
Python exam-2022-online「The University of Melbourne」

AI悦创原创Python 练习Python 练习大约 10 分钟...约 3023 字


Construct a single Python expression which evaluates to the following values, and incorporates the specified operations in each case (executed in any order).

构造一个 Python 表达式,求值为以下值,并在每种情况下合并指定的操作(以任何顺序执行)。

(a) Output value: 'grin'

Required operations:


  1. string slicing


  1. string indexing


(b) Output value: True

Required operations:

  1. range() function

  2. in

(c) Output value: 2

Required operations:

  1. (float) division

  2. integer division

(d) Output value: 0

Required operations:

  1. dictionary lookup


  1. .pop() method

  2. list indexing

(e) Output value: 'ace'

Required operations:

  1. items method

  2. list indexing

  3. tuple indexing

Question 2

The following function is intended to calculate the similarity between two names by calculating what proportion of "n-grams" (substrings of n characters) from the first name can be found in the second name, and averaging across the resulting values for each value of n from 2 up to maxn (by default, 3). If the first name has fewer characters than any tested value of n, the function should return 0.0.


Example function calls are:

>>> name_similarity('toto', 'totoro')
>>> name_similarity('tim', 'totoro')
>>> name_similarity('totoro', 'toto')
>>> name_similarity('', 'totoro')

All the required lines of the function are available, out of order, in the editor panel. Drag each line across to the solution area to the right, put them in the correct order, and introduce appropriate indentation. Note that ALL lines must be used in your solution.




变成 while loop

SUIT = 1
RED = 1

                'H': RED,
                'D': RED,
                'C': BLACK}

def same_colour(cards):
    for i in range(len(cards)):
        if i == 0:
            colour = SUIT_COLOURS[cards[i][SUIT]]
        elif SUIT_COLOURS[cards[i][SUIT]] != colour:
            return False
    return True

Question 4

Sandy has enrolled in a Bachelor of Magical Arts. In order to graduate, they must complete the subject WIZ90001 Advanced Wizardry. However, this subject has a number of prerequisites, each of which must be completed before they can take WIZ90001. Each of those subjects in turn may have its own prerequisites, and so on.

桑迪已经注册了魔法艺术学士学位。为了毕业,他们必须完成 WIZ90001 高级魔法课程。但是,本主题有许多先决条件,在学习WIZ90001之前必须完成每一个先决条件。这些学科中的每一门都可能有自己的先决条件,以此类推。

Given a particular list of prerequisite requirements, the function wiz_study_length(prereq_list, final='WIZ90001') is intended to calculate the minimum number of semesters it will take Sandy to graduate. The arguments are:

给定一个特定的先决条件要求列表,函数 wiz_study_length(prereq_list, final='WIZ90001') 用于计算 Sandy 毕业所需的最小学期数。的参数是:

  • prereq_list , a list of (subject, prerequisite) tuples specifying that prerequisite must be completed before enrolling in subject. Note that a subject may have more than one prerequisite.

Prereq_list,一个(subject,prerequisite)元组列表,指定在注册 subject 之前必须完成先决条件。注意,一个主题可能有多个先决条件。

  • final, the target subject to complete, with a default value of 'WIZ90001'.

final 是要完成的目标主题,默认值为'WIZ90001'。

Any subject that appears as a prerequisite in a prereq_list tuple but does not appear as a subject can be assumed to have no prerequisites. Furthermore, we assume that Sandy has capacity to take as many subjects as required each semester, as long as they have completed their prerequisites.

在 prereq_list 元组中作为先决条件出现但不作为主题出现的任何主题都可以假定为没有先决条件。此外,我们假设Sandy有能力每学期选修要求的课程,只要他们完成了他们的先决条件。

For example:

>>> wiz_study_length([('WIZ90001', 'WIZ40027'), ('WIZ90001', 'WIZ20003')])

Here, both WIZ40027 and WIZ20003 are prerequisites of WIZ90001, and so must be completed before studying WIZ90001. Neither of these two subjects have any prerequisites. Therefore it will take two semesters of study for Sandy to graduate

在这里,WIZ40027 和 WIZ20003 都是 WIZ90001 的先决条件,因此在学习 WIZ90001 之前必须完成。这两个科目都没有任何先决条件。因此,桑迪需要两个学期的学习才能毕业

>>> wiz_study_length([('WIZ90001', 'WIZ40027'), ('WIZ90001', 'WIZ20003'), 
                      ('WIZ40027', 'WIZ30015'), ('WIZ20003', 'WIZ20001'), 
                      ('WIZ20003', 'WIZ10015'), ('WIZ20001', 'WIZ10001')])

In this case, it will take 4 semesters for Sandy graduate, due to the prerequisite chain: WIZ10001 -> WIZ20001 -> WIZ20003 -> WIZ90001.

