
The Real GTA Grand Theft Auto (Bonus, 20 Points)

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0. ONU

Welcome to ONU! ONU is a card game played with a specially printed deck. The objective of ONU is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards. Firstly, let’s go over the basic rules of ONU :

0.1 Gameplay

  • By default, the number of players is set to 7, and the initial hand card count is also set to 7. Users can customize the number of players and the initial hand card count based on their needs. The rest of the cards are placed in a deck.

  • The game begins. The first player could play any card he/she wants.

  • There are numeric cards and special cards in the deck. The numeric cards contain color and number, while the special cards have unique effects that can be placed on the next player.

  • The players take turns to play their cards. They must match the card played by the last player either by number, color, or effect.

  • If a player is not prevented from playing cards by special cards, but there is no card to play due to the different color and number, they must draw a card from the deck, and then his/her turn ends without playing any cards.

  • Whenaplayerhasplayedallhis/herhand,he/shewinsthegame.However,ifthedeckisemptiedbefore any player has played all of their cards, the scores are calculated based on the remaining cards in each player’s hand. The player with the lowest score wins the game.

0.2 Card Types

  • Numeric Cards: These cards have a number on the card and also have a color. They can only be played on a card that matches by color or number.
  • Change Color Cards: These cards can be placed on any card and change the current color to the color specified by the Change Color Cards.
  • Ban Cards: When the player places these cards, the next player has to skip his/her turn. The Ban Cards have a color and can only be played on a card that matches by the color, or on another Ban card.
  • Plus-Two Cards: When the player place these cards, the next player will have to pick up two cards and skip his/her turn. The Plus-Two Cards have a color and can only be played on a card that matches by color, or on another Plus-Two.

Special rule: If the last player plays a Plus-Two Card, and the current player also has a Plus-Two Card, the current player can play the card instead of drawing and the next player has to either draw 4 cards or also play a Plus-Two card, and so on. That is, the Plus-Two Card can be accumulated. It would be a good choice to record the cumulative value with a variable.

0.3 General description

In this assignment, you will be tasked with implementing an ONU game. The assignment involves the following classes: Card, CardSet, Player and Game. Your objective is to complete some functions within these classes.

  • The Card class is the basic class in the game. There are two types of cards, NumericCard, which includes the Numeric Cards and SpecialCard, which includes Change Color Cards, Ban Cards and Plus-Two Cards. They are all inherited from Card.
  • The CardSet class is used to represent a set of cards and provides the operations to manipulate card sets. It has two subclasses: Hand and Deck. The Hand class is used for operations related to a player’s hand, while the Deck class is used for operations related to the game’s deck.
  • The Player class represents the player agent. The only thing one player could do is to make an action and choose a card from his/her hand to play if possible.
  • The Game class represents the ONU game itself and is responsible for managing the entire game process, including handling player actions, maintaining the deck, and detecting game termination.

Notes: Write your code in the designated areas and avoid modifying other parts of the code. You may add additional helper functions or attributes as needed.

Good luck with your implementation of ONU !

1. Card (20 Points)

1.1 Description

In this programming assignment, we will start by implementing the most fundamental unit of the game, which is the Card class. The __init__ method for Card is written for you. It has one member variable:_color, to store the color of each individual card object created from the Card class. The color is given by an Enum Color.

class Color(IntEnum):
    RED = 0 
    YELLOW = 1
    GREEN = 2 
    BLUE = 3 
    CYAN = 4
    ORANGE = 5 
    PURPLE = 6 
    WHITE = 7
    BLACK = 8 
    VIOLET = 9

By assigning the parameter color to the member variable self._color, you ensure that each individual card object has its own color value stored as part of its state. Now, it’s your task to override some methods in the subclass NumericCard and SpecialCard.

You will encounter a function called __repr__ in this part. It is a special method used to return a string representation of an object. When you use the print function or directly input an object in the interactive environment in Python, you are actually invoking the object’s __repr__ method.

1.2 Methods

  • Card.get_color(): Return the color of the card.
  • NumericCard.__init__(color, number): Initialize the necessary parameters for NumericCard, which is the number of the card. The input would be the Enum color and an integer number. Since the color variable is set by Card from super().__init__(), you don’t need to worry about it.
  • NumericCard.__repr__(): Return a string for printing the information of card. For numeric cards, the function should return ”Numeric card” followed by their color name and number. For example, card ”red 4” gets ”Numeric card RED 4”. The color name is defined in Enum Color.
  • NumericCard.__lt__(other): Compare the card with another card other. First, the color is com- pared based on the order in Enum Color. Next, if they are in the same color, compare their numbers.

When it comes to different types in the comparison of numbers, the Numeric Cards are smaller than Special Cards. Return True if the card is less than other and return False otherwise.

