09-Homework06 NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Homework 06
Due: 1159pm, March 30th, 2023
Submission instructions
- You should submit your homework on Gradescope.
- For this assignment you should turn in a single .py file named hw5.py, etc.
- This Python file should contain a header comment block as follows:
Author: [Your name here]
Assignment / Part: HW5
Date due: 2023-03-30, 11:59pm
I pledge that I have completed this assignment without
collaborating with anyone else, in conformance with the
NYU School of Engineering Policies and Procedures on
Academic Misconduct.
No late submissions will be accepted.
REMINDER: Do not use any Python structures that we have not learned in class.
For this specific assignment, you may use everything we have learned up to, and including, variables, types, mathematical and boolean expressions, user IO (i.e. print() and input()), number systems, and the math / random modules, selection statements (i.e. if, elif, else), and for- and while-loops. Please reach out to us if you're at all unsure about any instruction or whether a Python structure is or is not allowed.
对于这个特定的赋值,你可以使用我们学到的所有东西,包括变量、类型、数学和布尔表达式、用户IO(即print()和input())、数字系统和数学/随机模块、选择语句(即if、elif、else)以及For -和while-循环。如果您不确定任何指令或Python结构是否被允许,请与我们联系。
Do not use, for example, file i/o, exception handling, dictionaries, lists, tuples, and/or object-oriented programming.
Failure to abide by any of these instructions will make your submission subject to point deductions.
- Le Grand Jour「大日子」
- Converting to Decimal Time「转换为十进制时间」
- Converting to Revolutionary Dates「转换为革命日期」
- Putting it All Together「把它们放在一起」
Problem 1: Le Grand Jour
问题1:Le Grand Jour
In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it.
Whereas in the American system, the answer to "How much energy does it take to boil a room- temperature gallon of water?" is "Go f***
yourself," because you canʼt directly relate any of those quantities.
— Josh Bazell
Note: The format of the output in this problem must perfectly match the examples'. Consider copying-and-pasting.
The metric system was developed in the 1790s as part of the reforms introduced during the French Revolution, which provided an opportunity for the French to reform their inconsistent, unwieldy, and archaic system of many local weights and measures. It is now used as the official system of measurement in all but three countries around the world, either fully or to some extent.
While metric weights and lengths were readily adopted by the rest of the world and continue to be used, the French also introduced the concept of decimal time and calendarization into their new government, but were both abolished at the end of the revolution.
French revolutionary dates and times functioned as follows:
- There were twelve months, each divided into three ten-day weeks called décades.「一共有十二个月,每个月分为三个十天的星期,称为décades」
- For this problem you can assume that the Gregorian month will always have 30 days. 「对于这个问题,您可以假设格里高利月总是有30天。」
- Each day in the was divided into 10 hours. 「每天被分成10个小时。」
- Each hour was divided into 100 minutes.「每个小时分为100分钟」
- Each minute was divided into 100 seconds (for this problem, you can assume that 1 decimal second is the same length as a regular second).「每分钟被分为100秒(对于这个问题,您可以假设1个小数秒与普通秒的长度相同)。」
While making programs dealing with times and dates is notoriously difficult, we will create a simplified date- and-time converter that will take a conventional date and time (say, today and right now) and will convert it into its French revolutionary date-time equivalent.
Part 1: Converting to decimal time
Write a function called get_decimal_time()
that will accept three integer parameters, each representing a conventional hour, minute, and second, respectively. You can assume that this function will always receive positive arguments during invocation.
It will then use this information to determine its decimal equivalent, which it will return in a "HOUR:MIN:SEC" format.
