General fourth project feedback「」
General fourth project feedback
Posted on: Wednesday, 24 May 2023 15:58:13 o'clock BST
Dear all,
Thank you for putting so much effort into preparing your fourth and final programming project for the Introductory Scientific Computing unit. As you are aware, this will contribute 30% to your final mark and so the marks will need to be approved by the formal exam board before we can release them to you. In the meantime, we wanted to give you some general feedback on your code and your reports. Once your marks have been finalised you can contact myself or your Scientific Computing tutor to ask for more feedback.
We have already shared our marking scheme with you, as well as the split of the unit mark contributed from code (15%) and report (15%), but it’s worth highlighting what we would like to see for a first class mark – in terms of the code, it needs to be robust, consistent, clear, with good documentation and structure, as well as performing all of the required tasks and being largely free of errors. And in terms of the report, we expect a clear structure, good presentation and for all parts to be included as well as critical analysis of results. As we discussed in the report writing tutorials, introductions that set this project into a broader context and cited some useful literature references are also important.
We have been reviewing your projects and have been pleased to see the context you have provided. When analysing air quality data this has included sources affecting air quality, the effects of COVID lockdowns on the data, air quality index and comparisons against government targets. For the traffic model, this has included considerations of why understanding traffic flow is important in road planning, broad links with air quality and even references to the effects of road rage.
Most of you have worked to make a clear, readable code document by including useful documentation (comments and markdown cells) to guide us through what you have done and why. When writing the traffic model, this has been approached in a variety of ways but most have made use of reusable features (functions and even classes), allowing for the model to be run in a variety of configurations. We saw some issues around allowing the cars/buses to loop and in finding ways to calculate the average speed but in most cases this was done well. For the air quality code, we saw a variety of approaches often making use of great features in pandas (looping, filtering, groupby, resample), and plotting to clean, manipulate and extract details from the data. Just consider reducing hard-coding of numbers and using variables where possible to improve code quality. Representation of the results through a variety of plots and tables has also ben well done.
A lot of reports have clear statements of the hypotheses you wanted to test and good presentation of your analysis and results. Reports have used a combinations of time series, bar charts, polar plots, 2D images and histograms, often showing excellent data manipulation to pull out trends. Others have used further processing to fit trends, calculate averages and correlations as well. We have been impressed with the wide range of tools and techniques you have employed to approach these questions building on the taught material and making use of advanced pandas tools, numpy, matplotlib and even seaborn functionality, which is really great to see.
Some general recommendations we be to ensure your code is fully capable of running from top to bottom and to proofread the details within your code and report for mistakes. The plot colours and labelling were generally good but keep an eye on the text being readable and make sure all details (including the legend) are labelled correctly.
Overall, a good set of projects, highlighting the progress you have made over the course of this year and the skills you now have.
We now wish you good luck in your exams going forward.
End of unit feedback for SCIF10001
Posted on: Thursday, 4 May 2023 12:50:47 o'clock BST
Dear all,
You should have all received details (via email) for the end of unit feedback through Blue for the "Introductory Scientific Computing" unit. Details of this have also been included on the "Week 24: Reflections" content area for the unit and this should also be accessible here:
Please do take the time to complete this. It shouldn't take too long and we would appreciate your feedback.
Task for Week 23 (next week)
Posted on: Friday, 21 April 2023 10:03:25 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For our Week 22 workshop this week, we had a guest lecture from Dr. Matt Williams from the Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) covering background topics around hardware, high performance computing, cloud and beyond. A recording of this workshop (and all previous workshops) are available to access through the Re/Play content area and link.
Next weeks session (Week 23) will be focussed on topics and questions you would like to review. For this there is a Padlet available to add your requests prior to the session next week:
Please also add likes to posted topics you think would be useful to review.
This is also a reminder that the the fourth (and final) third programming project (30%) for the unit is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). Deadline: Wednesday, 3rd May at 10am (Week 24) i.e. the last week of term. For this project there are two options available where only one should be completed. This includes both a coding and report component so we would expect at least two files to be submitted for this project.
Fourth (and final) programming project available
Posted on: Wednesday, 22 March 2023 17:42:25 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 21 workshop this week, we provided exercises within four topics (Python, Numpy, Pandas, Plotting) and asked you to choose which areas you wanted to focus on, working through the varying difficulty level of exercises for the topics.
