03-String Alignment in Python f-string
Text Alignment in Python is useful for printing out clean formatted output. Some times the data to be printed varies in length which makes it look messy when printed. By using String Alignment the output string can be aligned by defining the alignment as left, right or center and also defining space (width) to reserve for the string.
Approach : We will be using the f-strings to format the text. The syntax of the alignment of the output string is defined by ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘^’ and followed by the width number.
Example 1 : For Left Alignment output string syntax define ‘<‘ followed by the width number.
在 Python 中,文本对齐对于输出整洁的格式化内容很有用。有时需要打印的数据长度不一,这会使打印出来的内容看起来凌乱。通过使用字符串对齐,可以通过定义输出字符串的对齐方式(左对齐、右对齐或居中对齐)以及为字符串保留的空间(宽度)来实现对齐。
方法:我们将使用 f-字符串来格式化文本。输出字符串对齐的语法由“<
# here 20 spaces are reserved for the
# particular output string. And the string
# is printed on the left side
print(f"{'Left Aligned Text' : <20}")
Output :
Left Aligned Text
Example 2 : For Right Alignment output string syntax define ‘>’ followed by the width number.
# here 20 spaces are reserved for the
# particular output string. And the string
# is printed on the right side
print(f"{'Right Aligned Text' : >20}")
Output :
Right Aligned Text
Example 3 : For Center Alignment output string syntax define ‘^’ followed by the width number.
# here 20 spaces are reserved for the
# particular output string. And the string
# is printed in the middle
print(f"{'Centered' : ^10}")
Output :
Example 4 : Printing variables in Aligned format
# assigning strings to the variables
left_alignment = "Left Text"
center_alignment = "Centered Text"
right_alignment = "Right Text"
# printing out aligned text
print(f"{left_alignment : <20}{center_alignment : ^15}{right_alignment : >20}")
Output :
Left Text Centered Text Right Text
Example 5 : Printing out multiple list values in aligned column look.
# assigning list values to the variables
names = ['Raj', 'Shivam', 'Shreeya', 'Kartik']
marks = [7, 9, 8, 5]
div = ['A', 'A', 'C', 'B']
id = [21, 52, 27, 38]
# printing Aligned Header
print(f"{'Name' : <10}{'Marks' : ^10}{'Division' : ^10}{'ID' : >5}")
# printing values of variables in Aligned manner
for i in range(0, 4):
print(f"{names[i] : <10}{marks[i] : ^10}{div[i] : ^10}{id[i] : >5}")
Output :
Name Marks Division ID
Raj 7 A 21
Shivam 9 A 52
Shreeya 8 C 27
Kartik 5 B 38
format and float
# assigning strings to the variables
left_alignment = "Left Text"
center_alignment = "Centered Text"
# right_alignment = "Right Text"
right_alignment = 102
# printing out aligned text
print(f"{left_alignment : <20}{center_alignment : ^15}{right_alignment : >20.3f}")
print("{:<20}{:^15}{:>20.2f}".format(left_alignment, center_alignment, right_alignment))

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