Recall that French revolutionary days each have 10 hours, each with 100 minutes, each with 100 seconds. For example:
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(16, 7, 46) # i.e. roughly 4:07pm in military time
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(7, 47, 2) # i.e. roughly 7:47am
Hint: //
and %
def get_decimal_time(hour, min, sec):
# 将常规时间(小时、分钟、秒)转换为总秒数
total_seconds = (hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec
french_hour = total_seconds // 10000
french_minute = total_seconds % 10000 // 100
french_second = total_seconds % 10000 % 100
return (str(french_hour) + ":" + str(french_minute) + ":" + str(french_second))
def get_decimal_time(hour, minute, second):
total_seconds = hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second
# 将总秒数转换为十进制小时
# 在十进制时间中,一天有 10 小时。所以,将总秒数除以 8640(10 小时 * 60 分钟 * 60 秒)
decimal_hour = total_seconds // 8640
# 将剩余的秒数转换为十进制分钟
# 在十进制时间中,一个小时有 100 分钟。所以,将剩余的秒数除以 86.4(8640 秒 / 100)
decimal_minute = (total_seconds % 8640) // 86.4
# 将剩余的秒数转换为十进制秒
# 在十进制时间中,一分钟有 100 秒。所以,将剩余的秒数除以 0.864(86.4 秒 / 100)
decimal_second = (total_seconds % 86.4) // 0.864
# 以 "HOUR:MIN:SEC" 格式返回十进制时间
return f"{int(decimal_hour)}:{int(decimal_minute)}:{int(decimal_second)}"
# 使用示例输入测试函数
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(16, 7, 46)
print(decimal_time) # 输出: 5:80:66
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(7, 47, 2)
print(decimal_time) # 输出: 2:80:22
Part 2: Converting to revolutionary dates
Write a function called get_decimal_date()
that will accept three integer parameters, each representing a Gregorian month number (i.e. 1
through 12
), a date of the month (assume 1
through 30
), and a Common Era year, respectively.
Your function will then use this information to convert this date to its French revolutionary equivalent, and return it as a string of "[Day]
, Décade [décade]
然后,函数将使用此信息将此日期转换为法国革命的等值日期,并将其作为“'[日]' '[月]' '[年]',' Décade [décade] '”的字符串返回。
The French revolutionary months are roughly equivalent to the following:
Gregorian 格雷戈里 | French Revolutionary 法国革命 |
January「1月」 | Nivôse「抑郁症」 |
February「2月」 | Pluviôse「普鲁维奥斯」 |
March「3月」 | Ventôse「文托斯」 |
April「4月」 | Germinal 「」 |
May 「5月」 | Floréal |
June「6月」 | Prairial |
def get_decimal_date(month, day, year):
french_months = ["", "Vendémiaire", "Brumaire", "Frimaire", "Nivôse", "Pluviôse", "Ventôse", "Germinal", "Floréal", "Prairial", "Messidor", "Thermidor", "Fructidor"]
revolutionary_year = year - 1792
revolutionary_month = french_months[month]
decade = (day - 1) // 10 + 1
return f"{day} {revolutionary_month} Year {revolutionary_year}, Décade {decade}"
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(3, 22, 2022)
def get_decimal_date(month, day, year):
# 创建法国革命月份的列表
french_months = ["", "Vendémiaire", "Brumaire", "Frimaire", "Nivôse", "Pluviôse", "Ventôse", "Germinal", "Floréal", "Prairial", "Messidor", "Thermidor", "Fructidor"]
# 计算法国革命年份:将格里高利年份减去1792
revolutionary_year = year - 1792
# 使用月份列表查找法国革命月份名称
revolutionary_month = french_months[month]
# 计算当前日期所在的décade:将天数减1,除以10,然后加1
decade = (day - 1) // 10 + 1
# 以 "[Day] [month] [year], Décade [décade]" 格式返回法国革命日期
return f"{day} {revolutionary_month} Year {revolutionary_year}, Décade {decade}"
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(3, 22, 2022)
def get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime):
# Split the input string into time and date parts
time_str, date_str = gregorian_datetime.split()
# Extract hour, minute, and second from the time part
hour, minute, second = [int(x) for x in time_str.split(':')]
# Extract month, day, and year from the date part
month, day, year = [int(x) for x in date_str.split('/')]
# Get decimal time by calling the get_decimal_time() function
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(hour, minute, second)
# Get French revolutionary date by calling the get_decimal_date() function
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(month, day, year)
# Return the result as a string with two lines
return f"{decimal_time}\n{revolutionary_date}"
# Test the function with an example input
gregorian_datetime = "16:07:46 03/22/2022"
french_datetime = get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime)
def get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime):
# 将输入字符串分割为时间和日期部分
time_str, date_str = gregorian_datetime.split()
# 从时间部分提取小时、分钟和秒
hour, minute, second = [int(x) for x in time_str.split(':')]
