大小等。

  2. awk -v u="$(whoami)" '{if ($3==u) print $9 ":" $1}':这是一个awk命令,它处理ls -l的输出。-v u="$(whoami)"设置了一个awk变量u,它的值为当前用户的用户名(whoami的输出)。对每一行,如果第3个字段(文件所有者的用户名)等于u的值,就打印第9个字段(文件名)和第1个字段(文件权限)之间以冒号分隔的组合。

  3. sed -r "s/:....(...).*/:\1/g":这是一个sed命令,它处理awk的输出。这个命令使用了一个替换操作(s/.../.../g),将冒号后面的字符串改为只包含冒号后第4至第6个字符的字符串。其中-r选项允许使用扩展的正则表达式语法,\1代表匹配到的第一个分组的内容。这个命令的作用是将文件权限从完整的表示形式(如-rw-r--r--)缩减为只包含所有者权限(如rw-)。




Problem 4 (1 point)

Read file hw5 inside your directory. Create one problem (text + solution) as indicated in that file and then upload your problem and solution on this shared document.

The goal is to help fellow students to prepare for the midterm; so, try to make the problem useful. The text of your problem should be as clear as possible and as short as possible. Avoid creating problems that are too trivial or too difficult; the difficulty of your problem should be similar to the problems in this and past assignments.

My intention is to give everyone full marks; the only way not to get full marks are the following:

  • You do not perform this task
  • You do not include a solution
  • Your problem is clearly too trivial. For example, “print the current date” (solution: date), “print the list of existing processes” (solution: ps -efl).

If the solution you provide is incorrect, you will still receive full marks. But you must make an honest effort to get it right.



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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AndersonHJB
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