原创2025年1月10日大约 9 分钟...约 2621 字
1. 分清参数、局部变量和实例的地盘

- 局部变量就是我们之前说的变量,是在方法体里创建的变量;
- 参数和局部变量都是演草纸,方法执行完就清除了;
- 对象是实体/实例,不是变量。对象创建出来后,被堆在一起,放在类似公告板的地方。方法里创建的对象是不会随着方法结束被清除的。所以对象的地盘不受限制,只要有引用指向一个对象,这个对象的数据就可以通过这个引用来访问;
- 看例程:理解局部变量,参数和实例;
2. 代码示例
* @Time : 2025/1/9 20:45
* @Author : AI悦创
* @FileName: RunLittleSupperMarketAppMainV2.java
* @Software: IntelliJ IDEA
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog : https://bornforthis.cn/
* Code is far away from bugs with the god animal protecting
* I love animals. They taste delicious.
package com.bornforthis;
import com.bornforthis.supermarket.LittleSuperMarket;
import com.bornforthis.supermarket.MerchandiseV2;
public class RunLittleSupperMarketAppMainV2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建一个小超市类
LittleSuperMarket littleSuperMarket = new LittleSuperMarket();
// 依次给超市的名字,地址,停车位赋值
littleSuperMarket.superMarketName = "有家小超市";
littleSuperMarket.address = "浦东新区世纪大道666号";
littleSuperMarket.parkingCount = 100;
// 给超市200种商品
littleSuperMarket.merchandises = new MerchandiseV2[3];
// 统计用的数组
littleSuperMarket.merchandiseSold = new int[littleSuperMarket.merchandises.length];
// 为了使用方便,创建一个商品数组引用,和littleSuperMarket.merchandises指向同一个数组对象
MerchandiseV2[] all = littleSuperMarket.merchandises;
MerchandiseV2 giftNoodle = new MerchandiseV2();
giftNoodle.name = "赠品-面条";
giftNoodle.count = 2000;
giftNoodle.purchasePrice = 5;
giftNoodle.soldPrice = 0.05;
giftNoodle.id = "GIFT001";
MerchandiseV2 giftBowl = new MerchandiseV2();
giftBowl.name = "赠品-碗";
giftBowl.count = 2000;
giftBowl.purchasePrice = 8;
giftBowl.soldPrice = 0.08;
giftBowl.id = "GIFT002";
// 遍历并给200种商品赋值
for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
// 创建并给商品的属性赋值
MerchandiseV2 m = new MerchandiseV2();
m.name = "商品" + i;
m.count = 200;
m.purchasePrice = (i + 1) * 100;
m.soldPrice = m.purchasePrice * (1 + Math.random());
m.id = "ID" + i;
m.gift = giftNoodle;
// 用创建的商品,给商品数组的第i个引用赋值,all和小超市的商品数组引用指向的是同一个数组对象
all[i] = m;
int index = 0;
MerchandiseV2 m = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[index];
// >> TODO 方法的代码可以影响方法之外的数据。我们可以通过指向同一个对象的引用,操作这个对象里的属性
MerchandiseV2 paramRef = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[2];
m.gift = giftBowl;
* @Time : 2025/1/9 20:46
* @Author : AI悦创
* @FileName: MerchandiseV2.java
* @Software: IntelliJ IDEA
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog : https://bornforthis.cn/
* Code is far away from bugs with the god animal protecting
* I love animals. They taste delicious.