Following this, the fourth (and final) third programming project (30%) for the unit is now available. Deadline: Wednesday, 3rd May at 10am (Week 24). This is due in the last week of term (3 term weeks to complete this, plus Easter break). This includes both a code and report writing component so do make sure to submit at least two documents for this project. For this project there are two options available where only one should be completed.
The "Programming Project 4" submission point is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). The submission point includes the outline for this project and report as well as the provided data for this project. For the coding part, you will need to create your own Jupyter notebook (/ Python file) as well as unzip and upload the relevant data to Noteable. See the "Create new notebooks and download files" video now available on the "Access Python" content area for more information about how to do this. The assessment files should be submitted to the "Programming Project 4" submission point (i.e. the same place as the project outline and mark scheme documents on Blackboard).
Have a good Easter break all and see everyone when we get back.
Week 19 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 8 March 2023 14:43:41 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 19 workshop we looked at both writing our own functions and how we could approach using functions to structure our code. For this week there a few tasks to be completed both from last week and related to this topic.
- Complete your Week 18 peer review assessment - make sure to upload your Week18_01_MiniProject.ipynb file to OneDrive if this hasn't been done (this was due on Monday) and add 2 reviews for other people's work (due by this Friday at 10am). Note: uploading to Padlet and/or adding comments does not mean the assessment has been completed. See Week 18: Mini Project content area for full details of this.
- Complete Week 19 assessment through the "Assignments" tab on Noteable. Deadline: Wednesday, 15th March at 10am (Week 20).
- Complete asynchronous work to prepare for the Week 20 workshop - watch a short video on accessing a tool called JupyterLab through Noteable and complete some quick activities. See Week 19: Functions content area for more details.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 18 assessment
Posted on: Friday, 3 March 2023 09:47:31 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 18 workshop on Wednesday, we asked you to work together in groups to perform your own analysis of weather data from a few selected stations across the UK (see some outputs on Padlet). As highlighted in the workshop, this analysis forms the basis of the assessment for this week where we are asking you to peer review each other's analysis. For this we would like everyone to individually upload their own analysis (as a .ipynb file), download and take a look at two other projects and then upload two peer reviews with useful feedback (e.g. as Word docs) to a One Drive folder. Details and links are included on the "Week 18: Mini Project" content area.
There are two deadlines for this assessment:
- Deadline for uploading completed analysis to OneDrive (1): Monday, 6th March at 10am (Week 19) (50% for participation)
- Deadline for uploading 2 peer reviews to OneDrive (2): Friday, 10th March at 10am (Week 19) (50% for participation)
As stated above this is a participation mark and you will receive 100% for completing all activities by the deadlines. For anyone who was unable to attend the session, please see the description in the "Week 18: Mini Project" content area and individually complete through the workshop material for this week ("Week18_01_MiniProject.ipynb").
Third programming project due on Wednesday
Posted on: Monday, 27 February 2023 11:13:38 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 17 workshop last week, we looked into how we could fit a straight line using various tools discovered in the asynchronous activity. We also focussed on a few options in more detail and followed the full process for fitting experimental data.
This is also a reminder that the third programming project for the unit is due this Wednesday (1st March) at 10am. The "Programming Project 3" submission point is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). The submission point includes the outline for this project as well as the provided data for this project. You will need to create your own Jupyter notebook (/ Python file) as well as unzip and upload the relevant data to Noteable. See the "Create new notebooks and download files" video now available on the "Access Python" content area for more information about how to do this. The assessment should be submitted to the "Programming Project 3" submission point (i.e. the same place as the project outline and mark scheme documents on Blackboard).
Please do continue to check the "Questions about this unit" Discussion board for any questions asked and answed and post for any clarifications needed.
The week you also have seminars (some have already started) with preparation work to complete. Do check the "Week 18: Mini Project" page for more details of this.
Week 18 (next week) - Seminar pre-work
Posted on: Monday, 20 February 2023 10:55:29 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
We have seminars with all of you from next Monday (Week 18) and there is some pre-work you need to do - please check out the information on Blackboard for Week 17 (and Week 18 when this becomes available) and we look forward to your comments on the relevant Padlet.
