7 Awesome and Free AI Tools You Should Know

The world of Artificial Intelligence continues to fascinate us. We collected 7 free artificial intelligence(AI) tools, most of them easy to use, and some more sophisticated… like building ML models. We did try to be unique and avoid many of the AI platforms you’ll find in most posts of Best AI Tools. Additionally we wanted them to be free for testing, without caveats like adding your credit card number. Some of these we use ourselves (eg. Lumen, JADBio) so it was important for us to include them as we truly value what they have to offer.
The list is not extensive but we plan to come back to the topic often. Consider this version one.
GFP-GAN — Photo Restoration

GFP-GAN is a new Free AI tool that can fix most old photos instantly. GFP-GAN (Generative Facial Prior-Generative Adversarial Network) was developed by Tencent researchers, by merging info from two AI models to fill in a photo’s missing details with realistic detail in a few seconds, all the while maintaining high accuracy and quality. In this video (2:26) Louis Bouchard enthusiastically describes how well the project worked at photo restoration with details on how to use it for free. The results are very impressive and works well even with very low quality images.
You can try a demo of GFP-GAN for free. The creators have also posted their code to let anyone implement the restoration tech in their own projects.
Copy.ai — Copy Writer

With this one, you literally just have to “copy”. This AI-based copywriting tool generates unique content that you can post on your blog, social media or even for a video by simply providing a short description of the topic you want content on.
Copy.AI could be helpful for content creators. The tool can help a user write Instagram captions, blog posts, product descriptions, Facebook content, start-up ideas, and many more.
Sign up for an account, give a description of your topic of interest, and the AI tool will generate content based on your description. Awesome tool that will be handy in the future of digital content.
Note: This ^ is not the only tool that uses AI to create content. There are several out there, some better than others so we suggest you give them all a try.
— Microcopy for headlines, slogans, and more
— Speedwrite for rewrite and enhance any sentence
— Hemingway for make your writing bold and clear
— Jarvis AI a quality AI copywriting tool, as they say
plus Notion.AI that just arrived and we’ve given it a whole paragraph below.
JADBio — AutoML

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