package com.bornforthis.supermarket;
public class MerchandiseV2 {
public String name;
public String id;
public int count;
public double soldPrice;
public double purchasePrice;
// describe方法变了一下
public void describe() {
System.out.println("商品名字叫做" + name + ",id是" + id + "。 商品售价是" + soldPrice
+ "。商品进价是" + purchasePrice + "。赠品是" + gift.name + "。价值" + gift.purchasePrice);
public double calculateProfit() {
double profit = soldPrice - purchasePrice;
if (profit <= 0) {
return 0;
return profit;
// >> TODO 参数是定义在方法名字后面的括号里的
// >> TODO 参数定义的规范和变量一样,都是类型名字加标识符,这里的标识符我们叫做参数名。
// >> TODO 方法体中的代码可以使用参数
// >> TODO 参数的值在调用方法的时候需要给出,有的资料叫做实参(实际参数)
// >> TODO 对应的,方法定义这里的参数,叫做形参(形式参数)
public double buy(int countToBuy) {
if (count < countToBuy) {
return -1;
System.out.println("商品单价为" + purchasePrice);
int fullPriceCount = countToBuy / 2 + countToBuy % 2;
int halfPriceCount = countToBuy - fullPriceCount;
double totalCost = purchasePrice * fullPriceCount + halfPriceCount * purchasePrice / 2;
count -= countToBuy;
return totalCost;
// >> TODO 一个方法可以有多个参数,多个参数之间用逗号隔开
public double buyAndPrintLeft(int countToBuy, boolean printLeft) {
if (count < countToBuy) {
if (printLeft) {
System.out.println("商品剩余库存为" + count);
return -1;
System.out.println("商品单价为" + purchasePrice);
int fullPriceCount = countToBuy / 2 + countToBuy % 2;
int halfPriceCount = countToBuy - fullPriceCount;
double totalCost = purchasePrice * fullPriceCount + halfPriceCount * purchasePrice / 2;
count -= countToBuy;
if (printLeft) {
System.out.println("商品剩余库存为:" + printLeft);
return totalCost;
// >> TODO 参数可以是任何类型,包括自定义类型,甚至是自己的类型都没问题
public boolean totalValueBiggerThan(MerchandiseV2 merchandiseV2) {
return count * purchasePrice > merchandiseV2.purchasePrice * merchandiseV2.count;
// >> TODO 参数可以是任何类型,包括自定义类型,甚至是自己的类型都没问题
public boolean isTheBiggestTotalValueOne(LittleSuperMarket littleSuperMarket) {
double totalValue = count * purchasePrice;
for (int i = 0; i < littleSuperMarket.merchandises.length; i++) {
MerchandiseV2 m = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[i];
double newTotalValue = m.count * m.purchasePrice;
if (totalValue < newTotalValue) {
// >> TODO 执行到return的时候,方法直接结束,不管是不是在循环中,是在第几层循环中。
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------15. 分清参数、局部变量和实例变量地盘 新增加的内容---------------------------
public MerchandiseV2 gift;
public double getSoldPrice() {
return soldPrice;
public String getName() {
return name;
public MerchandiseV2 getGiftAndHowCanOutsideChangeIt() {
return gift;
public void willOutsideValueChangeIfParameterValueChangeHereRef(MerchandiseV2 m2) {
m2 = gift;
public void willOutsideValueChangeIfParameterValueChangeHerePrime(int intVal) {
intVal = 99999999;
public void changeToTheSameGift(MerchandiseV2 m2) {
// m2.gift = gift;
* @Time : 2025/1/9 20:47
* @Author : AI悦创
* @FileName: LittleSuperMarket.java
* @Software: IntelliJ IDEA
* @Version: V1.0
* @Blog : https://bornforthis.cn/
* Code is far away from bugs with the god animal protecting
* I love animals. They taste delicious.
package com.bornforthis.supermarket;
public class LittleSuperMarket {
public String superMarketName;
public String address;
public int parkingCount;
public double incomingSum;
public MerchandiseV2[] merchandises;
public int[] merchandiseSold;
public MerchandiseV2 getBiggestProfitMerchandise() {
MerchandiseV2 curr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < merchandises.length; i++) {
MerchandiseV2 m = merchandises[i];
// 这个逻辑有问题吗?相同的利润怎么判断?
if (curr == null || curr.calculateProfit() < m.calculateProfit()) {
curr = m;
return curr;
package com.geekbang;
import com.geekbang.supermarket.LittleSuperMarket;
import com.geekbang.supermarket.MerchandiseV2;
public class RunLittleSupperMarketAppMainV2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建一个小超市类
LittleSuperMarket littleSuperMarket = new LittleSuperMarket();
// 依次给超市的名字,地址,停车位赋值
littleSuperMarket.superMarketName = "有家小超市";
littleSuperMarket.address = "浦东新区世纪大道666号";
littleSuperMarket.parkingCount = 100;
// 给超市200种商品
littleSuperMarket.merchandises = new MerchandiseV2[3];
// 统计用的数组
littleSuperMarket.merchandiseSold = new int[littleSuperMarket.merchandises.length];
// 为了使用方便,创建一个商品数组引用,和littleSuperMarket.merchandises指向同一个数组对象
MerchandiseV2[] all = littleSuperMarket.merchandises;
MerchandiseV2 giftNoodle = new MerchandiseV2();
giftNoodle.name = "赠品-面条";
giftNoodle.count = 2000;
