08-CS-UY 1114 Intro to Programming & Problem Solving
Question 1
1. 题目描述:
设计一个程序,可以接收两个整数 a 和 b,计算出所有 a 到 b 之间的数字中,哪些数字可以表示为另一个数字的幂,输出这些数字以及它们所对应的基数。如果没有数字可以表示为另一个数字的幂,则不应打印任何内容。
2. 解题思路:
我们可以使用两个嵌套循环来枚举 a 到 b 之间的所有数字,并使用与之前相同的方法来检查它们是否可以通过某个基数的幂得到。如果找到一个数字可以表示为幂,则可以将其输出。
3. Python 实现
a = int(input("请输入一个整数a: "))
b = int(input("请输入一个整数b: "))
numbers = []
for num in range(a, b+1):
for base in range(2, int(num**0.5)+1):
power = 2
while base**power <= num:
if base**power == num:
numbers.append((num, base))
power += 1
if numbers:
for num, base in numbers:
Question 5
5. (30 points), New York state has a number of odd rules about paying employees. First, anyone who works more than 8 hours a day is paid overtime (1.5x pay rate) for the time in excess of 8 hours. For example, if you work 9 hours, you get paid 9.5 times your pay rate. (NYS law is 40 hours per week but, for this problem, we’re focusing on one day for ease in this problem)
However, there are some additional rules that might impact your pay:
- Basic minimum wage is $15/hour in New York City.
- Spread of hours: Any employee whose workday ends more than 10 hours from their workday start time is paid one extra hour of basic minimum wage
- Split shift: Any employee whose work day is divided into two parts with more than 1 hour in between, is paid one extra hour at basic minimum wage
- Either split shift or spread of hours rule may apply to any workday, but not both!
- For this task, you will write a program which asks the user for their pay rate, the start and end times of their first and second shifts (for ease, you can treat these like floats as a number of hours since midnight, i.e. 1:15pm would be listed as 13.25, 3:30pm as 15.50, etc.). Apply the above rules and print the amount that the person will be paid for that day. You can assume that all inputs will be valid and logical numerical values for a day’s calculations. If the person didn’t work a second shift, they will enter 0 for the start of their second shift.
对于这个任务,您将编写一个程序,询问用户的工资率,他们的第一和第二班的开始和结束时间(为了方便,您可以将这些视为自午夜以来的浮点数,即 1:15pm将被列为13.25,3:30pm为15.50,等等)。应用上述规则,并打印出该员工当天将获得的报酬。您可以假设,对于一天的计算,所有输入都是有效的逻辑数值。如果这个人没有上第二班,他们将输入0作为第二班的开始。
- Sample runs are below (with notes in italics)
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