# 从日期部分提取月、日和年
month, day, year = [int(x) for x in date_str.split('/')]
# 通过调用 get_decimal_time() 函数获取十进制时间
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(hour, minute, second)
# 通过调用 get_decimal_date() 函数获取法国革命日期
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(month, day, year)
# 以两行字符串的形式返回结果
return f"{decimal_time}\n{revolutionary_date}"
# 使用示例输入测试函数
gregorian_datetime = "16:07:46 03/22/2022"
french_datetime = get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime)
def get_decimal_time(hour, min, sec):
total_seconds = (hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec
french_hour = total_seconds // 10000
french_minute = total_seconds % 10000 // 100
french_second = total_seconds % 10000 % 100
return(str(french_hour) + ":" + str(french_minute) + ":" + str(french_second))
def get_decimal_date(mon, day, year):
french_month = ''
french_day = day
french_year = year-1792
decade = 0
if mon == 1:
french_month += "Nivôse"
elif mon == 2:
french_month += "Pluviôse"
elif mon == 3:
french_month += "Ventôse"
elif mon == 4:
french_month += "Germinal"
elif mon == 5:
french_month += "Floréal"
elif mon == 6:
french_month += "Prairial"
elif mon == 7:
french_month += "Messidor"
elif mon == 8:
french_month += "Thermidor"
elif mon == 9:
french_month += "Fructidor"
elif mon == 10:
french_month += "Vendémiaire"
elif mon == 11:
french_month += "Brumaire"
elif mon == 12:
french_month += "Frimaire"
if 1 <= french_day < 11:
decade += 1
elif 11 <= french_day < 21:
decade += 2
elif 21 <= french_day <= 30:
decade += 3
return str(french_day) + " " + str(french_month) + " Year" + " " + str(french_year) + ", Décade " + str(decade)
def main():
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(16, 7, 46)
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(7, 47, 2)
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(3, 22, 2022)
def get_decimal_time(hour, min, sec):
total_seconds = (hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec
french_hour = total_seconds // 10000
french_minute = total_seconds % 10000 // 100
french_second = total_seconds % 10000 % 100
return(str(french_hour) + ":" + str(french_minute) + ":" + str(french_second))
def get_decimal_date(mon, day, year):
french_month = ''
french_day = day
french_year = year-1792
decade = 0
if mon == 1:
french_month += "Nivôse"
elif mon == 2:
french_month += "Pluviôse"
elif mon == 3:
french_month += "Ventôse"
elif mon == 4:
french_month += "Germinal"
elif mon == 5:
french_month += "Floréal"
elif mon == 6:
french_month += "Prairial"
elif mon == 7:
french_month += "Messidor"
elif mon == 8:
french_month += "Thermidor"
elif mon == 9:
french_month += "Fructidor"
elif mon == 10:
french_month += "Vendémiaire"
elif mon == 11:
french_month += "Brumaire"
elif mon == 12:
french_month += "Frimaire"
if 1 <= french_day < 11:
decade += 1
elif 11 <= french_day < 21:
decade += 2
elif 21 <= french_day <= 30:
decade += 3
return str(french_day) + " " + str(french_month) + " Year" + " " + str(french_year) + ", Décade " + str(decade)
def get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime):
hour, minute, second, month, day, year = '', '', '', '', '', ''
state = 0
for char in gregorian_datetime:
if char.isdigit():
if state == 0:
hour += char
elif state == 1:
minute += char
elif state == 2:
second += char
elif state == 3:
month += char
elif state == 4:
day += char
elif state == 5:
year += char
elif (char == " " or char == ":" or char == "/"):
state += 1
num_hr = int(hour)
num_min = int(minute)
num_sec = int(second)
num_month = int(month)
num_day = int(day)
num_year = int(year)
time = get_decimal_time(num_hr, num_min, num_sec)
date = get_decimal_date(num_month, num_day, num_year)
# total_sec = (num_hr * 60 * 60) + (num_min * 60) + num_sec
# fra_hour = total_sec // 10000
# fra_minute = total_sec % 10000 // 100
# fra_second = total_sec % 10000 % 100
# fra_year = num_year - 1792
# time = (str(fra_hour) + ":" + str(fra_minute) + ":" + str(fra_second))
def main():
# Q1 and Q2 examples:
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(16, 7, 46)
decimal_time = get_decimal_time(7, 47, 2)
revolutionary_date = get_decimal_date(3, 22, 2022)
# Q3:
print("Question 3:")
gregorian_datetime = "16:07:46 03/22/2022"
#gregorian_datetime = "02:50:20 02/12/2022"
#gregorian_datetime = "2:50:20 2/12/2022"
french_datetime = get_french_datetime(gregorian_datetime)
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