Course Link/TB2/Topic 3: Data analysis and plotting - Weeks 13-18/Week 17: Fitting
Third programming project available
Posted on: Thursday, 16 February 2023 15:16:00 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 16 workshop this week, we discussed how to plot data well using the tools available including common pitfalls, accounting for missing data and interpreting date times. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to research how to fit a straight line in Python. This research will be used within the Week 17 workshop. Details of this are available within your Week 16 workshop notes ("Week16-17_asynchronous.ipynb") and on the content area for Week16: Good visualisation.
The third programming project for the unit is now available. Deadline: Wednesday, 1st March at 10am and you have 2 weeks to complete this.
The "Programming Project 3" submission point is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). The submission point includes the outline for this project as well as the provided data for this project. You will need to create your own Jupyter notebook (/ Python file) as well as unzip and upload the relevant data to Noteable. See the "Create new notebooks and download files" video now available on the "Access Python" content area for more information about how to do this. The assessment should be submitted to the "Programming Project 3" submission point (i.e. the same place as the project outline and mark scheme documents on Blackboard).
As always, I would advise starting this early to ensure you have enough time to complete this to a good standard. This will primarily focus on material covered this term.
As a reminder I do have office hours on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm and am also happy to organise short online meetings outside this. I'm in W227 along the Computational Chemistry corridor in the Chemistry building but do email me if you cannot access / find my office. Please do also post questions on the "Questions about this unit" Discussion board with any clarifications needed.
Week 15 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 8 February 2023 17:22:21 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 15 workshop this week, we more formally introduced the matplotlib python package, showed how this could be used for plotting and explored the features available to us. We also looked into the pandas plotting interface which allows easy plotting for pandas DataFrames. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to watch a short video on data representation and read a few short articles on two ways data can be badly presented. Details of this on the content area for Week 15: Plotting.
We do have a small weekly assessment for you to complete before the next workshop (Week 16) which has now been released (Week15_assessment). This is closely linked to the material covered in the workshop this week. The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 15th February at 10am (Week 16).
If anyone feels like they would like additional assistance with the topics covered so far, as a reminder I have office hours from 2-4pm on Wednesday afternoons. My office is W227 in the Chemistry building but it may be easiest to contact me if you are not able to get access. You can also come and speak to me after the session (though there is now another lecture after our workshop, so this would have to be brief).
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 14 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 1 February 2023 16:27:52 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 14 workshop this week, we started to consider how we can read data from files. As a part of this we considered how the data is formatted (seperators, header rows, column headings) and what the data itself means (how to interpret missing data and date times).
Building on the work from last week, there is a small weekly assessment for you to complete before the next workshop (Week 15) which has now been released (Week14_assessment). This can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 8th February at 10am (Week 15).
For students who have started other courses using Noteable, if you are unable to see your assessments for this unit on the "Assignments" tab this is likely because you have accessed the Noteable environment from a different unit. To check this go to the "Assignments" tab and check whether the drop down at the top says "SCIF10001_2022_TB-4". If it doesn't say this, shutdown all Noteable sessions, log onto the "Introductory Scientific Computing 2022" Blackboard page and access Noteable again. The relevant assessments should now show up.
As a confirmation, there is no asynchronous work to complete for the workshops this week - the "Tasks to complete" for this week did initially state that there was Asynchnonous work but this has now been corrected. There is, however, pre-work for your Seminar sessions if these have not already run. See the "Week 14: Data analysis from files" content area for details of this.
Week 14 seminars - pre-work
Posted on: Sunday, 29 January 2023 15:25:35 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
We have seminars with all of you from Monday and there is some pre-work you need to do - please check out the information on Blackboard for week 14 and I look forward to your comments on the relevant Padlet.
Week 13 assessment - typo in Question 3
Posted on: Thursday, 26 January 2023 11:19:14 o'clock GMT
Hi all.
For those who have already started the Week 13 assessment, it has been pointed out to me that there was a mistake in the requested variable name for Question 3 - earnings_per_week
should be earning_per_week
for the check below to verify this correctly.
This has now been corrected and re-released, so this shouldn't affect most people, but just be aware in case this is a cause for confusion.
Week 13 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 25 January 2023 15:59:47 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
Welcome back everyone.
