
comp10002 Foundations of Algorithms

AI悦创原创2023年8月24日Python 一对一教学Monash UniversityMonash University PythonMonash University Python作业代写Python 一对一教学Monash UniversityMonash University PythonMonash University Python作业代写大约 22 分钟...约 6592 字

FIT9136 Algorithms and Programming Foundations in Python

Assignment 1

Last Updated: 23 July 2023

1. Key Information

  1. 关键信息
This assignment will develop your skills in designing, constructing, and documenting a small Python program according to specific programming standards. This assessment is related to (part of) the following learning outcome (LO):
LO1: Apply best practice Python programming constructs for solving computational problems
Your taskThis assignment is an Individual task where you will write Python code for a simple application whereby you will be developing a simple board game as per the specification.
Value25% of your total marks for the unit.
Due DateFriday, 25 August 2023, 4:30 PM (AEST)
Submission● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● FIT GitLab check-ins will be used to assess the history ofdevelopment
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
●FIT GitLab签到将用于评估开发历史
Assessment Criteria
This assessment includes a compulsory interview with your tutor following the submission date. At the interview you will be asked to explain your code/design/testing, modify your code, and discuss your design decisions and alternatives. Marks will not be awarded for any section of code/design/functionality that you cannot explain satisfactorily. Failure to attend the interview will result in your assessment not being marked. You will be provided with the timing of the interviews at a later date.
The following aspects will be assessed:
1. Program functionality in accordance to the requirements
2. Code Architecture and Adherence to Python coding standards
3. The comprehensiveness of documented code and test strategy
Late Penalties● 10% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week
● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.
Support Resources
See Moodle Assessment page and Section 8 in this document
Feedback will be provided on student work via
● general cohort performance
● specific student feedback ten working days post submission

2. Context Information

For this assignment, you will be required to create a Python program that simulates the board game Gomoku. Gomoku, also referred to as Five in a Row, is a popular board game originating from East Asia. Two players strategically play on a square grid. The objective for both players is to be the first one to create a continuous line of five stones either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The players alternate turns to place stones on vacant intersections of the grid, where they need to create their line of five stones while stopping the opponent from achieving the same.


2.1. The Game Board

2.1. 游戏棋盘

This game involves a rectangle board with different board settings. An example 9 * 9 board is shown below :

这个游戏涉及一个带有不同棋盘设置的矩形棋盘。下面是一个示例,显示了一个 9 * 9 的棋盘:

We will use the same coordinate system as indicated in the above example:


  1. Rows increase from the top to the bottom and numerical indices are used (e.g., for a 9 * 9 board, the top row is row 0 and the bottom row is row 8);

    行从顶部增加到底部,并且使用数字索引(例如,对于一个 9 * 9 的棋盘,顶部行是第 0 行,底部行是第 8 行);

  2. Columns increase from left to right and uppercase letters are used as indices(e.g., for a 9 * 9 board, the leftmost column is column A and the rightmost column is column I).

    列从左到右递增,大写字母被用作索引(例如,对于一个 9 * 9 的棋盘,最左边的列是 A 列,最右边的列是 I 列)。

Please note that, stones are placed at the intersections (e.g., 0A, 0B, 1A, 1B).


2.2. Taking Turns

2.2. 轮流进行

Players take turns dropping a coloured stone (i.e., black/white) onto one of the intersections as shown below:


By convention, the player using the black stones begins the game by placing one of their pieces on the board. Here, the same convention is followed.


2.3. Ending a Game

2.3. 结束一场游戏

Players take turns to place stones on the board until either:


Some examples of winning states:




Player 1 (black) has a vertical win in column E, row 0 - row 4 (i.e., all stones in these spots are black)
Player 1 (black) has a vertical win in column E, row 0 - row 4 (i.e., all stones in these spots are black)

2.4. Your Task

You will eventually construct a program that simulates the players playing this game but it will be broken into small stages to help you develop your program.


2.5. Video Description

This video gives a good description of the game: Link to video.

3. Implementation Instructions

  1. 实施说明

Your implementation must include a text interface with all necessary functionalities as detailed below. Your program will be evaluated based on its ease of use and clarity, including the provision of clear information and error messages for the player.


The objective of your implemented Gomoku game is to allow 1) a player to play against a simple computer player; and 2) a player to play against another player. Victory is attained by the first player who achieves an unbroken line of five stones of their colour. The task at hand requires the creation of functions to facilitate the entire gameplay process. It is imperative to carefully review the following comprehensive regulations and prerequisites for each function and aim to execute them.





To ensure that your code can be properly evaluated by the teaching team:


  1. Please ensure that your implemented functions use the same names and function signatures (i.e. number and type of input arguments and the type of the return value) as required,


  2. Please ensure that your code is properly formatted, such as proper variable naming conventions, consistent indentations, proper line length, etc.,


  3. Please ensure that you provide clear and coherent comments on your code to aid with the graders’ interpretation of your code,


  4. For more details regarding formatting and commenting, see the PEP 8 Style Guideline.

    有关格式化和注释的更多详细信息,请参阅PEP 8风格指南。

3.1. Game menu function

3.1. 游戏菜单功能

The game_menu() function is responsible for displaying the game menu at the start of the game, as well as during the game process to provide instructional suggestions. The menu should at least include the following five options:

game_menu() 函数负责在游戏开始时显示游戏菜单,以及在游戏过程中提供指导建议。菜单至少应该包括以下五个选项:

  1. Start a Game


  2. Print the Board


  3. Place a Stone


  4. Reset the Game


  5. Exit


3.2. Creating the Board

3.2. 创建游戏棋盘

The purpose of this function is to create a data structure which will be used to keep track of the states of the boards.

