JC1001 Practical / Lab 4 – Iterative statements
原创2023年10月17日大约 2 分钟...约 470 字
- Below you have the algorithm of a program that asks the user for a set of positive numbers and identifies the highest among them. The user enters the number 0 to finish the sequence. Implement the algorithm below and test it.
Set number with number entered by user
Set highest with number
while number is not 0
if number is greater than highest
Set highest with number
Set number with number entered by user
print highest
- 下面是一个程序的算法,该程序要求用户输入一组正数并确定其中的最大值。用户输入数字0以结束序列。实现下面的算法并测试它。
设置 number 为用户输入的数字
设置 highest 为 number
当 number 不为 0 时
如果 number 大于 highest
设置 highest 为 number
设置 number 为用户输入的数字
打印 highest

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