For our Week 13 workshop this week, we started to look at a new library called pandas which helps us to deal with tables of data and introduces a new data type called a DataFrame. As a part of this we explored the features of a DataFrame (rows and columns) as well as how we can update and manipulate the data using functions, operators and filtering. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to access and explore a data file. Details of this (and the data file itself) are available within your Week 13 workshop notes ("Week13-14_asynchronous.ipynb") and on the content area for Week 13: Data Analysis.
We do have a small weekly assessment for you to complete before the next workshop (Week 14) which has now been released (Week13_assessment). This is closely linked to the material covered in the workshop this week. The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 1st February at 10am (Week 14).
You may also have noticed that details of your weekly assessments from TB1 are now available through Blackboard (under TEST 01 etc.). Comments such as "L1 penalty applied" refer to late penalties etc. which should also have been communicated through your feedback. The marks included here should match to the details within Noteable (but do feel free to post questions on the Forum if anything is unclear).
As a reminder, each workshop session is recorded (slides and audio) and is made available through the Re/Play content area ("Re/Play" link).
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Programming Exercise 2 Marks available
Posted on: Friday, 20 January 2023 15:11:40 o'clock GMT
Dear students,
The marks and feedback for Programming Exercise 2 are now available to view on Blackboard.
These marks are provisional and still subject to penalties for late submission. All marks will be finalised at the Faculty of Science exam boards in July.
Programming project 2 due on Wednesday
Posted on: Monday, 12 December 2022 15:50:01 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
This is a reminder that the second programming project for the unit is due on Wednesday (14th December) at 10am.
The "Programming Project 2" submission point is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). The submission point includes the outline for this project which has three options to choose from - please complete and submit one and only one for this assessment. For this you need to create your own Jupyter notebook (/ Python file). See the "Create new notebooks and download files" video now available on the "Access Python" content area for more information about how to do this. The assessment should be submitted to the "Programming Project 2" submission point (i.e. the same place as the project outline and mark scheme documents on Blackboard).
Please do continue to use the Discussion Boards (or email me) if you need any clarifications on this including the "Questions about this unit" Forum where I've been posting questions received through email.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Second programming project available
Posted on: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 17:08:47 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 10 workshop this week, we went through a problem solving exercise from start to finish, working in pairs to towards a solution.
The second programming project for the unit (worth 10%) is now available. Deadline: Wednesday, 14th December at 10am and you have 2 weeks to complete this.
The "Programming Project 2" submission point is available on the "Assessment, submission and feedback" content area (NOT through the Noteable "Assignments" tab). The submission point includes the outline for this project which has three options to choose from - please complete and submit one and only one for this assessment. For this you will need to create your own Jupyter notebook (/ Python file). See the "Create new notebooks and download files" video now available on the "Access Python" content area for more information about how to do this. The assessment should be submitted to the "Programming Project 2" submission point (i.e. the same place as the project outline and mark scheme documents on Blackboard).
Again, I would advise starting this early to ensure you have enough time to complete this to a good standard. For this I would encourage you to review the material covered so far including asynchronous material, exercises answers, assessment feedback as well as the workshop material itself.
As a reminder I do have office hours on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm and am also happy to organise short online meetings outside this. I'm in W227 along the Computational Chemistry corridor in the Chemistry building but do email me if you cannot access / find my office.
Some of you will also have an associated tutorial session this week (for some people this was last week). This does not require any preparation but you should make sure to bring along a device you feel comfortable using for coding with more details provided by your tutor.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Project 1 marks and feedback available
Posted on: Monday, 28 November 2022 14:07:02 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
Marks and feedback for your first programming project should now be available for you to fetch through the Noteable "Assignments" tab.
Please make sure to review the feedback as well as the marks for these assessments. The feedback will contain tips for any mistakes made (and some suggested solutions) as well as tips for improving your coding practice.
After reviewing the feedback, if you have any questions around this assessment or would like to talk through a suggested solution please do get in contact with me ( to organise a short online meeting or attend my office hours on Wednesdays between 2-4pm (Chemistry Building, W227).
Unit Evaluation Survey Open
Posted on: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 09:00:00 o'clock GMT
Unit evaluation is part of our University's continuous process of evaluating and enhancing the quality of its units and programmes.
It is important to us in the School of Chemistry to receive your feedback on our teaching, so please take the time to scan the QR code and navigate to the units that are open for you to add your responses to the survey. The survey closes on 11 December 2022.