  • NumericCard.__eq__(other): Compare the card with another card other to see whether they are the same. Return True if their parameters are equal and return False otherwise.
  • NumericCard.get_number(): Return the number of the card.
  • SpecialCard.__init__(color, effect): Initialize the necessary parameters for SpecialCard, which is the type of the Special Card. This is given by Enum Effect, which is defined below:
class Effect(Enum):
    BAN = 1
    PLUS_TWO = 2
  • SpecialCard.__repr__(): Return a string for printing the information of card. For special cards, it should return the name of the special card , according to Enum Effect, followed by its color name according to Enum Color similarly. An example is given by ”BAN card YELLOW.”
  • SpecialCard.__lt__(other): Compare the card with another Card other. First, the color is compared based on the order in Enum Color. When they are in the same color, if other is a Numeric Card, it is smaller than the Special Card. Otherwise, the Special Cards are compared based on the order in Effect. Return True if the card is less than other and return False otherwise.
  • SpecialCard.__eq__(other): Compare the card with another card other to see whether they are the same. Return True if their parameters are equal and return False otherwise.
  • SpecialCard.get_effect(): Return the effect of the Special Card.

By completing this task, you will have the basic building block of the game, allowing you to represent and visualize the different cards used in gameplay.

1.3 Example

Input 1:

card1 = NumericCard(Color.GREEN, 1) 
card2 = NumericCard(Color.YELLOW, 7)
card3 = SpecialCard(Color.YELLOW, Effect.BAN)
print(card1 < card2)
print(card1 < card3) 
print(card2 < card3)

Output 1:


Input 2:

print(NumericCard(Color.RED, 0))
print(SpecialCard(Color.YELLOW, Effect.CHANGE_COLOR))

Output 2:

Numeric card RED 0 

2. CardSet (20 Points)

2.1 Description

Next, let’s implement the CardSet, Hand and Deck. The CardSet class is the base class that represents a set of cards. It provides common functionality and operations that can be performed on a collection of cards.

The Hand class is a subclass of CardSet and represents a player’s hand cards. It provides additional methods to manipulate a player’s hand. This includes actions such as adding cards to the hand and removing cards from the hand.

The Deck class is also a subclass of CardSet and represents a game deck. In addition to the common functionality inherited from CardSet, it provides the functionality to retrieve the top card from the deck.

Note that we do not need to override the __init__ method for Hand and Deck because they do not have any differences from the base class CardSet in initialization. Therefore, the subclasses inherit the initialization and other methods from the base class directly.

2.2 Methods

  • CardSet.__init__(cards): Save the cards given by the list cards in the variable _cards.
  • CardSet.__repr__(): Return a string that prints all the cards in the cardset. It would be a list that containing every card.

Here is an example:

card1 = NumericCard(Color.BLUE, 1)
card2 = SpecialCard(Color.BLACK, Effect.CHANGE_COLOR)
card3 = NumericCard(Color.GREEN, 1)
Cards = CardSet([card1, card2, card3])

The output would be

[Numeric card BLUE 1, CHANGE_COLOR card BLACK, Numeric card GREEN 1]
  • CardSet.is_empty(): Return True if there is no cards left in the cardset, and return False other- wise.
  • Hand.add_card(card): Add the given card into the cardset.
  • Hand.remove_card(card): Remove the given card from the cardset.
  • Deck.get_next_card(): Return the top of the deck, which would be the first card in the list. After this card is returned, it is no longer in the deck.

3. Player (30 Points)

3.1 Description

Next, let’s implement the Player class. In our game, players are considered to be willing to do anything for victory, including cheating. Therefore, their behavior is strictly controlled by the game. The player’s hand is managed by the game system, and they can only make choices based on their hand and the previous player’s actions. The actual gameplay actions, such as playing cards or drawing cards, are all executed by the game system. Also due to this reason, players do not have their own attributes, so the __init__ method does not perform any operations. Your task is to assist the players in making their choices.

3.2 Methods

  • Player.sort_cards(cards): Return a sorted version of the input list cards in descending order, which means from largest to smallest.
  • Player.action(cards, last_card, is_last_player_drop): The inputs consist of the player’s hand, the card last played, and whether the last player has played any card. They are helpful when making the decisions. The returned value is a tuple with two items to store the actions. The first element of the tuple is an Enum ActionType representing the actions. The second element represents the card to play. If the player could not play any card, the second element would be None.
class ActionType(Enum):
    DRAW = 0
    DROP = 1 
    PASS = 2

To be detailed, the player should first check the status based on the actions of the previous player.

If the previous card played was a Ban Card, the player could do nothing, so return ActionType.PASS and None.

If the card played was a Plus-Two Card, and the player has no Plus-Two Card to play, similarly, the player could do nothing and return ActionType.PASS and None. If the player has one or more Plus-Two Cards, just choose a larger one to play.

If a player has no valid card in his hand to play, he/she needs to draw a card instead. Return ActionType.DRAW and None.

If a player can play a card, return ActionType.DROP and the chosen card. To choose a card to play, you always play the largest card that is available. Here the definition of ”largest” is the same as the method __lt__ in the Cards.

