0. Link
- GitHub repository: https://classroom.github.com/a/dtvQV4h_
- Google Form: https://forms.gle/2jKYroSe36JBKA468
- And some additional problems from long ago semesters, in case you need them:
- #1 https://web.archive.org/web/20210416045344/https://knowledge.kitchen/Python_ "Learning_Modules"_Midterm_1_Exam_Sample_Problems
- #2 https://web.archive.org/web/20170222081026/http://knowledge.kitchen/Python_"Learning_Modules"_Midterm_2_Exam _Sample_Problems
- #3 https://web.archive.org/web/20161223090043/http://knowledge.kitchen/Python_ "Learning_Modules"_Final_Exam_Sample_Problems
1. problem_1.py
Complete this function so that it asks the user to enter the day of the week.
Once a valid response is received the program must return the day the user entered as an integer.「目标」
The program must not crash under any circumstances.「要处理异常情况,不能奔溃」
- The user can respond with either as an integer (e.g. 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc), or as a proper noun (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, etc), or as an abbreviated proper noun (e.g. Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun)「处理各种名词得到对应的数字」
- The program must keep asking for input until a valid response is received.「不断的请求输入,表明需要使用 loop」
- The program must be case insensitive: e.g. 'monday' and 'Monday' should be treated the same, as should 'Mon' and 'mon'.「不区分大小写」
- If the user enters an invalid integer, the program must output the message, 'Invalid number!'
- If the user enters an invalid string consisting of only alphabetic characters, the program must output the message, 'Invalid day!'
- If the user enters an invalid response of any other type, the program must output, 'Huh?'
The day the user entered, as an integer. I.e., 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday etc.
Exam #1 / Problem set #1.
- Your job is to complete the definitions of each function so that it achieves its indicated behavior.
- You are welcome to create any additional functions you desire.
- Do not write any code in the global scope, i.e. do not write code that is not within a function definition.
Run this file directly to try it out.
def get_valid_day():
Complete this function so that it asks the user to enter the day of the week.
Once a valid response is received the program must return the day the user entered as an integer.
The program must not crash under any circumstances.
- The user can respond with either as an integer (e.g. 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc), or as a proper noun (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, etc), or as an abbreviated proper noun (e.g. Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun)
- The program must keep asking for input until a valid response is received.
- The program must be case insensitive: e.g. 'monday' and 'Monday' should be treated the same, as should 'Mon' and 'mon'.
- If the user enters an invalid integer, the program must output the message, 'Invalid number!'
- If the user enters an invalid string consisting of only alphabetic characters, the program must output the message, 'Invalid day!'
- If the user enters an invalid response of any other type, the program must output, 'Huh?'
:returns: The day the user entered, as an integer. I.e., 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday etc.
# write your code below this line
# -------------------------------------- #
# Do not modify the code below this line #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# call the function if this file is being run directly
def get_valid_day():
# write your code below this line
monday = [1, 'Monday', 'monday', 'Mon', 'mon']
tuesday = [2, 'Tuesday', 'tuesday', 'Tues', 'tues']
wednesday = [3, 'Wednesday', 'wednesday', 'Weds', 'weds']
thursday = [4, 'Thursday', 'thursday', 'Thurs', 'thurs']
friday = [5, 'Friday', 'friday', 'Fri', 'fri']
saturday = [6, 'Saturday', 'saturday', 'Sat', 'sat']
sunday = [7, 'Sunday', 'sunday', 'Sun', 'sun']
end = False
while not end:
day = input('Enter the day of the week:').strip().lower()
if day.isdigit():
day = int(day)
if 1 <= day <= 7:
return day
print("invalid number!")
if day in monday:
end = True
return int(1)
elif day in tuesday:
end = True
return int(2)
elif day in wednesday:
end = True
return int(3)
elif day in thursday:
end = True
return int(4)
elif day in friday:
end = True
return int(5)
elif day in saturday:
end = True
return int(6)
elif day in sunday:
end = True
return int(7)
if str(day).isalpha():
print('Invalid day!')
elif day.isdigit():
print('Invalid number!')
# -------------------------------------- #
# Do not modify the code below this line #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# call the function if this file is being run directly
# print(f"The day you entered corresponds to: {day}")
def get_valid_day():
Asks the user to enter the day of the week and returns the day as an integer when a valid response is received.
The function keeps asking for input until a valid response is received, handling all invalid inputs appropriately.
# Maps full day names and abbreviated names to their corresponding day number
day_map = {
"monday": 1, "mon": 1,
"tuesday": 2, "tues": 2,
"wednesday": 3, "weds": 3,
"thursday": 4, "thurs": 4,
"friday": 5, "fri": 5,
"saturday": 6, "sat": 6,
"sunday": 7, "sun": 7
while True:
user_input = input("Enter the day of the week: ").strip().lower()
# Check if input is a valid integer and within the range of 1-7
if user_input.isdigit():
day_number = int(user_input)
if 1 <= day_number <= 7:
return day_number
print("Invalid number!")
# Check if input is a valid string for day name
elif user_input.isalpha():
if user_input in day_map:
return day_map[user_input]
print("Invalid day!")
# -------------------------------------- #
# Do not modify the code below this line #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# call the function if this file is being run directly
day = get_valid_day()
print(f"The day you entered corresponds to: {day}")
Write a program that qualifies the user for a particular credit card.
Qualification criteria:
- Make at least $30,000 per year.
- If the user rents a home, their rent payment must not be more than 5% of their yearly income (i.e.
is the max rent that they can pay while making$30,000
per year). - However, if they own their home, you do not need to take their monthly house payment into account.
Technical requirements:
- You can assume the user will enter valid responses to each question.
- You can assume the user will enter dollar amounts in the format indicated in the examples below.
- Your program must not crash under any circumstances
Example sessions - your output should match these, given the same user responses:
Session with a homeowner who qualifies:
Welcome to the credit card qualifier!
How much do you make per year?
Do you own your home? (y/n) y
You qualify!
Session with a homeowner who does not qualify:
Welcome to the credit card qualifier!
How much do you make per year?
Do you own your home? (y/n) y
Sorry, you don't qualify. Your income is too low.
Session with a renter who qualifies:
Welcome to the credit card qualifier!
How much do you make per year?
Do you own your home? (y/n) n
How much do you pay in rent per month?
You qualify!
Session with a renter who does not qualify:
Welcome to the credit card qualifier!
How much do you make per year?
Do you own your home? (y/n) n
How much do you pay in rent per month?
Sorry, you don't qualify. Your rent is too high.
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