Week 9 tasks
Posted on: Thursday, 24 November 2022 10:30:27 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 9 workshop this week, we considered how we could incorporate probability and randomness into code. As a part of this we explored options provided within the numpy random submodule and considered a worked example for radioactive decay. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to watch two short video (1) random sampling and (2) the multi-dimensionality of numpy arrays. This is available on the content area for Week 9: Random number generation. There is also a quiz available around this asynchronous material to check and stretch your learning.
We do have a small weekly assessment for you to complete before the next workshop (Week 10) which has now been released (Week9_assessment). This is closely linked to the material covered in the workshop this week. The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 30th November at 10am (Week 10).
As a reminder, each workshop session is recorded (slides and audio) and is made available through the Re/Play content area ("Re/Play" link).
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Assessment reminder
Posted on: Monday, 21 November 2022 11:42:04 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
As a reminder, especially for those who have just returned from reading week, the Introductory Scientific Computing workshops will be running again from this week (Week 9) onwards. There is also an assessment to be completed before the workshop (Week7_assessment) which can be accessed in the usual way via the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 23rd November at 10am**.** This is based on the material covered in preparation for and in Week 7 on numpy arrays and functions so do review this material as necessary.
For anyone who would like some more practice working with numpy and arrays, there is an optional worksheet available on the "Week 7: Numpy and arrays" content area. The answers for this worksheet are now available on the "Week 9: Random number generation" content area.
As an additional reminder, there are also larger group seminar sessions this week and the staff running the seminars should be in touch with details for this.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 7 assessment - missing code
Posted on: Friday, 11 November 2022 14:12:29 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For the Week 7 assessment a problem has been spotted where there is some necessary code missing (the code for the model_damped_shm function). This has now been fixed within the assessment itself but for anyone who has already collected this you will need to copy in some provided code for this assessment to fully run.
The necessary code has been included on a specific thread on the "Questions about the unit" Forum:
Make sure you are logged onto Blackboard (e.g via to be able to use this direct link.
Please do let me know if you have any issues with the provided code. We will be aware of this upon marking the assessment and so will make sure to check your coded solutions regardless of if the automated checks pass.
Week 7 tasks
Posted on: Thursday, 10 November 2022 11:32:12 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 7 workshop this week, we worked with a new external library called numerical Python (numpy) which provides us with a new object called a numpy array and lots of additional functionality. For anyone who would like some additional practice working with numpy and arrays, there is an optional worksheet available on the "Week 7: Numpy and arrays" content area.
It is also important to note that there will be no Introductory Scientific Computing workshop next week (Week 8) as this is reading week in some (but not all) schools.
We do have a small weekly assessment for you to complete for two weeks time before the next workshop (Week 9) which has now been released (Week7_assessment). The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Deadline: Wednesday, 23rd November at 10am (Week 9) (corrected from incorrect 24th November).
As a reminder, some of you will have an associated tutorial session this week (for some people this was last week). Your tutor should be in contact with preparation details for this session.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Programming project 1 due tomorrow
Posted on: Tuesday, 8 November 2022 09:59:56 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
This is a reminder that the first programming project for the unit (worth 10%) is due tomorrow (Wednesday, 9th November) at 10am. This can be accessed through the Noteable interface using the "Assignments" tab ("Week5_project").
Please do continue to use the Discussion Boards (or email me) if you need any clarifications on this including the "Questions about this unit" Forum where I've been posting questions received through email.
I'm also available for short online meetings today to clarify any concepts, so email me ( to set this up if this would be useful.
Week 6 tasks
Posted on: Thursday, 3 November 2022 11:09:02 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
For our Week 6 workshop this week, we completed some consolidation exercises and started to look into how we can use documentation to provide us with more tools when we need them.
The first programming project for the unit (worth 10%) is due next week and can be accessed through the Noteable interface using the "Assignments" tab ("Week5_project"). Deadline: Wednesday, 9th November at 10am (Week 7). Please use the Dicussion Boards (or email me) if you need any clarifications on this. I've set up a post on the "Questions about this unit" Forum where I've been posting questions received through email so do check and add to this as well.
