Data Structures Programming Assignment 1:OOP Review
Last month, scientists at NASA discovered life on Mars, Neptune, and Saturn! Your job is to create a program that can convert currencies between the planets to aid in interplanetary transactions.
Implementation details
You will create 3 currency classes:,, and Each of these classes must derive from an abstract parent class and implement the interface
您将创建3个货币类、Neptune.java和。这些类中的每一个都必须派生自抽象父类,并实现接口exchangable .java。
The currency class must contain the following data members:
- name of the currency (String currencyName)
货币名称(String currencyName)
- MarsMoney
- NeptuneNuggets
- SaturnSilver
- total funds (double totalFunds)
Additionally, because the planets only trust Earth, dollars will serve as the intermediary currency. The Currency class will contain the following 2 abstract methods:
public abstract double toEarthDollars(double amount);
public abstract double fromEarthDollars(double EarthDollars);
Use these methods to exchange money between planets.
Exchange rates should be implemented as constants in the Exchangeable interface.
1.00 EarthDollar (ED) = 1.30 MarsMoney (MM) = 0.87 SaturnSilver (SS) = 2.00 Neptune Nuggets (NN)
1.00 EarthDollar (ED) = 1.30 MarsMoney (MM) = 0.87 SaturnSilver (SS) = 2.00 Neptune Nuggets (NN)
Note that we may change the values of the exchange rates when testing your code. We will only edit the Exchangeable interface, so rates should be encapsulated in and accessed from
请注意,在测试代码时,我们可能会更改汇率的值。我们将只编辑Exchangeable接口,因此费率应该封装在exchangable .java中并从其中访问。
Exchangeable must also include a method to exchange between the current currency and a target currency. When a planet calls exchange() with another planet and a specified amount, the methods toEarthDollars() and fromEarthDollars() should be used to convert the source currency into the target currency. The amount should be subtracted from the calling planet and added to the target planet. If a planet tries to exchange more funds than it currently has, an error should be printed and no transfer should occur.
The exchange method should have the following signature:
public void exchange(Currency other, double amount);
The remainder of the implementation details are up to you. As always, use best practices, including the principle of least privilege, inheritance, and encapsulation as much as possible.
Submission details
Your code should also include a main method (you can put it in or create a separate class) to test your functionality.
Please zip all source files and submit on NYU Classes.
Sample run
Currency mars = new Mars(100.00);
Currency neptune = new Neptune(100.00);
Currency saturn = new Saturn(100.00);
System.out.println("<-- Exchanges -->");, 25.0);, 10.0);, 122.0);, 121.0);
<-- Exchanges -->
Converting from MarsMoney to SaturnSilver and initiating transfer...
$25.00 MarsMoney = $19.23 EarthDollars = 16.73 SaturnSilver
Mars has a total of $75.00 MarsMoney
Saturn has a total of $116.73 SaturnSilver
Converting from NeptuneNuggets to SaturnSilver and initiating transfer...
$10.00 NeptuneNuggets = $5.00 EarthDollars = 4.35 SaturnSilver
Neptune has a total of $90.00 NeptuneNuggets
Saturn has a total of $121.08 SaturnSilver
Uh oh - Saturn only has an available balance of $121.08, which is less than $122.00!
Converting from SaturnSilver to MarsMoney and initiating transfer...
$121.00 SaturnSilver = $139.08 EarthDollars = 180.80 MarsMoney Saturn has a total of $0.08 SaturnSilver
Mars has a total of $255.80 MarsMoney
* @ClassName: Currency
* @Description: TODO
* @Author: AndersonHJB
* @date: 2023/2/19 08:22
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog:
abstract class Currency implements Exchangeable {
private String currencyName;
private double totalFunds;
public Currency() {
this.currencyName = "";
this.totalFunds = 0;
public Currency(double totalFunds) {
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public String getCurrencyName() {
return currencyName;
public double getTotalFunds() {
return totalFunds;
public void setCurrencyName(String currencyName) {
this.currencyName = currencyName;
public void setTotalFunds(double totalFunds) {
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public abstract double toEarthDollars(double amount);
public abstract double fromEarthDollars(double EarthDollars);
* @ClassName: Exchangeable
* @Description: TODO
* @Author: AndersonHJB
* @date: 2023/2/19 08:36
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog:
public interface Exchangeable {
final static double EARTH_DOLLAR = 1.0;
final static double MARS_MONEY = 1.3;
final static double NEPTUNE_NUGGETS = 2;
final static double SATURN_SILVER = 0.87;
public void exchange (Currency other, double amount);
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Mars extends Currency {
private String currencyName;
private double totalFunds;
public void setCurrencyName(String currencyName) {
this.currencyName = currencyName;
public void setTotalFunds(double totalFunds) {
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public String getCurrencyName() {
return currencyName;
public double getTotalFunds() {
return totalFunds;
public Mars() {
public Mars(double totalFunds) {
this.currencyName = "MarsMoney";
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public double toEarthDollars(double amount) {
BigDecimal MARStoEARTHDollarBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(amount / MARS_MONEY);
double returnAmount = MARStoEARTHDollarBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public double fromEarthDollars(double EarthDollars) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigDecimal MARSFROMEARTHBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(EarthDollars).multiply(new BigDecimal(MARS_MONEY));
double returnAmount = MARSFROMEARTHBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public void exchange(Currency other, double amount) {
if (amount > this.getTotalFunds()) {
System.out.println("Uh oh - " + this.currencyName + " only has an available balance of $" + this.getTotalFunds() + ", which is less than $" + amount + "?\n");
double earthDollars = this.toEarthDollars(amount);
double newAmount = other.fromEarthDollars(earthDollars);
this.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(this.getTotalFunds() - amount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