在这种情况下,Sandy毕业需要4个学期,因为先决条件链:WIZ10001 ->WIZ20001→WIZ20003→WIZ90001。

from collections import defaultdict
•	semesters = 0; cur_prereqs = [final]
•	prereqs = defaultdict(list)for subject in prereq_list:
•	cur_prereqs = new_prereqs; semesters += 1
•	prereqs[subject[0]].append(subject[1])def wiz_study_length(prereq_list, final='WIZ90001'):for subject in cur_prereqs:
•	new_prereqs += prereqs[subject]if subject in prereqs:while cur_prereqs:
•	new_prereqs = []return semesters

Question 5

A school of minnows swims in the sea. Sharks eat minnows, according to the following strict rules. Sharks swim, one at a time, from left to right and eat each minnow they encounter, starting at the height of the first minnow that remains uneaten. Each time a shark eats a minnow it gets heavier and sinks one metre lower in the water. Once a shark reaches the sea floor, it is no longer able to eat minnows.


For example, minnows are located at the following heights (in metres) above the sea floor (e.g. a height of 3 indicates that the minnow is 3m above the sea floor) in sequence, left to right:


[4, 3, 1, 2, 4]

The first shark will start at height 4 and eat the minnow at that height (element 0), then sink to height 3 where it will eat the second minnow (element 1), and sink to height 2. It will pass above the third minnow (because it is at a lower height), before eating the fourth minnow (element 3) at height 2, and passing under the final minnow (element 4). At this point, the following minnows will remain:


[None, None, 1, None, 4]

The second shark will start at height 1 and eat the minnow at that height (element 2), then sink to the sea floor (height 0) and eat no further minnows. This will result in the following minnows:


[None, None, None, None, 4]

The third shark will start at height 4 and eat the minnow at that height (element 4), after which no minnows will remain.


The function sharks_minnows(minnows, sharks) is intended to determine whether a given number of sharks will be sufficient to eat all of the minnows in the sea, positioned based on minnows. The function takes the following parameters:


  • minnows, a list of positive integers indicating the height of each minnow, as in the example above.


  • sharks, a positive integer number of sharks.


The function should return True if the specified number of sharks is sufficient to eat all the minnows, and False otherwise.


def sharks_minnows(minnows, sharks):
    shark_count = 0
    minnow_count = len(minnows)
    for i in range(minnow_count):
        curr_shark_height = minnows[i]
        if curr_shark_height is not None:
            minnows[i] = None
            for j in range(i + 1, minnow_count):
                if minnows[j] == curr_shark_height:
                    minnows[j] = None
                    curr_shark_height -= 1
            shark_count += 1
    return shark_count <= sharks

The provided code is imperfect, in that it sometimes returns True when it should return False, and sometimes returns False when it should return True.

所提供的代码是不完美的,因为它有时在应该返回' False '时返回' True ',有时在应该返回' True '时返回' False '。

(a) Provide an example of a function call where the provided code will correctly return True (i.e. a True Positive)

提供一个函数调用的例子,其中所提供的代码将正确返回' True '(即True Positive)

(b) Provide an example of a function call where the provided code will correctly return False (i.e. a True Negative)

提供一个函数调用的例子,其中所提供的代码将正确返回' False '(即True Negative)

(c) Provide an example of a function call where the provided code will incorrectly return True (i.e. a False Positive)

提供一个函数调用的例子,其中提供的代码将错误地返回' True '(即假阳性)

(d) Provide an example of a function call where the provided code will incorrectly return False (i.e. a False Negative)

提供一个函数调用的例子,其中提供的代码将错误地返回' False '(即假阴性)

Question 6

Construct a single Python expression which evaluates to the following values, and incorporates the specified operations in each case (executed in any order).

构造一个 Python 表达式,求值为以下值,并在每种情况下合并指定的操作(以任何顺序执行)。

(a) Output value: 'eeezy'

Required operations:

  1. string indexing

  2. *

(b) Output value: True

Required operations:

  1. in

  2. range()

(c) Output value: '100% pythonic'

Required operations:

  1. f-string

  2. /

(d) Output value: 'comp10001'

Required operations:

  1. tuple indexing

  2. dictionary lookup

  3. .lower()

(e) Output value: '42'

Required operations:

  1. list indexing

  2. .keys()

  3. string slicing

Question 7

The following function is meant to take a lowercase string as input and return a reordered version of that string in which all of the vowels appear first (in the order in which they appear in the original string), followed by all of the consonants (again, in the order in which they appear in the original string), discarding any non-alphabetic characters in the process.


For example:

>>> reorder('stay at home')
>>> reorder('the cat in the hat')
>>> reorder('rhythm')

However, there are several errors in the given function definition.


Identify exactly three (3) errors and specify: (a) the line number where the error occurs; (b) the type of error, as syntax, run-time, or logic; and (c) how you would fix each error, in the form of the corrected (single) line of code.

准确识别 三(3)个错误,并指定:(a)错误发生的行号;(b)错误类型,如语法运行时或逻辑;和(c)你将如何修复每个错误,以纠正的(单行)代码的形式。

def reorder(my_string):               #  1
    v_list = list(aeiou)              #  2
    vowels = []                       #  3
    consonants = []                   #  4
    for c in my_string:               #  5
        if c not in v_list:           #  6
            vowels.append(c)          #  7
        else c:isalpha():             #  8
            consonants.append(c)      #  9
    return join(vowels + consonants)  # 10

找出三个错误并说出是那种错误(as syntax, run-time, or logic)并且改正




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方法一:QQopen in new window


贡献者: AndersonHJB,AI悦创
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