For this week, we have some asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) where we're asking you to watch two short videos about a library available in Python called numpy (numerical Python) and a new object we can use called an array (very similar to list but with some useful additional properties). This is available on the content area for Week 6: Python Essentials. There is also a short quiz about this material to check and stretch your learning. In addition, on the Week 6 content area, the answers for the optional practice questions are now available for you to check.
As a reminder, some of you will have an associated tutorial session this week (for some people this will be next week). Your tutor should be in contact with preparation details for this session.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 4 assessment feedback available
Posted on: Tuesday, 1 November 2022 14:47:19 o'clock GMT
Dear all,
Marks and feedback for your Week 4 assessment should now be available for you to fetch through the Noteable "Assignments" tab.
Please make sure to review the feedback as well as the marks for these assessments. The feedback will contain tips for any mistakes made (and some suggested solutions) as well as tips for improving your coding practice which will become more important in assessment as we move through the unit.
Additional Practice Worksheet
Posted on: Thursday, 27 October 2022 10:04:08 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For those who feel they would like some additional practice, I have collated an optional worksheet available on the "Week 5: Starting to write models" content page for this week. Complete this if you feel you would like some more exercises to try out, using the notes from the workshops so far as guidance.
Answers for this will be made available next week.
Week 5 programming project available
Posted on: Wednesday, 26 October 2022 13:42:05 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For our Week 5 workshop this week, we started to looked at creating models using Python looking at examples of sequence and the worked example of a falling mass. The recording for this session today will be available soon but in general to access workshop recordings go to the "Re/Play" content area and click the "Re/Play" link.
The first programming project for the unit (worth 10%) has now been released and is available for you to access through the Noteable interface using the "Assignments" tab ("Week5_project"). Please see the "Accessing and submitting weekly assessments" video on the "Access Python" content page for more details if needed. You have 2 weeks to complete this project, but we would advise starting this early to ensure you have enough time to complete this to a good standard. Deadline: Wednesday, 9th November at 10am (Week 7).
Also to restate my office hours, these are Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm. I'm in W227 along the Computational Chemistry corridor in the Chemistry building but do email me if you cannot access / find my office. I'm also able to organise short online meetings outside of this time as needed.
As a reminder, some of you will also have an associated tutorial session this week (for some people this was last week). To prepare for this you will be asked to look at an infographic and pick out a fact. Your tutor should also be in contact with details for this session.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 3 assessment feedback available
Posted on: Tuesday, 25 October 2022 17:41:25 o'clock BST
Dear all,
Marks and feedback for your Week 3 assessment should now be available for you to fetch through the Noteable "Assignments" tab.
Week 4 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 19 October 2022 16:58:25 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For our Week 4 workshop this week, we looked in more detail at for loops and started looking into if statements using a leap year calculator as an example. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to watch a short video and an article (1) on while loops and (2) comparing while and for loops. This is available on the content area for Week 4: Loops and Branches. There are quizzes available around this asynchronous material to check and stretch your learning.
We also have a small weekly assessment for you to complete for next week which has now been released (Week4_assessment). The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Please see the "Accessing and submitting weekly assessments" video on the "Access Python" content page for more details. Deadline: Wednesday, 26th October at 10am.
As a reminder, some of you will also have an associated tutorial session this week (for some people this will be next week). To prepare for this you will be asked to look at an infographic and pick out a fact. Your tutor should also be in contact with details for this session.
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 2 assessment feedback available
Posted on: Tuesday, 18 October 2022 18:27:59 o'clock BST
Dear all,
Marks and feedback for your Week 2 assessment should now be available for you to fetch through the Noteable "Assignments" tab.
Reviewing concepts
Posted on: Tuesday, 18 October 2022 14:08:30 o'clock BST
Dear all,
If you would like to review any of the concepts covered so far I can run online office hours this afternoon between 3pm-5pm. Please get in touch if you would like to speak to me and I can set up an online meeting for you to attend.
Week 3 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 12 October 2022 18:40:29 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For our Week 3 workshop this week, we refreshed some concepts introduced in the asynchronous activity of dictionaries and functions as well going through a worked example to look at problem solving. There is no asynchronous work for you to complete this week but there is a weekly assessment which has now been released (Week3_assessment). The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Please see the "Accessing and submitting weekly assessments" video on the "Access Python" content page for more details. Deadline: Wednesday, 19th October at 10am.