giftNoodle.purchasePrice = 5;
giftNoodle.soldPrice = 0.05;
giftNoodle.id = "GIFT001";
MerchandiseV2 giftBowl = new MerchandiseV2();
giftBowl.name = "赠品-碗";
giftBowl.count = 2000;
giftBowl.purchasePrice = 8;
giftBowl.soldPrice = 0.08;
giftBowl.id = "GIFT002";
// 遍历并给200种商品赋值
for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
// 创建并给商品的属性赋值
MerchandiseV2 m = new MerchandiseV2();
m.name = "商品" + i;
m.count = 200;
m.purchasePrice = (i + 1) * 100;
m.soldPrice = m.purchasePrice * (1 + Math.random());
m.id = "ID" + i;
m.gift = giftNoodle;
// 用创建的商品,给商品数组的第i个引用赋值,all和小超市的商品数组引用指向的是同一个数组对象
all[i] = m;
int index = 0;
MerchandiseV2 m = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[index];
// >> TODO 方法的代码可以影响方法之外的数据。我们可以通过指向同一个对象的引用,操作这个对象里的属性
MerchandiseV2 paramRef = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[2];
m.gift = giftBowl;
// ------ 返回值 -------
// >> TODO 给返回值赋值,并不会影响用来充当返回值的变量
MerchandiseV2 giftOfM;
// >> TODO 可以通过返回值,操作同一个对象
giftOfM = m.getGiftAndHowCanOutsideChangeIt();
giftOfM.purchasePrice = giftOfM.purchasePrice * 10;
package com.geekbang.supermarket;
public class MerchandiseV2 {
public String name;
public String id;
public int count;
public double soldPrice;
public double purchasePrice;
// describe方法变了一下
public void describe() {
System.out.println("商品名字叫做" + name + ",id是" + id + "。 商品售价是" + soldPrice
+ "。商品进价是" + purchasePrice + "。赠品是" + gift.name + "。价值" + gift.purchasePrice);
public double calculateProfit() {
double profit = soldPrice - purchasePrice;
if (profit <= 0) {
return 0;
return profit;
// >> TODO 参数是定义在方法名字后面的括号里的
// >> TODO 参数定义的规范和变量一样,都是类型名字加标识符,这里的标识符我们叫做参数名。
// >> TODO 方法体中的代码可以使用参数
// >> TODO 参数的值在调用方法的时候需要给出,有的资料叫做实参(实际参数)
// >> TODO 对应的,方法定义这里的参数,叫做形参(形式参数)
public double buy(int countToBuy) {
if (count < countToBuy) {
return -1;
System.out.println("商品单价为" + purchasePrice);
int fullPriceCount = countToBuy / 2 + countToBuy % 2;
int halfPriceCount = countToBuy - fullPriceCount;
double totalCost = purchasePrice * fullPriceCount + halfPriceCount * purchasePrice / 2;
count -= countToBuy;
return totalCost;
// >> TODO 一个方法可以有多个参数,多个参数之间用逗号隔开
public double buyAndPrintLeft(int countToBuy, boolean printLeft) {
if (count < countToBuy) {
if (printLeft) {
System.out.println("商品剩余库存为" + count);
return -1;
System.out.println("商品单价为" + purchasePrice);
int fullPriceCount = countToBuy / 2 + countToBuy % 2;
int halfPriceCount = countToBuy - fullPriceCount;
double totalCost = purchasePrice * fullPriceCount + halfPriceCount * purchasePrice / 2;
count -= countToBuy;
if (printLeft) {
System.out.println("商品剩余库存为:" + printLeft);
return totalCost;
// >> TODO 参数可以是任何类型,包括自定义类型,甚至是自己的类型都没问题
public boolean totalValueBiggerThan(MerchandiseV2 merchandiseV2) {
return count * purchasePrice > merchandiseV2.purchasePrice * merchandiseV2.count;
// >> TODO 参数可以是任何类型,包括自定义类型,甚至是自己的类型都没问题
public boolean isTheBiggestTotalValueOne(LittleSuperMarket littleSuperMarket) {
double totalValue = count * purchasePrice;
for (int i = 0; i < littleSuperMarket.merchandises.length; i++) {
MerchandiseV2 m = littleSuperMarket.merchandises[i];
double newTotalValue = m.count * m.purchasePrice;
if (totalValue < newTotalValue) {
// >> TODO 执行到return的时候,方法直接结束,不管是不是在循环中,是在第几层循环中。
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------15. 分清参数、局部变量和实例变量地盘 新增加的内容---------------------------
public MerchandiseV2 gift;
public double getSoldPrice() {
return soldPrice;
public String getName() {
return name;
public MerchandiseV2 getGiftAndHowCanOutsideChangeIt() {
return gift;
public void willOutsideValueChangeIfParameterValueChangeHereRef(MerchandiseV2 m2) {
m2 = gift;
public void willOutsideValueChangeIfParameterValueChangeHerePrime(int intVal) {
intVal = 99999999;
public void changeToTheSameGift(MerchandiseV2 m2) {
m2.gift = gift;
package com.geekbang.supermarket;
public class LittleSuperMarket {
public String superMarketName;
public String address;
public int parkingCount;
public double incomingSum;
public MerchandiseV2[] merchandises;
public int[] merchandiseSold;
public MerchandiseV2 getBiggestProfitMerchandise() {
MerchandiseV2 curr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < merchandises.length; i++) {
MerchandiseV2 m = merchandises[i];
// 这个逻辑有问题吗?相同的利润怎么判断?
if (curr == null || curr.calculateProfit() < m.calculateProfit()) {
curr = m;
return curr;

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