other.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(other.getTotalFunds() + newAmount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
System.out.println("Converting from " + this.currencyName + " to " + other.getCurrencyName() + " and initiating transfer... \n$" + amount + this.getCurrencyName() + "= $" + earthDollars + " EarthDollars = " + newAmount + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $" + this.getTotalFunds() +
" " + this.getCurrencyName() + " \n" + other.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $" + other.getTotalFunds() + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n");
// " " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " \n" + other.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $" + other.getTotalFunds() + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n");
* @ClassName: Neptune
* @Description: TODO
* @Author: AndersonHJB
* @date: 2023/2/19 09:55
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Neptune extends Currency {
private String currencyName;
private double totalFunds;
public String getCurrencyName() {
return currencyName;
public double getTotalFunds() {
return totalFunds;
public void setCurrencyName(String currencyName) {
this.currencyName = currencyName;
public void setTotalFunds(double totalFunds) {
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public Neptune() {
this.currencyName = "NeptuneNuggets";
public Neptune(double totalFunds) {
this.currencyName = "NeptuneNuggets";
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public double toEarthDollars(double amount) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigDecimal NEPTUNETOEARTHDollarBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(amount / NEPTUNE_NUGGETS);
double returnAmount = NEPTUNETOEARTHDollarBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public double fromEarthDollars(double EarthDollars) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigDecimal NEPTUNEFROMEARTHBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(EarthDollars).multiply(new BigDecimal(NEPTUNE_NUGGETS));
double returnAmount = NEPTUNEFROMEARTHBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public void exchange(Currency other, double amount) {
if(amount > this.getTotalFunds()) {
System.out.println("Uh oh - " + this.currencyName +" only has an available balance of $"+ this.getTotalFunds() +", which is less than $"+ amount +"?\n");
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double earthDollars = this.toEarthDollars(amount);
double newAmount = other.fromEarthDollars(earthDollars);
this.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(this.getTotalFunds() - amount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
other.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(other.getTotalFunds() + newAmount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
System.out.println("Converting from "+this.currencyName+" to "+other.getCurrencyName() +" and initiating transfer... \n$"+ amount + this.getCurrencyName() + "= $"+ earthDollars +" EarthDollars = "+ newAmount + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $"+this.getTotalFunds() +
" " + this.getClass().getSimpleName()+" \n" + other.getClass().getSimpleName() +" has a total of $"+ other.getTotalFunds() + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n");
* @ClassName: Saturn
* @Description: TODO
* @Author: AndersonHJB
* @date: 2023/2/19 10:16
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Saturn extends Currency {
private String currencyName;
private double totalFunds;
public String getCurrencyName() {
return currencyName;
public double getTotalFunds() {
return totalFunds;
public void setCurrencyName(String currencyName) {
this.currencyName = currencyName;
public void setTotalFunds(double totalFunds) {
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public Saturn() {
this.currencyName = "SaturnSilver";
public Saturn(double totalFunds) {
this.currencyName = "SaturnSilver";
this.totalFunds = totalFunds;
public double toEarthDollars(double amount) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigDecimal SATURNtoEARTHDollarBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(amount / SATURN_SILVER);
double returnAmount = SATURNtoEARTHDollarBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public double fromEarthDollars(double EarthDollars) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigDecimal SATURNFROMEARTHBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(EarthDollars).multiply(new BigDecimal(SATURN_SILVER));
double returnAmount = SATURNFROMEARTHBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
return returnAmount;
public void exchange(Currency other, double amount) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (amount > this.getTotalFunds()) {
System.out.println("Uh oh - " + this.currencyName + " only has an available balance of $" + this.getTotalFunds() + ", which is less than $" + amount + "?\n");
double earthDollars = this.toEarthDollars(amount);
double newAmount = other.fromEarthDollars(earthDollars);
this.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(this.getTotalFunds() - amount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
other.setTotalFunds(new BigDecimal(other.getTotalFunds() + newAmount).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue());
System.out.println("Converting from " + this.currencyName + " to " + other.getCurrencyName() + " and initiating transfer... \n$" + amount + this.getCurrencyName() + "= $" + earthDollars + " EarthDollars = " + newAmount + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $" + this.getTotalFunds() +
" " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " \n" + other.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has a total of $" + other.getTotalFunds() + " " + other.getCurrencyName() + "\n");
* @ClassName: test
* @Description: TODO
* @Author: AndersonHJB
* @date: 2023/2/19 10:25
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog:
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Currency mars = new Mars(100.00);
Currency neptune = new Neptune(100.00);
Currency saturn = new Saturn(100.00);
System.out.println("<-- Exchanges -->");, 25.0);, 10.0);, 122.0);, 121.0);
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