As always, for the list of tasks to be completed each week for the course take a look at the content area for this week's material. This week this will be "Week 3: Data structures".
If you would like to access the recording of the live workshop session please go to the "Re/Play" content area and click on the "Re/Play" link. This will include a videos for all the recorded workshops so far.
As a reminder, some of you will also have an associated tutorial session this week (for others this was last week). This will be continuing the discussion around algorithmic thinking from our Week 1 workshop. Please make sure to take a look at the Padlet document: for everyone's contributions and post your thoughts on the Course Cafe Forum (accessible on the "Discussions" content area).
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Week 2 tasks
Posted on: Wednesday, 5 October 2022 14:45:35 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For our Week 2 workshop this week, we started to code in Python looking at floats, integers and strings and started to look at data structures including lists. For your asynchronous work (to be completed before the next workshop) we're asking you to watch 2 short videos (1) on another data structure called a dictionary and (2) looking at functions associated with different data types. This is available on the content area for "Week 2: starting to code".
There are also quizzes available around this asynchronous material to check and stretch your learning. For those who already attempted the quizzes and encountered issues with the images not showing, I've now updated the questions to remove the images (replaced with text) so these should now contain all the necessary information to complete the quiz (may require a refresh or a restart).
We also have a small weekly assessment for you to complete for next week which has now been released (Week2_assessment). The assessments can be accessed through the Noteable interface by accessing the "Assignments" tab. Please see the "Accessing and submitting weekly assessments" video on the "Access Python" content page for more details. Deadline: Wednesday, 12th October at 10am.
As a reminder, some of you will also have an associated tutorial session this week (for others this will be next week). This will be continuing the discussion around algorithmic thinking from our Week 1 workshop. Please make sure to take a look at the Padlet document: for everyone's contributions and post your thoughts on the Course Cafe Forum (accessible on the "Discussions" content area).
Note: To access the links above, you may need to log onto Blackboard first through
Workshop Teams chat
Posted on: Tuesday, 4 October 2022 09:16:02 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For the workshops, in addition to assistance from the teaching support staff we also have an online Teams chat available for this unit which can be used to ask simpler questions and respond to prompts from the lecturer. Please use the "General" channel for this team.
This is accessible here:
Note: that will only be monitored during the live workshops. For questions outside of the sessions please use the available Discussions boards on Blackboard.
Week 1 summary
Posted on: Friday, 30 September 2022 16:18:38 o'clock BST
Dear all,
For the Week 1 workshop we introduced the idea of algorithmic thinking with a group activity about creating instructions. Following on from this activity, and in preparation for your tutorials in the next few weeks, we're asking you to take a look at these group instructions (Padlet document) and share your thoughts on our [Course Cafe Forum]("Course Cafe" Forum) ("Algorithmic Thinking") available through the "Discussions" content area.
For a summary of activities each week, please go to the content area for the relevant week and see the "Tasks to complete" section (e.g. see "Week 1 - Welcome" page).
Within the workshop sessions we will be using a tool called Noteable to write and run our code. This is available through our Blackboard course on the "Access Python" content area. For details of accessing the course material each week, please review the "Downloading workshop material" video available on this page. New material for each workshop will be released at the start of each week.
Recordings of the live workshop sessions will be made available through Re/Play. Access this via the "Re/Play" content area (and link).
Note: to access the Blackboard links within this message, it may be easiest to log onto Blackboard first using
Posted on: Friday, 23 September 2022 12:19:23 o'clock BST
Dear all,
I’d like to welcome you onto our Introductory Scientific Computing unit. Information about the unit can be accessed through our Blackboard course page and content will be released throughout the year.
Our first session in Week 1 will be on Wednesday at 11am and will be a 2 hour workshop session where we will introduce the course, some concepts and the tools we will be using to code. For this session (and for all the weekly workshop sessions) we are asking you to bring along a device (ideally a laptop) which you will be comfortable using for working through material and writing code. We would also advise ensuring your device is charged prior to the session. We do have very limited capacity for providing a device for the session if needed
On this Blackboard page, you will also there are several Discussion boards available for you to add your thoughts and questions. You'll see I've already created an "Introductions" thread on the Course café Forum for you to use to introduce yourselves.
We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday.
Rachel Tunnicliffe
Unit Director and Lecturer for Introductory Scientific Computing
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