Terminal velocity lab guide
Data analysis
Part A: Setting up the system
- Open SPYDER and log all the directly measured values (and their uncertainties).
- Export data from Capstone and import to SPYDER (See the appendix pages 7-8 in the lab guide). Create a separate data file for each measurement you have performed.
Part B: Compensating for the unwanted frictional forces
Create two graphs of the 𝒗(𝒕) before and after the adjustment of the track level.
Part C: Exploring the drag force
Create a graph of the force on the cart and function of its velocity, 𝐹(𝑣). Note that you may need to exclude part of the data.
Does the force proportional to the velocity? Use curve fitting to find the proportionally constant.
Create a graph of the cart’s velocity as a function of time, 𝑣(𝑡). Note that you may need to exclude part of the data (if you pressed record before you pushed the cart, or if you stopped the recording to late).
Does the behavior is as expected? Use curve fitting to find the constant in the exponent and the drag coefficient. Remember the curve fit works best for a linear graph.
If the only force on a moving object is drag force, then 𝜏 is the characterisic time for the system, it is the time for the velocity to drop from its initial value by a factor of . Find the characterisitc time of your system from the graph of 𝑣(𝑡). Use this value to find the magnitude of the drag coefficient.
Compare between the 3 values of 𝒃 you have found. In your opinion, which methods gives the most accurate value?
Part D: Terminal velocity of the cart on an inclined track
- Create a graph of the cart’s velocity as function of time, 𝑣(𝑡). Note that you may need to exclude part of the data (if you pressed record before you pushed the cart, or if you stopped the recording to late).
- From this graph find terminal speed of the cart. Compare the experimental value to the theoretical value obtained by eq. 7 and the value of 𝒃 you have found from the previous part. Compare and discuss your results.
At the end of work, upload your work files (data file and Python script) to the course’s site under the terminal velocity section. Without these files there will not be grade for the lab work!

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