One may be curious about why Player needs to know is_last_player_drop. For example, if the previous player played a Ban card, the current player is prevented from playing any cards, and the variable is_last_player_drop would be set to False. On the next player’s turn, he/she knows that the last_card Ban card has taken effect through this variable, and he/she can play a normal game turn. You should consider all similar situations.

4. Game Start! (30 Points)

4.1 Description

Next, let’s implement some methods in the Game class to prepare for the start of the game. Here are some attributes defined in Game.__init__().

Game._deck represents the deck of cards used in the game. It is initialized with the Deck object, which is created from the provided cards list.

The players are initialized as a list Game._players. The number of players is set in num_player and it defaults to 7 if not provided.

Game._current_player_id represents the index of the current player. It is initialized with the value of dealer_id parameter minus 1. This assumes that the dealer_id is a zero-based index representing the starting player. The subtraction of one (dealer_id - 1) is done to return the index of the player when the next player is calculated for the first time.

Game._last_card represents the last card played in the game. It is initially set to None and will be updated whenever a player plays a card.

Game._is_last_player_drop represents whether the last player had played any card. It is initially set to False. It can be used to determine whether the last card played was played by the last player.

Game._plus_two_cnt represents the count of Plus-Two Cards played and may be helpful when treating the accumulation of Plus-Two Cards. It is initially set to 0 and can be incremented whenever a player plays a Plus-Two Card.

After all the basic components are built, our game is ready to start! Players take turns playing cards or drawing cards until a player has no cards left in his/her hand, indicating victory. If the deck is empty, the game is also stopped. All these operations are implemented in the method Game.turn().

4.2 Methods

  • Game.__init__(cards, num_player, hand_card_num, dealer_id): Most of the initialization is done by the template. The only thing you need to do is to deal hand_card_num cards to each player as their initial hand. After one player has finished taking the initial hand, it is then the next player’s turn to take. The hand are recorded in Game._player_hands. The deck of cards contains more cards than the initial hand size, so there is no need to worry about the deck running out of cards before the game starts.
  • Game.is_end(): This function is used to check whether the game is ended. Return True if there is any player with no hand cards, or if the deck is empty. Otherwise, return False. You may notice that there is a method Game.is_not_end(). It is used for the return in Game.turn() to improve code readability.
  • Game.current_player_drop_card(card): To handle the process of a player playing a card, re- move the played card from the player’s hand. Besides, update the relevant attributes based on the played card.
  • Game.get_scores(): Calculate the scores for each player and return the scores as a list.




为了解决这个编程任务,我们需要根据题目要求实现几个 Python类。这些类分别是CardNumericCardSpecialCard,并且还涉及到两个枚举类ColorEffect。下面是根据题目要求实现的这些类的代码。



from enum import IntEnum, Enum

class Color(IntEnum):
    RED = 0 
    YELLOW = 1
    GREEN = 2 
    BLUE = 3 
    CYAN = 4
    ORANGE = 5 
    PURPLE = 6 
    WHITE = 7
    BLACK = 8 
    VIOLET = 9

class Effect(Enum):
    BAN = 1
    PLUS_TWO = 2

Card 类


class Card:
    def __init__(self, color):
        self._color = color

    def get_color(self):
        return self._color

class NumericCard(Card):
    def __init__(self, color, number):
        self._number = number

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Numeric card {self._color.name} {self._number}"

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self._color != other.get_color():
            return self._color < other.get_color()
        if isinstance(other, NumericCard):
            return self._number < other._number
        return True  # NumericCards are smaller than SpecialCards

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._color == other.get_color() and self._number == other._number

    def get_number(self):
        return self._number

class SpecialCard(Card):
    def __init__(self, color, effect):
        self._effect = effect

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self._effect.name} card {self._color.name}"

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self._color != other.get_color():
            return self._color < other.get_color()
        if isinstance(other, NumericCard):
            return False  # SpecialCards are greater than NumericCards
        return self._effect < other._effect

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._color == other.get_color() and self._effect == other._effect

    def get_effect(self):
        return self._effect

这些类实现了题目中所要求的功能。Card 类包含颜色信息,NumericCard 类包含数字和颜色信息,SpecialCard 类包含特殊效果和颜色信息。重写的__repr____lt____eq__ 方法分别用于打印卡片信息、比较卡片大小和判断卡片是否相同。



# 示例输入 1
card1 = NumericCard(Color.GREEN, 1) 
card2 = NumericCard(Color.YELLOW, 7)
card3 = SpecialCard(Color.YELLOW, Effect.BAN)
print(card1 < card2)  # 应该输出 False
print(card1 < card3)  # 应该输出 False
print(card2 < card3)  # 应该输出 True

# 示例输入 2
print(NumericCard(Color.RED, 0))  # 应该输出 Numeric card RED 0
print(SpecialCard(Color.YELLOW, Effect.CHANGE_COLOR))  # 应该输出 CHANGE_COLOR card YELLOW




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贡献者: AndersonHJB
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