
01-Check Yourself:Types and Operators

AI悦创原创NYU Python 辅导Python一对一教学NYU Python 辅导Python一对一教学大约 2 分钟...约 608 字

  1. Give the values printed by the following program for each of the labeled lines and answer the associated questions.


a_float = 2.5
a_int = 7
b_int = 6
print(a_int / b_int)    # Line 1
print(a_int // a_float) # Line 2
print(a_int %  b_int)   # Line 3
print(int(a_float))     # Line 4
print(float(a_int))     # Line 5
题目 EN

(a) Line 1: what is printed; what is its type?

(b) Line 2: what is printed; what is its type?

(c) Line 3: what is printed; what is its type?

(d) Line 4: what is printed; what is its type?

(e) Line 5: what is printed; what is its type?

  1. Give the values printed by the following program for each of the labeled lines.


a_int = 10
b_int = 3
c_int = 2

print(a_int + b_int * c_int)      # Line 1
print( (a_int + b_int) * c_int )  # Line 2
print(b_int ** c_int)             # Line 3
print(0o10 + c_int)               # Line 4
题目 EN

(a) What is printed by Line 1?

(b) What is printed by Line 2?

(c) What is printed by Line 3?

(d) What is printed by Line 4?



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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AI悦创,AndersonHJB
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