Your task here is to write the create_board(size) function, where size is the size of the board (e.g. to create a 9 by 9 board, we call create_board(9)).

You should carefully decide the data structure to be used as well as the values to be stored to represent the unoccupied intersections of the grid.


您在这里的任务是编写 create_board(size) 函数,其中 size 是棋盘的大小(例如,要创建一个 9x9 的棋盘,我们调用 create_board(9))。


This function returns the data structure which will be used to keep track of the occupancy status of the intersections on the board. The occupancy status of the intersections for the newly created board should all be unoccupied.


3.3. Is the target position occupied?

3.3. 目标位置是否被占用?

The purpose of this function is to examine whether a specific position on the board is occupied by a stone. Your task is to write a function is_occupied(board, x, y) where board is the current state of the board, x is the row index and y is the column index.

这个函数的目的是检查棋盘上特定位置是否被棋子占据。你的任务是编写一个函数 is_occupied(board, x, y),其中 board 是当前棋盘的状态,x 是行索引,y 是列索引。

Here, you can assume that x and y are both valid numeric indices (i.e., both x and y are greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than the size of the board).

在这里,你可以假设 xy 都是有效的数值索引(即,xy 都大于或等于 0,且小于棋盘的尺寸)。

This function returns a boolean value of either True or False.

这个函数返回一个布尔值,可以是 True(真)或 False(假)。

3.4. Placing a Stone at a Specific Intersection

3.4. 在特定交叉点放置一颗棋子

Now we want to replicate placing a stone on the board. Your task is to write a function place_on_board(board, stone, position) which:

现在我们想要复制将一块石头放在棋盘上的操作。你的任务是编写一个函数**place_on_board(board, stone, position)**,该函数需要:

You will need to invoke functions implemented in previous steps.


3.5. Printing the Board

3.5. 打印棋盘

In order for players to know the states of the current boards, there needs to be a way to visualise the board. Your task here is to write a function print_board(board):

为了让玩家了解当前棋盘的状态,需要一种将棋盘可视化的方法。你在这里的任务是编写一个函数 print_board(board)

An empty 9 * 9 board printed by this function
An empty 9 * 9 board printed by this function
A 9 * 9 board with both players placing two stones printed by this function
A 9 * 9 board with both players placing two stones printed by this function

3.6. Check Available Moves

3.6. 检查可行动作

The purpose of this function is to find out whether there are available moves on the board. Your task is to write a function check_available_moves(board) where board is the current state of the board.


This function returns the available moves as a list of tuples where each tuple represents a position on the board, e.g., [(“0”, “A”), (“3”, “D”)]. If the board is full, return an empty list.

该函数将可用移动作为元组列表返回,其中每个元组表示棋盘上的一个位置,例如,[("0", "A"), ("3", "D")]。如果棋盘已满,请返回一个空列表。

You will need to invoke functions implemented in previous steps.


3.7. Check for the Winner

3.7. 检查获胜者

The purpose of this function is to identify the winner of the game. A winning condition is achieved when one of the players successfully forms a continuous line of five stones in their colour, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Your task is to write a function check_for_winner(board) :

该函数的目的是识别游戏的获胜者。当玩家之一成功地在水平、垂直或对角线上以其颜色成功形成连续的五颗棋子时,就实现了获胜条件。您的任务是编写一个名为 check_for_winner(board) 的函数:

3.8. Random Computer Player

3.8. 随机计算机玩家

The purpose of this function is to implement a computer opponent. The computer opponent will counter the player by randomly selecting one of the available moves around the player’s previous move. For example:


When the player places the stone at (“4”, “E”), the green spots surrounding the player stone suggest the moves the computer player can choose from. From these green spots, the computer player can only choose one of the spots that are unoccupied.

当玩家将石子放置在("4", "E")位置时,围绕玩家石子的绿色区域提示了电脑玩家可以选择的移动方式。从这些绿色区域中,电脑玩家只能选择其中一个尚未被占据的位置。

When the player places the stone at (“0”, “A”), the green spots surrounding the player stone suggest the available moves for the computer player to choose from. Note that, same as previously mentioned, the computer player can only choose one of the green spots that are unoccupied.


When the player places the stone at (“2”, “A”), the computer player can only choose one of unoccupied spots from the green spots surrounding the player stone as shown in the figure.

当玩家将棋子放置在("2", "A")位置时,计算机玩家只能在图中所示的绿色区域周围的未占据位置中选择一个。

The available moves for the computer player are based on both the player’s previous move and the availability of that move’s surrounding positions. Your task here is to implement the function random_computer_player(board,player_move):

计算机玩家的可用移动是基于玩家先前的移动和该移动周围位置的可用性。你在这里的任务是实现函数 random_computer_player(board,player_move)

You will need to invoke functions implemented in previous steps.


3.9. Play Game

The purpose of this function is to manage all aspects of the game play. You should invoke all functions implemented in previous steps here. Your task is to implement the function play_game():

这个函数的目的是管理游戏玩法的各个方面。你应该在这里调用之前步骤中实现的所有函数。你的任务是实现函数 play_game()

For this function, you will need to validate the inputs from the users and provide meaningful instructional messages. You will need to ensure a clear logic for the implemented function.




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  • 0
  • 0
  • 按正序
  • 按倒序
  • 按热度